Sunday, March 14, 2021

Bringing C o v i d into perspective on the way I see it in the cipher

 I had to come back and make this note: This is a long post that I've poured 10-12 hours into -with so many interruptions I could promise something didn't want me to write this, You will not have time to get through it all in one night. Please bookmark this page and go through all of the information if you are seeking to make an informed decision about whether or not you should receive the CV19 vaccination. My personal conjecture couldn't be avoided. Thank you for reading. I pray it blesses you. Carmen

Since May of 2019, we've heard about Covid 19 in every aspect of our daily lives. Everywhere we go and everything we look at is about Covid-19. With media coverage saying it's so bad, I'd think I'd know at least one person who contracted it. Yet, I personally don't know anyone whatsoever. I do however know people who were told they had Covid and didn't even receive the test for it! Odd right? I've also heard online claims from social media associates that their family members have had covid and died. But, later found out that they were already compromised and if they would've contracted the swine flu (per'se) the outcome would've been the same. 

Covid's led me to pose some questions over the last year for a number of reasons. Of which I would like to address in this post.  Are people losing their homes, businesses, and overall livelihood because of this global pandemic or is there something else happening that we should take into consideration? Why is there a global push for a vaccine that doesn't even protect you from getting the virus? Are we hearing the truth from the media? Is there a hidden truth behind this vaccination that's clearly being pushed so hard across the globe that it's been said that vaccine refusers could be "banned from flying, as well as entering restaurants, shops, and other venues?" They say it's totally up to you to take it. Yet, the narrative seems to want to push it onto us? I hope by the end of this post to answer all these questions and then some. So you may see what the real deal behind Covid-19 is.

Guess it be best to come straight out and tell you my personal stance. If it boiled down to me not being able to buy, sell, or trade would I take the vaccine? Absolutely not! I'd allow them to kill me before I broke down and said, "yes, administer your jab." What many don't know is once you get the vax there's no turning back. It can't be detoxed and it does in fact change your DNA. But, if you do a google search asking if it changes your DNA they lie and say it doesn't. For the most part, my opinion is nothing and what I decide for me may not be what you decide for yourself. 

Whatever you decide. Please, make an informed decision. 

I believe the people who are getting this vaccination are doing so because of false sets of information (and I don't stand alone on this assessment) and after reviewing all the information presented here you may feel the same. It's my personal conviction to stand up for people being forced to take the vaccine and inform anyone that I can about the following information. This vaccine has some very serious issues surrounding it. 

In my writing this. I've found I've had to kinda jump around to address all the questions any one person would have from health to conspiracies and I've of course put my personal conjecture. But, don't let that stop you from reading. I'm not a journalist. I write for the heck of it to share my personal testimony. This topic has many serious issues from media coverage, to historical relationships, and of course, everyday stories that not one of us can dismiss.

Months ago I began noticing that if you post anything negative about this virus on Facebook, Twitter, or even Tik Tok your labeled, flagged, and possibly removed. Months ago a friend on Facebook began posting random sets of information pertaining to this virus. One post consisted of an Indiana nurse who took the shot on Jan. 4 who shook violently the entire time. In another post, a lady in a hospital setting is also shaking violently. In a post on Tik Tok Khalilah Mitchell posted a claim she was a nurse who was ordered to take the shot and upon getting the shot she develops Bell's palsy. Her statement "they don't care about us" really hit me hard. Unfortunately, her video has been scrubbed and I can't link it here. But, the linked article provides more information on this Nashville nurses testimonial. Finally, in another post (that I can't find either) a nurse in a nursing home claimed she was ordered to not do the proper paperwork for her patients and to also not mention CVS administered the shot to those who were even refusing to get it. 

Sadly, these few stories don't appear to be isolated events. Each one of the nurses mentioned was otherwise healthy and was ordered to take the vaccine because of their professions. As you can see from the videos they developed a condition that changed their lives forever. Now, this decision to put the "job first" cost them their livelihoods. This concerns me because of the people I know in the profession. Should they be forced to take this vaccine? That's not only what's happening. It's seriously what our future holds with the current route this situation is advancing in. What's worse is the backlash they've received for speaking out! It's been said, one of the nurses ordered her son to take down all the videos because they were receiving vicious threats. The other nurse made another video claiming people were calling her a liar. Stating she made up the whole story. Articles flooding internet searches are claiming these women are spreading falsehoods and there's zero evidence the vaccine caused their issues (linked at the bottom) as if people don't know their bodies? These situations remind me of CoIntelPro's activity guidelines

From my perspective. If you say anything that deviates from the narrative media holds you will be banned from whatever platform you posted on, spoken of negatively by the media, and blacklisted. Platforms claim they're doing this to keep people from getting false information. Is that true? And if it isn't what is the big deal?

Reporters are making claims as to how governments are hiding information from them and the citizens regarding Covid statistics. Members of American Frontline Doctors have been labeled "whack-jobs, "conspiracy nuts", and worse treated with contempt in the medical profession for their take on this "viral pandemic". I also found in my studies they've been threatened to lose their license if they didn't shut up. Just like Dr. Scott Jensen who recently reported he was exonerated of charges brought up against him for speaking out. I couldn't help but ask myself. Why is that? Why would those who contest the science, challenge the narrative, and speak out against it be so heavily targeted and threatened? It almost seemed to me the media was going out of their way to label people crazy and social platforms are banning vital information to keep people from investigating. Could this be the case? If it is. Why is it so? 

Do a search on American frontline doctors and hundreds of articles bashing them pop up. I visited their web address and see they claim you can be assured: "you're not getting information that is politicized or corrupted." Why do doctors feel the healthcare industry is controlled by politics and even corrupted? As for me it became apparent we're in an information war at the very least and CV19 so happens to be the epicenter of it. I can assure you there are stacks of information to disseminate and the media isn't reporting in a manner that would cause you to question everything about it. There has to be a reason for this. It's almost understandable how people are running to get this shot without dissecting it all. Or even knowing this information exists. That's where my frustration with media comes in. I honestly feel they should be ashamed of themselves for not covering these truths in their programs in a similar manner to my post today. 

You'd think we could trust our President to have our best interests in mind when it boils down to it right? Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki was caught lying when she claimed the vaccines are FDA approved. The three vaccines are not FDA approved! Click here to view and see the fact check on it. So why did she lie? What would she have to gain? And why has she not corrected that lie publicly? Personally, I'd say she's getting some kinda financial kickback for speaking these falsehoods to the people so they will do the natural thing and trust their leaders. Essentially falling for it. Because of a grandiose scheme to depopulate. 

WAIT! I know what your thinking. Not another conspiracy theory! But please! Hear me out fully **and research the contents of this post** before you close this page down.  

Did you know 90% of the media is owned and operated by 6 families that are globalists? Are you aware of what it means to be a globalist? Let me sum it up for anyone who doesn't know. Globalists believe the world is simply overpopulated and depopulation measures should be taken in order to combat the carbon footprint man leaves. In layman's terms, they feel as if their wise enough to determine who lives and who dies.  Any one of us can see this agenda by simply looking at the Georgia Guidestones (that was built on government property). In the first commandment, it states "get and keep the world population at half a billion people". So, let me ask you this, with over 7 billion people in the world today how do they plan to achieve that? Is this important to know when it comes to deciding whether or not you need to be vaccinated? I will let you determine that. 

Back in 2017, I'd heard a claim that put out a population expectation report for the years up to 2025 and they estimated 227 million Americans would no longer be on American soil. Upon vetting that I found it was true! So what happened to these Americans? What did the military-industrial complex know then?

Could it have anything to do with these factors?  

The World Bank issued pandemic bonds in 2017, In Oct. 2019 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and hosted Event 201. USA Today claims that was false even though the website for event 201 clearly says this is true. So why is Bill Gates denying he hosted the event? In June 2001 operation dark winter transpired. All of these events were to prepare for a future event. Oddly, that future event seems to be what we are dealing with now. 

Bill Gates "if we do a good job on vaccines we can lower the population by"

Because of these known actions of corporations with lots of control. I can honestly say I was awaiting this long before it happened. Heck, I'd been warning people of it to come! So when people started posting on it. I was not surprised. It's not difficult to get an in-depth look at the agenda. It is however hard for many to conceive it.  

Reinette Senums has a program where she brought Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on to explain how the depopulation of covid vaccines will start working in 3 to 6 months. Click here for this scary truth. The one-hour three-minute video buffers like no tomorrow. But, if you're considering getting the jab your patience is well worth the view. You can thank censorship for the buffering. They bank on people getting frustrated. In turn, they quit watching (how evil). Dr. Tenpenny was also featured on Daystar talking about the negative effects of all vaccines. If you've ever taken a flu shot you may find it hard to believe. But do the homework. Her 20 years of study, thousands of hours of research, and medical background aren't to be overlooked, my friends. In the video linked she stated, "in 30 days we have over 40,000 adverse reactions, 3,100 cases of anaphylactic shock, over 5,000 neurological reactions". 

The idea that she isn't the only one talking out about it, and others are saying their negative outlooks on the vax is a conspiracy, is so paramount we can't let that fact slide under the rug. In fact, doctor Dr. Scott Jensen, whom I previously mentioned posting on Tik Tok --that's recently been threatened to have his license revoked for speaking against this pandemic-- has been very critical of Minnesota's response to the pandemic. In interviews on Fox News and other media outlets, he questioned federal guidelines and the reporting of CV-19 deaths.  You can view his tik tok thread here.  

Dr. Simone Gold, “America's Frontline Doctor” is under vicious attack, after leading the fight to save innocent lives and expose massive medical disinformation. In this articleDr. Joe Schwarcz (a supporter of the vaccines) says "back away" from Dr. Lee Merritt an American orthopedic surgeon. He goes on to tell us "when it comes to the science of COVID-19, she is a bumbling neophyte". He also goes on to explain how she's "conspiracy-minded" and tries to dog her out by relating her take on vaccines to a ridiculous assumption of the "Illuminati's" plan to depopulate. The problem I see here is. Would it be ridiculous if it were true?

In this same article, Dr. Schwarcz hails Dr. Fauci as having "solid scientific findings". But, according to America's frontline doctors, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Merritt, Judy Mikovitch, and countless others say this simply isn't true. There's also this issue with Dr. Fauci. having invested in the Wuhan lab long before the outbreak began. What does he have to benefit from his investment? Could it be related to the pandemic bonds?

I decided to use this article (linked above) Dr. Schwarcz published because it encompasses everything the whole narrative is about. Everyone who comes up against the media's take is labeled and ridiculed and those who agree with the science are hailed and given monetary awards? Dr. Schwarcz says Dr. Gold's statements about the vaccine aren't true. He says she "trots out the usual nonsensical trope about 99% of infections by the virus being harmless. While it is true that most infected people experience mild or moderate symptoms, roughly 10-15% progress to serious disease and about 5% become critically ill. In some cases, symptoms can linger for months, maybe even years." Dr. Gold is noted by Dr. Schwarcz as saying 99% of infection by the virus is harmless but claims her statement isn't true because "roughly 10-15% progress to serious disease and about 5% become critically ill". Is his statement true? Anyone considering getting the shot should seriously want to know. So let's analyze this.

According to the MAYO CLINIC the most common signs and symptoms that **linger over time** are as follows:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain

Other long-term signs and symptoms may include:

  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Memory, concentration, or sleep problems
  • Rash or hair loss
These are big enough issues to consider protecting yourself against. And for that reason alone I could see why people would want to ensure they're protected in the event of... 

But, we all gotta ask ourselves. What are the odds of contracting the covid 19 in the first place, and if you were to contract the virus, what are the odds you'd develop any of these long-term symptoms / die? Leave it to the media and governments and we're all gonna die if we don't get this vaccine. 

There are two problems with answering this question outright. 1. is the false reports. Many people are saying their family was labeled Covid-19 as the cause of death when they didn't have it (links to cases below). And recall I'd mentioned knowing a gal that went to the hospital and was labeled COVID but she wasn't even tested? 2. The false reports are being debunked by those who control the narrative. So what is true? 

According to current statistics, only the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are the biggest risks. Do you fall into this category? If not. Your chances of catching this virus are slim to none. For the sake of argument **in favor of protecting yourself** let's just say you're like me in that your immunity is compromised. The next thing to think about is the vaccine. What are the benefits? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Although I'm not qualified in medicine or anything close to such. I do know we all are born with something called an immune system; after all my immunity is compromised. So consider this in your quest to determine if you should take the jab. I've not caught Covid 19, I'm also at higher risk because I'm Hispanic, and I have a compromised immune system; nor do I wear a mask. 

Science available at this time tells us those who progress to something more severe already have existing health issues and they derive this from the history of SARS COV2. In 2003 an outbreak of SARS killed a little over 700 people. Could it be from those data-sets they were able to work out what pandemic bonds specifics worked out better? If Cov-19 is simply another variant of SARS how come the world doesn't have SARS now? Think about it. All the science is coming from past science of sars, and the story goes, CV-19 is endemic but could lessen over time. Newly generated compiling data-sets claim the rate and it's been 18 years since the first Sars outbreak? Where is the science to prove any of the claims the press meetings cover? That science is from previous studies on other viruses! Scientists admit openly there's not enough information on this variant. They're relying on the science of SARS to make their projections. There's so much wrong with this picture I don't know I could capture it all here on paper.  To make matters worse. There's a patent on this virus and although Moderna's vaccine is free, it's generated more than 29 Billion dollars in less than a year. How do they patent, research, and develop something they know little of?

According to the CDC website. "There are several different types of vaccines in development." All of them "teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19." None of these vaccines are approved by the FDA 

According to BBC those who catch the virus appear to develop T cells to combat it. This means your body has the immunity needed to combat this virus without any help from Pfizer or Moderna. Taking the vaccine is only going to try to replace what your body can do alone. They put some fancy medical terminology on it and bank off people's fears. To further validate this assessment reported;  "among 175 recovered Covid-19 patients studied, 10 had no detectable neutralizing antibodies. Recovered patients at the other end of the spectrum had really high antibody levels." Those who got the vax had fewer T cells to fight the virus versus those that had the virus? Moderna tells the world otherwise in press releases but has provided zero data-sets to prove or validate claims. And they say this will change over time as the protein advances eventually finishing the job of working on your DNA. 

Why would you want to mess with your immune system for something that lacks science? Haven't they been working on a flu vaccine that's simply never worked? Or even curing cancer that simply has never bared fruit? Why would anyone want to jump into getting a vaccine that's not FDA approved and has a slew of professionals fighting against it? At the very least we can see there's something wrong with this overall picture.

I can't find one reason I feel compelled to get this vaccine even with my compromised immunity. In fact, I've always been afraid of those things. The flu shot, for instance, Doc gives you the flu to keep you from getting the flu. Once you get the shot you're a carrier of the flu. You've got a "carrier" to the bug that can spread the virus. Having experienced catching the flu from a vaccinated co-worker. I can tell you first hand I've never had the flu so bad. It took me down for nearly two weeks and I was just in my mid 20's. There was no doubt about it. I contracted that from her. After that, you couldn't pay me to take any shots. In fact, I've got three kids and I went out of my way by having the religious exemption form for them. I consider myself lucky having heard from Jesse Ventura, prior governor of Minnesota, on conspiracy theories aired on FOX, the "conspiracy" behind it all that Dr. Tenpenny talks about in the two linked videos above. The money made it make sense to me and they took that show off the air so fast after that episode I had to make it my business to find out why. Please, make it your business to do the same.

Dr. Schwarcz basically laughed at the notion that anyone would conceive there was a grand scheme to depopulate. This is deflection at its finest. What's important to note here is there's a financial kickback for anyone who "pushes" pharmaceutical companies' agendas.

This is where the entire scheme of it all becomes complicated for me to explain. I'm going to try my best here. First, let me tell you there is no shortage of criminals in the United States or abroad. You can take an entire industry and fluff it up to be pretty on the outside and a little dirty on the inside without everyone even knowing the overall plan. Positions are compartmentalized for a good reason. The right hand never knows what the left hand is doing. Also, take into consideration that America is a corporation. Science is essentially funded by government grants and corporations doing research. Here we can say the government (corporations) would have an invested interest in enhancing their science. It generates a lot of money and to top it off they're able to chalk the advancements up to "helping" those less fortunate. In turn, generating even more money for having the "inside" on a technological advancement government will later fund to put in place. Is that what's really happening?

So here we should know a few more important details surrounding all of this pandemic. Remember I mentioned operation dark winter and event 201? Let's take a closer look at what those are together to be sure you're getting the bigger picture:

Event 201: According to the website this Oct. 2019 event "simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms."

Do you see anything odd about this? Does it not appear to you as if they planned this before it happened? What's more concerning is all the publications "debunking" the claim that Event 201 was essentially a predictor/preparation of Covid. Do they think we're stupid? This happened before the outbreak, months in advance (it would've taken a while to coordinate), and the narrative is exactly what's happening? Our science is based on SARS (just as the simulation). The virus was said to possibly be transmitted from bats to seafood and it's more transmissible in a community setting. Hence why everyone can't gather and needs to socially distance oneself?

Operation Dark Winter: According to their webpage: "On June 22-23, 2001, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention Terrorism, hosted a senior-level war game examining the national security, intergovernmental, and information challenges of a biological attack on the American homeland." What's important to take away from this knowledge is the need to have full control of how the media handles the outbreak. I believe we are seeing the results of that exercise via CV19 coverage. 

It may be good to know that Covid19 is considered biological warfare weapon. Also important to bring into the mix of all this is the wartime powers considered and implemented since the outbreak. 

With these very few factors we can easily surmise this is a previously modeled scenario with the intention of it happening. It wasn't a "what if" scenario. If that were the case so many wouldn't be heavily invested in it all. Following the narrative, we are told not to think anything about these facts. They're merely coincidental. And that's just another lie to continue forward with the narrative. 

Since we've determined CV19 is a biological weapon I think it wise to investigate further what this means. As I said governments (actually corporations) fund science research/developments. Because CV19 is a biological weapon it takes a "special lab" to test for all the antibodies. As reports here in this article the special laboratories required aren't tracked by any federal agency. But, one government program does track the research. Upon researching the provided link I get an error message. However, I decided to look into "select agents" and find this government program does funding for research and development.

Now, let's talk more about the vaccine. 

In December 2020, "two COVID-19 vaccines were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by FDA. Produced by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, both vaccines use the same technology (mRNA). In February 2021, a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Janssen Biotech, Inc. was granted an EUA by FDA."

Keep in mind the issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine. says "In an attempt to prevent the spread of disease and to control the pandemic, numerous COVID19 vaccine candidates are in development. These vaccines are based on different platforms including mRNA and DNA technologies and include viral vectored, subunit, inactivated, and live attenuated vaccines. Most COVID-19 candidate vaccines express the spike protein or parts of the spike protein, i.e., the receptor-binding domain (RBD), as the immunogenic determinant.

Pfizer, in partnership with BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, is developing a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 which is based on the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (S) antigen encoded by RNA and formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNP). The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (also referred to as BNT162b2) is administered intramuscularly as a 2-dose series spaced 21 days apart at a dose of 30 µg each.

The different platforms include mRNA 


DNA technologies....

If you ask google. Does the covid vaccine change your DNA? One of the many articles that first come up is out of FORBES. Here is what they tell you.

But there are crucial differences between DNA which carries all of the information we inherited from our parents and mRNA, which the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines are made of. DNA is double-stranded, very very long and bundled up tightly together inside a part of the cell called the nucleus. mRNA is a single-stranded copy of a small part of DNA, which is routinely made in the nucleus, but then released into the main part of the cell so that the instructions it carries can be ‘read’ and made into a variety of proteins needed by the cell.

mRNA is naturally made by the body, it encodes instructions for your body's cells to make protein. Any mRNA vaccine has the same purpose, to teach and train your body to make an immune response toward a particular pathogen, so if the pathogen gets into your body, your immune system can attack it,” said Riordan.

First off let's note mRNA is naturally made by the body. You don't need them to inject it into you! Forbes admits there are "crucial differences between DNA which carries all of the information we inherited from our parents and mRNA, which the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines are made of." Riordan proceeds to tell the public:

The vaccines are simply the recipe, injecting it into your arm is simply giving specific information to your cells and letting them read it. Your cells expertly assemble the tiny part of the Spike protein from ingredients and equipment which they already have. After this, the immune system quickly goes after the spike protein fragment, learning to build up a defense against the coronavirus, should it ever encounter it.

But we don’t normally have mRNA encoding Spike protein floating around in our cells, so what happens to the mRNA itself after its injected into you and your cells make the bit of spike protein that tips off your immune system?

“The mRNA from the vaccine is destroyed by the cell after the instructions are read,“ said Riordan

Riordan either doesn't know how to analyze his research properly, is paid to lie, or he simply doesn't understand. Whatever it may be...

This is NOT the truth... and if anyone tries t convince you it is. Here is your answer. 

NCBI report: "RNA is most closely associated with its role in the ‘central dogma’ of molecular biology, DNA→RNA→protein. That is, it carries genetic information from the gene to the translational machinery where it is decoded into proteins. However, RNA does not serve solely as a molecular middle-man in protein synthesis. Transfer RNAs drive the decoding of the mRNA and, perhaps most impressively, the peptidyl transferase reaction in protein synthesis is performed using an RNA-based active site in the ribosome. Spliceosomal snRNAs and snoRNAs are central players in pre-mRNA splicing and RNA modification, respectively. Small and large non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) serve as regulators of gene expression by a variety of mechanisms. In addition to these roles in protein production and gene regulation, many viruses use RNA as their genetic material. The unique functional adaptability of RNA is derived in part from its capacity to form elaborate structures. With its unique specificity and reversibility, RNA–RNA hybridization drives complex and dynamic tertiary structure formation in RNA. This review focuses on the discovery of novel functions for the RNA triple helix, a specific RNA tertiary interaction in which double-stranded RNA stems make hydrogen bond contacts with a third strand of RNA."

Just like Riordan claimed there's a "crucial difference" between what your body produces and what this vaccine can produce for you. So with that statement alone, there are changes happening in your body, from something foreign being administered to you. Period. Now, to point out something not so obvious. 

RNA "doesn't serve solely as a molecular middle-man in protein synthesis. Transfer RNAs drive the decoding of the mRNA and, perhaps most impressively, the peptidyl transferase reaction in protein synthesis is performed using an RNA-based active site in the ribosome. Spliceosomal snRNAs and snoRNAs are central players in pre-mRNA splicing and RNA modification, respectively

I bet it's all the technical medical jargon used. This is where compartmentalization of everything works out great. Cause most people automatically say, "I don't know what any of that means".I'm not sure why no-one would catch this but I did. RNA does a splicing and RNA modification. 

So what is that modification? The same NCBI publication tells us. "The ability of RNA to adopt a triple-helical confirmation was first reported in 1957 by Alexander Rich, Gary Felsenfeld, and David Davies."

It's the triple helix DNA. Remember in the FORBES article where Riordan said "mRNA is a single-stranded copy of a small part of DNA..." 

and the NCBI report says the "Spliceosomal snRNAs and snoRNAs are central players in pre-mRNA splicing and RNA modification, respectively."

as well as,

"This The poly(A)–poly(U) RNA triple helix is formed by conventional Watson-Crick base-pairing of poly(A) with poly(U), while the second strand of poly(U) interacts with the double-helix via Hoogsteen contacts in the major groove" 

What this boils down to is the mRNA protein created forms an extra strand of DNA. That DNA strand attaches itself to your DNA creating what's called a triple helix DNA. Then after it tells your body to rid the instructions. It replicates and does the same thing over and over until your DNA throughout your whole body has now what's called a triple helix DNA. 

So without this vaccine. You wouldn't ever have a triple helix DNA. EVER... Which says, "YES IT DOES CHANGE YOUR DNA" so Forbes is lying to you. In order to complete a recipe. You need to have all of its components. One lacking necessity to make exactly what the recipe calls for can't make the recipe. Period. That recipe they INJECT INTO your arm. HAS INGREDIENTS. Those ingredients include one VERY HUGE COMPONENT. The nanoparticulate allows the information to be carried, give instruction, and execute a command. 

So, I get it. I am not a scientist. You may be saying "oh you're not qualified to make that sort of assessment. Right, I'm not. But, have you looked at any of the information linked in here from the professionals who do? If not, please do so. I will link plenty at the bottom. You don't need a rocket scientist to figure out the basics of your body. If you keep listening to media sources to make life-altering decisions. You may end up like one of those linked stories. If nothing else. By getting this shot, you've opened up a doorway for another structure to come into your body that can be "controlled". 

Remember one of the issues uncovered as being problematic during a pandemic was going to be with the media? If you look at dark winter's operations you could easily determine the flow of information was already pre-determined. And this entire scenario outlined is exactly what they were aiming to combat? Yeah, you're right, There's nothing to see here, says the braindead, highly paid to do so, and those who stand to benefit like Dr. Schwarcz and Riordan. 

Go a little deeper with me into another matter we previously mentioned. Remember, America is a corporation. Did you know for every person that's born in the USA the corporation of the USA gets a banknote drawn on them? So, use me as an example. My Birth, I'm registered, account created by the corporation of America. I go to school and live life. Live X amount of years before they're done with me. Believe it or not. Countries kill off their citizens all the time. Lots of people believe this is happening overseas only. That couldn't be the furthest from the truth. The American government (or these corporations) have been known to use people for experiments that never agreed to be a subject in the first place. UNSUSPECTING citizens used as Experiments. 

Clearly, Dr. Schwarcz is uneducated in history, unlike Dr. Gold, and Riordan needs a job more than he cares to tell you any truth.

This screams NAZI Germany Auschwitz recreated, repackaged, and executed in real-time! Remember the DNA technologies Riordan mentioned in the Forbes article? DNA technology is a nano-particulate. It's the small structure that gets sent out as the 3rd strand of DNA, attaches to a 46 chromosome DNA strand and creates a 23 chromosome (from say dad) and 23 chromosomes set from mom and another 23 strand DNA sequence from the RNA "protein". The nanoparticulate is "A therapeutic RNA nanoparticle is unique in that its scaffold, ligand, and a therapeutic component can all be composed of RNA. The special physicochemical properties lend to the delivery of siRNA, miRNA, ribozymes, or riboswitches; imaging using fluorogenic RNA; and targeting using RNA aptamers." Ribosomes are where the DNA splicing takes place. You see this yet?

It can be easily googled. You can find here: "RNA was widely used as a unique and biocompatible material for constructing nanoparticles via bottom-up self-assembly14,15,16,17,18,19. The versatility of RNA nanostructures, including composition, structure, and functionality, can be precisely controlled." 

Do you hear that? RNA nanostructures can be controlled.

I spent most of my time wondering where exactly is all of this connected? biotech is probably the most hidden, complex, and practical reason for any of this to connect. That and the need to control. And that's where the real message of all this is. Writing this I struggled with a few thoughts I've heard over the years about how people simply don't see this is about the biblical message. Cause this is exactly what the Holy Scriptures are about. But, the list of none believers keeps growing. 

Think about it. They developed an entire system off SARS long before anything transpired. They also created software systems and technology through the research and development grants for SARS. Now, they can implement those systems. Driving the narrative, one person at a time, they're carrying out experimentations on a large scale, to derive the final output they've worked centuries to accomplish. TOTAL CONTROL

If not how do you explain: "It’s a tricky subject but governments are already looking at introducing systems that would enable authorities, and possibly businesses, to tell if a person has had a Covid vaccine or not."

They do this by CONTROLLING the nanoparticle put into the arm "like a recipe" you get it? See, at the top is the world-bank, and we (the citizens) are at the bottom. What most people fail to realize is the corporations who are in control drive the narrative. It's not we the people. And as I said earlier when they're done with you, it's easier to get rid of you, so they can balance the banknote. Resources become free, property available, and pensions stop getting paid.

There are entire systems ALREADY put in place to "track covid":

Activestate tracking covid

John Hopkins coronavirus

Covid tracking project

World Meters

COVID 19 Employment litigation tracker

Covid19 Complaint tracker

VAERS-- visit this link. The reports are staggering

The issue with the nanoparticulate is quite complex. Yet, it's also really simple. It's intended to "restart" a system (hence why bitcoin is growing so big and many other tech companies), why Big Tech is growing so rapidly, and why government factions like NASA are merging. It may sound strange, despite the fact, it's the truth. They simply want to end up with a one-world government. Just as the prophets told us thousands of years ago. It's never been so clear to me that this virus is a "pathway" to obtaining the future goals of global corporations that are essentially working for the "god" of this age. 

We, my friends, are merging into a new era. One where you will seriously be faced with taking what we call "the mark of the beast" and if you take that mark you will be sentenced to hell for life eternal. Many have already taken the RFID chip and Elon Musk talks as if we MUST merge with A.i. in order to survive with it. But, that's where physical choices come in. I asked the Lord how I was going to die. He told me, "they will cut your head off". Now, I see it so clearly it's unreal. I talk about my testimony on various platforms. You can find much of that here:

Although this shot isn't the exact mark. I have been shown that it's the abomination that causes desolation in the Holy place spoken of by Daniel the prophet. The fact they can control that extra strand of DNA the mRNA vaccine produces should concern even the slowest of us. Biotechnology erupted, there's so much money in the market it would be stupid for a corporation to abandon the process, and it's a money scheme that you the tax-payer foots the bill for. Leaving corporations loads of room to make Trillions of dollars. This is how satan works. If you don't believe what I've said you will do well to research the materials linked below. 

There's so much linked material you would do well to bookmark this page. Please, if you liked this read consider following by tapping the follow by email link at the top of the page. Share the material as well. Even if you're not a believer in God share this material. The compiled information is very valuable. It may also be wise for you to look into what prophecy is about cause we are in the end, and while many may be scared to die here, they will be far more scared to find. Hell is a real place where there are weeping and gnashing of teeth. I'd be put to death here any day over spending one day in hell (read my testimony or watch a video; I met satan). So, as I concluded earlier. I will die on my feet standing for something. I pray you are blessed with the endurance, understanding, and basic ability to do the same. 

Might I add, I will be expanding on this writing. Following the blog can keep you updated with prophetic events in this retrospect, further insight on many of the topics touched on in this writing, and much more. Thanks for reading.

Mark of the Beast research: 

C is the 3rd letter of the alpabet and in strongs concordance means Abbadon

Ovid is latin for sheep

19 means slaughter.

So, from biblical perspective, Covid 19 means Abbadon sheep slaughter

The light is greater than the darkness

The vaccine administered with a palisade

Palisade: the mark of the Beast is finally resolved

Bill and Melinda Gates satanic vaccine

Headlines of importance Not Linked above:

Vaccine disaster ahead

Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic - Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

Covid-19 litigation

Death of healthy mom who died after Covid shot

lawsuits filed over Covid 

Dr. Scott Jenson claims hospitals receive more pay when they list patients as covid and "fact-checkers" of course claims he's lying. Remember I said I know a young lady diagnosed with Covid but was never tested for Covid?

Boston physician developed a severe allergic reaction to Moderna's vaccine. He recovered but will this develop into something more by the time all of the 

Forbes says your DNA is not altered by the Covid vaccine Victoria Foster you're a liar and I aim to prove that by the end of this. 

Citizens used as human experiments 

I know a lady named Tasha who tells me they gave her AIDS claiming it was a placebo. I believe it.

Vaccines and Biological products

"In the U.K., one in five say they are unlikely to take the vaccine, according to YouGov research published in November, citing a variety of different reasons."

forbes "It would be more appropriately called the “People’s vaccine,” as Peter Maybarduk, director of Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines Program, has noted. It’s “the NIH’s vaccine. It is not merely Moderna’s vaccine. Federal scientists helped invent it and taxpayers are funding its development. We all have played a role. It should belong to humanity.”

Gates Foundation funding--gates comes from a long line of eugenics programs. Train a child in the way he should go and he will not depart when he gets older. (it's biblical)

Hal Turney RADIO SHOW Compiled Links list of MUST SEE VIDEO's FOR ANYONE



Ephesians 5:13-15 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself. 14 So it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 15Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,…

Links to every published worked used within the post AND THOSE NOT IN THE POST ARE ALSO INCLUDED: 


Wrongfully certified covid deaths

Pick your poison for more proof of this sinister plan so large it's hard to believe.

Mayo clinic

Lipid nanoparticules for delivery of therapeudic RNA

National Human genome research

forbes knows the data hasn't proven anything cause it lacks in so many areas


The US government is not a country

The US government is a corporation

natural immune system

weighing the known facts of Sars. 

COVID Myths debunked (lies)

Each year from 2014 to 2018, drug and medical device companies spent between $2.1 billion and $2.2 billion paying doctors for speaking and consulting, as well as on meals, travel and gifts for them. (These figures do not include research spending, but they do include royalties.)

"it's difficult to predict long-term outcomes from the new COVID-19 virus" and they're "looking at the long-term effects seen in related viruses, such as the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)". So the relative science to predict what the long-term effects are and who they may affect isn't even in yet. The virus is too knew. According to the WHO "Little is known about the clinical course of COVID-19" following milder illness. So almost anything stated long terms about the virus is merely speculation at this point

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