"The learned Don Fum’s chart will stand thee by like a safe and trusty counsellor. Remember, little baron, the motto of the Trumps, Per Ardua ad Astra—the pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers—but the comforting thought shall ever be mine, that when thy keen intelligence fails, Bulger’s unerring instinct will be there to guide thee.”
"come into possession of a fifteenth-century manuscript from the pen of a no less celebrated thinker and philosopher than the learned Spaniard, Don Constantino Bartolomeo Strepholofidgeguaneriusfum, commonly known among scholars as Don Fum, entitled “A World within a World."
I didn't do the names forward and backward last time. This time I will to see if I can make out anything I'd left out the first time to help me figure out more.
DON FUM is Muf Nod
Don Fum's full name is Don Constantino Bartolomeo Strepholofidgeguaneriusfum
don | name forward | |
don | ||
don | ||
don | Department Of the Navy | |
don | Donald | |
don | Dead of Night (gaming clans) | |
don | Double or Nothing | |
don | Director Of Nursing | |
don | Department of Navy | |
don | Donnerstag (German: Thursday) | |
don | Determination of Need (various locations) | |
don | Department of Neighborhoods (various locations) | |
don | Deoxynivalenol | |
don | Digital Overlay Network | |
don | Digital Optical Network | |
don | Declaration of Neutrality (Cyber Nations) | |
Description of Need | ||
Delivery Order Number | ||
Dysbaric Osteonecrosis (biology) | ||
Document Order Number | ||
Donation | ||
Dragons of Norrath (online role-playing game) | ||
Delo Osobennogo Nablyudeniya (Russian: special surveillance file; KGB slang)
| ||
De Origin Noble (of Noble Origin; title of address) | ||
Dissolved Organic Nitrogen | ||
FUM | Friends United Meeting (Richmond, Indiana, USA) | |
FUM | Forum Urbain Mondial (French: World Urban Forum) | |
FUM | Fonctions d'Urgence en Mer (French: Emergeny Fuctions at Sea; Canada) | |
FUM | Funds Under Management | |
FUM | Félag um Menntarannsóknir (Icelandic educational association) | |
FUM | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Mashhad, Iran) | green university |
FUM | Foyers Universitaires Malgaches (Madagascar university homes) | |
FUM | Follow Up Meeting | |
FUM | Freight Under Management | |
FUM | Follow-Up Measure | |
FUM | Friends of Urambo and Mwanhala (Tanzania charity) | |
FUM | Fermi-Ulam Model | |
FUM | Functional User's Manual | |
FUM | Falkenau, Ullman & Murray (Irish musical group; Ireland) | |
FUM | Full Unified Messaging | |
FUM | Fresh, Unique, Meaningful Content (website component) | |
CON | Confidence (as in con game) | |
CON | Contrast (TV) | |
CON | Convict | |
CON | Control | |
CON | Certificate Of Need (healthcare) | |
CON | Connection | |
CON | Continued | |
CON | Convention | |
CON | Conclusion | |
CON | Controlled | |
CON | Constitution | |
CON | Console (Includes Keyboard & Screen) | |
CON | Continuous | |
CON | Conductor | |
CON | Conventional | |
CON | Concrete (survey) | |
CON | Conservation (politics) | |
CON | Conjunction | |
CON | Conservative Party | |
CON | Confirmed | |
CON | Consul | |
CON | Conviction | |
CON | College of Nursing (various locations) | |
CON | Consolidated | |
CON | Creatures of the Night | |
CON | Chronicles of Narnia (book & movie series) | |
CON | Contingency | |
CON | Conical | |
CON | Casino on Net | |
CON | Conseco (insurance) | |
CON | Commonwealth of Nations | |
CON | Champions of Norrath (game) | |
CON | Conservatorium of Music | |
CON | Call of Nature | |
CON | Console | |
CON | Configuration File | |
CON | Coniunx (Latin: Consort) | |
CON | Certificate of Networthiness (USAF system certification) | |
CON | Clan Ohne Namen (gaming clan) | |
CON | Chips on the Net | |
CON | Computer Output Notification | |
CON | PeakSimple Control (file extension) | |
CON | Constraint Oriented Notation | |
Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (Indonesian: State College of Accountancy)
| |
STAN | Stanchion | |
STAN | Standard Man (human patient simulator) | |
STAN | Stärke- und Ausrüstungsnachweis (German) | |
STAN | SEMCIP Technical Assistance Network | |
STAN | System Trace Audit Number | |
STAN | Star Trek Area Network | |
STAN | State of Hawaii Tele-Health Access Network | |
Tino | Island situated in Liguian Sea |
UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Acronym | Definition | |
BART | Bay Area Rapid Transit (San Francisco, CA) | |
BART | Baronet (title of nobility below baron) | |
BART | Best Available Retrofit Technology | |
BART | Benchmark for Animated Ray Tracing | |
BART | Bootable Antivirus and Recovery Tools | |
BART | Bandwidth Available in Real-Time (networks) | |
BART | Biological Activity Reaction Test | |
BART | Balloon Analog Risk Task | |
BART | Bay Area Rural Transit (Ashland, WI) | |
BART | Bootable Antivirus Recovery Tool (software) | |
BART | Branson Area Regional Tourism (Branson, MO) | |
BART | Basic Arrhythmia Recognition and Treatment (certification) | |
BART | Big Ass Red Truck (slang for a fire truck) | |
BART | Brain Attack Response Team |
bart lab https://www.bartlab.org/
BART | Biomedical and Robotics Technology (Lab; Mahidol University, Thailand) | |
BART | Billing and Analysis Reporting Tool (NASA) | |
BART | Butterfly Analysis and Review Test | |
BART | Basic Application Run Time (IBM, OS/2) | |
OLO | Ohio Light Opera | |
OLO | Online Ordering | |
OLO | Opera Lyra Ottawa (Canada) | |
OLO | Other Licensed Operator | |
OLO | Olomouc, Czech Republic (airport code) | |
OLO | Office of the Leader of the Opposition (Canadian Parliament) | |
Oeufs Lait Oranges (French: eggs, milk and oranges, a Canadian charity assisting pregnant women)
| |
OLO | Orange Lutheran Online (Orange Lutheran High School, Orange, CA) | |
OLO | Other Local Operator | |
OLO | Obligations Linéaires Ordinaires (French: Linear Ordinary Bonds) | |
OLO | Only Laughed Once | |
OLO | Optical Local Oscillator | |
OLO | Ontario l'Original Railway | |
OLO | Optimal Linear Ordering | |
OLO | Old Lewesians Organisation (UK) | |
OLO | Other Learning Opportunities (El Paso, TX) | |
OLO | Ohio Light Opera | |
OLO | Online Ordering | |
OLO | Opera Lyra Ottawa (Canada) | |
OLO | Other Licensed Operator | |
OLO | Olomouc, Czech Republic (airport code) | |
OLO | Office of the Leader of the Opposition (Canadian Parliament) | |
Oeufs Lait Oranges (French: eggs, milk and oranges, a Canadian charity assisting pregnant women)
| |
OLO | Orange Lutheran Online (Orange Lutheran High School, Orange, CA) | |
OLO | Other Local Operator | |
OLO | Obligations Linéaires Ordinaires (French: Linear Ordinary Bonds) | |
OLO | Only Laughed Once | |
OLO | Optical Local Oscillator | |
OLO | Ontario l'Original Railway | |
OLO | Optimal Linear Ordering | |
OLO | Old Lewesians Organisation (UK) | |
OLO | Other Learning Opportunities (El Paso, TX) | |
MEO | Medium-Earth Orbit | |
MEO | Medical Education Online | |
MEO | Marine Engineer Officer | |
MEO | My Eyes Only (software) | |
MEO | Middle Earth Orbit | |
MEO | Military Equal Opportunity | |
MEO | Most Efficient Organization | |
MEO | Marketing Executive Officer (various companies) | |
MEO | Meteoroid Environment Office (US NASA) | |
MEO | Mediated Electrochemical Oxidation | |
MEO | Middle Earth Online (game) | |
MEO | Marine Enforcement Officer | |
MEO | Middle East Operations (corporate position) | |
MEO | Major Engine Overhaul | |
MEO | My Expert Opinion | |
MEO | Middle Ear Obliteration | |
MEO | Multiple Equipment Order | |
MEO | Mars Environmental Observer | |
MEO | Middle East Observatory (Montreal, Canada) | |
MEO | Marine Engineering Operations | |
MEO | Montreal Earth Observatory (Canada) | |
MEO | Maintenance Engineering Order | |
MEO | Maximum Eye Opening | |
MEO | Maintenance Engineering Operations (AMSEC) | |
MEO | Mass in Earth Orbit | |
MEO | Mental Exchange Organization | |
MEO | Medium Elliptical Orbit | |
MEO | Marine Emergency Organisation | |
MEO | Major Equipment Operator | |
MEO | Motive Equipment Operator | |
MEO | Manned Earth Orbit | |
MEO | Momentary Engine Overspeed | |
MEO | Mechanical Equipment Operator | |
MEO | Manned Extra-vehicular Operation | |
Acronym | Definition | |
Specific Targeted Research Project
| |
holo | high order low order | |
Acronym | Definition | |
FID | Festival Internacional de Diseno (Spanish: International Design Festival) | |
FID | Flame Ionization Detector | |
FID | Flat Incline Decline (exercise equipment) | |
FID | Feathered Kid (birds) | |
FID | Financial Institutions Development | |
Fédération Internationale du Diabète (French: International Diabetes Federation)
| |
FID | Federated Identity Service (computing) | |
FID | Free Induction Decay | |
FID | Foreign Internal Defense | |
FID | Frequency Id | |
FID | Filter Identifier | |
FID | Format Indicator | |
FID | File Identifier Descriptor | |
FID | Face ID (Identification; Apple iPhone) | |
FID | Fiducial | |
FID | Final Investment Decision | |
FID | Financial Investment Decision (various organizations) | |
FID | Fur Is Dead | |
FID | Firearms Identification (card) | |
FID | Foire Internationale du Dessin (French: International Exhibition of Drawing) | |
FID | Financial Institutions Duty (Australia) | |
FID | Fault Isolation Device | |
FID | Federation Internationale de Documentation | |
FID | Format Identifier | |
FID | Fédération Internationale d'information et de Documentation | |
FID | Field Identifier | |
FID | Feature Identification | |
Fonds d'Intervention pour le Développement (French: Development Intervention Fund; Madagascar)
| |
FID | Fixed Income Division | |
FID | Fremantle International Distribution | |
FID | Format Identification | |
FID | Finished Inside Depth (engineering tolerance) | |
FID | First in Defense (motto/nickname for USS Forrestal) | |
FID | Foreign Income Dividend | |
FID | File Identifier Descriptor (CD-R) | |
FID | Frequency Identifier (computing) | |
FID | Function Identifier | |
FID | Frame Identifier | |
Federacion Internacional de Domino (Spanish: International Domino Federation)
| |
Formación Integral Docente (Spanish: Comprehensive Teacher Training; Chile)
| |
FID | Field Interface Device | |
FID | Force Identification | |
Fondation Internationale pour Le Développement (French: International Foundation for Development)
| |
FID | From Invoice Date | |
FID | Fault Insertion Device | |
FID | Federal Identifier | |
FID | Format Identification Data | |
FID | Fault Isolation Detection | |
FID | Forest Inspection Division | |
FID | Fault Isolation Diagnostics | |
FID | Force Integration Division (usually in G3 Operations office) | |
FID | Failure Identifier | |
FID | Feature Identification Data | |
FID | Flight Instrumentation Division | |
FID | Foreign Intelligence Defense | |
FID | Functional Interface Document | |
FID | Functional Interface Drawing | |
FID | Fixed Induction Date (US DoD) | |
FID | Field Induction Date | |
FID | Fully Integrated Delivery | |
FID | Fault Indicator Directory | |
FID | Foreign Identification Designator (munitions) | |
Acronym | Definition | |
GEG | Global Environmental Governance (project) | |
GEG | Spokane, WA, USA - International/Geiger Field (Airport Code) | |
GEG | German Elite Ghosts (online gaming clan) | |
GEG | Generating Economic Growth | |
GEG | Geotechnical Engineers and Geologists | |
GEG | Generic Element Generator | |
UA | United Artists | |
UA | United Airlines | |
UA | Universidad de Alicante (Spain) | |
UA | User Agent (web browser) | |
UA | University of Arizona | |
UA | University of Alabama | |
UA | Ukraine (ISO Country Identifier) | |
UA | University of Akron (Ohio) | |
UA | User Assistance | |
UA | Under Armour (stock symbol) | |
UA | University of Alaska | |
UA | Unified Architecture (open connectivity) | |
UA | United Arrows (Japan) | |
UA | University of Arkansas | |
UA | Routine (pilot report message type) | |
UA | Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) | |
UA | User Agreement | |
UA | Unavailable | |
UA | Urinalysis | |
UA | Urban Area | |
UA | University Archives | |
UA | User Account | |
UA | University of Aveiro (Portugal) | |
UA | Upper Air | |
UA | University of Antwerp | |
UA | Und Andere (German: and others) | |
UA | Upper Arlington (Ohio) | |
UA | Unter Anderem (German: Among Other Things) | |
UA | User Authentication | |
UA | Unmanned Aircraft | |
UA | Unattended | |
UA | Under Age | |
UA | Unarmed (gaming) | |
UA | Universiteit Antwerpen (Dutch: University of Antwerp; Belgium) | |
UA | User Acquisition | |
UA | University of Alberta | |
UA | Unstable Angina | |
UA | User Application (software) | |
UA | University at Albany (SUNY) | |
UA | Unique Advantage (staffing) | |
UA | Urine Analysis | |
UA | Upper Arm | |
UA | Unfair Advantage (CSI Data) | |
UA | Unit Area | |
UA | Unitary Authority (local government area, UK) | |
UA | University of Aberdeen (UK) | |
UA | User Area | |
UA | Unauthorized Absence (Article 86 UCMJ) | |
UA | Unaddressed | |
UA | Underactive | |
UA | User Activity | |
UA | Unit of Action | |
UA | Unit of Action (US Army) | |
UA | Unintended Acceleration (automobiles) | |
UA | Umbilical Artery | |
UA | Unique Address | |
UA | Unarmored (gaming) | |
UA | Microampere (electronics) | |
UA | Uto-Aztecan (language) | |
UA |
Uniform Act (Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, as amended)
| |
UA | Units of Account (banking) | |
UA | Underground Atlanta | |
UA | Unique Applications | |
UA | Uterine Activity | |
UA | Uniform Allowance | |
UA | Universal Assessment | |
UA |
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (Union)
| |
UA | Université d'Angers (French: University of Angers) | |
UA | Unit Administrator (military term) | |
UA | Unnumbered Acknowledge (telecommunications) | |
UA | Unnumbered Acknowledgment | |
UA | Université d'Avignon (French: University of Avignon) | |
UA | Urban Animal | |
UA | User Agency | |
UA | Ultimate Adventures | |
UA | University of the Arctic | |
UA | Unit Administration | |
UA | Update Analysis | |
UA | Universal Adversary | |
UA | Universal Architecture | |
UA | Universidade da Amazônia (Brasil) | |
UA | Unbelievably Amazing | |
UA | Utility Accrual | |
UA | Unbalanced Asynchronous | |
UA | Unequal Angle (mechanical material engineering) | |
UA | Uracil-Adenine (RNA base pairing) | |
UA | Ultimate Adversaries (D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook) | |
UA | Urauffuhrung (German: World Premiere) | |
UA | Unmarried America | |
UA | Últimos Adictos (Guatemala rock group) | |
UA | Unable to Approve Arrival for the Time Specified | |
UA |
Harley-Davidson World War II 74 cubic inch V-twin military motorcycle model
| |
UA | Unnecessary Acronym | |
UA | University of California Audits | |
UA | Underwriters Accepted | |
UA |
Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Suomeksi) (Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation, aka: FFTAF)
| |
UA | Universal Anesthesia | |
Acronym | Definition | |
NERI | National Environmental Research Institute | |
NERI | Nuclear Energy Research Initiative | |
NERI | New England Research Institutes (Watertown, MA) | |
NERI | Nagano Economic Research Institute (Nagano, Japan) | |
National Economic Research Institute (China Reform Foundation; Beijing, China)
| |
NERI | New River Gorge National River (US National Park Service) | |
National Employee Rights Institute (now Workplace Fairness; Washington, DC)
| |
US | United States | |
US | United States (top level domain) | |
US | University School (Ohio) | |
US | Under Study | |
US | Up Stage | |
US | Upper School | |
US | Upper Stage | |
US | Universal Studios | |
US | University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia) | |
US | Usual Stuff (polite form) | |
US | Uncle Sam | |
US | University of Saskatchewan | |
US | University of Sussex (UK) | |
US | US Airways | |
US | Upstream | |
US | Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) | |
US | Ultrasound | |
US | Ultimate Six (book) | |
US | Usher Syndrome | |
US | Undersea | |
US | University of Stellenbosch | |
US | United States Supreme Court Decisions | |
US | Ultrasonography | |
US | Unit Specification | |
US | Microsecond | |
US | Unserviceable | |
US | Unconditioned Stimulus (psychology) | |
US | Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) | |
US | Université de Strasbourg (French: University of Strasbourg) | |
US | User Segment | |
US | Unit Strength (gaming) | |
US | Unit Separator | |
US | Underspeed (US Space Program) | |
US | Université du Sud (French: University of the South) | |
US | Universiteit van Stellenbosch (University of Stellenbosch) | |
US | Ut Supra (Latin: As Above) | |
US | Freedom Union (Czech Republic) | |
US | Ubi Supra (Latin: Where Above Mentioned) | |
US | Utilisateurs Simultanés (Informatique) | |
US | Uniwersytet Szczecinski (Polish: University of Szczecin) | |
US | United Soldiers (Raven Shield gaming clan) | |
US | Underwriting Screen (insurance) | |
US | Unitary Symmetry | |
US | Université Savoie (France) | |
US | UberSoft, Inc. | |
FUM | Friends United Meeting (Richmond, Indiana, USA) | |
FUM | Forum Urbain Mondial (French: World Urban Forum) | |
FUM | Fonctions d'Urgence en Mer (French: Emergeny Fuctions at Sea; Canada) | |
FUM | Funds Under Management | |
FUM | Félag um Menntarannsóknir (Icelandic educational association) | |
FUM | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Mashhad, Iran) | |
FUM | Foyers Universitaires Malgaches (Madagascar university homes) | |
FUM | Follow Up Meeting | |
FUM | Freight Under Management | |
FUM | Follow-Up Measure | |
FUM | Friends of Urambo and Mwanhala (Tanzania charity) | |
FUM | Fermi-Ulam Model | |
FUM | Functional User's Manual | |
FUM | Falkenau, Ullman & Murray (Irish musical group; Ireland) | |
FUM | Full Unified Messaging | |
FUM | Fresh, Unique, Meaningful Content (website component) |
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