Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Master Cold soul driving popular opinion and hiding the dark arts behind titles, money, and power,

When reading occult material -if not careful by prayer- one can be affected by hidden spells. Feeling to make the suggestion of praying for protection against anything meant to harm us. 
Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints
What I've done is compiled meanings of the contents of this book on but they messed with the materials so much it made it almost impossible to share. Research produced so many strange things and one post will never do! So I'm starting with the character names. 

In looking up Master Cold Soul. I found a movie that "strangely" talks of a man named Giamatti's. His soul is being taken to St. Petersburg. The same place mentioned in this text! (this ends up being a common theme with the entire ciphered text) 

Cold Souls is a 2009 film written/directed by Sophie Barthes. The film features Paul GiamattiDina KorzunEmily Watson, and David Strathairn. Giamatti stars as a fictionalised version of himself, an anxious, overwhelmed actor who decides to enlist the service of a company to deep freeze his soul. Complications ensue when his soul gets lost in a soul trafficking scheme which has taken his soul to St. Petersburg. The film then follows Giamatti desperately trying to recover his soul. (Isn't this similar to what the sinner does?)

Essentially this is yet another form of mockery-against angels who lack knowledge of who they are- hosted by same source that put this text together, runs the government, and controls Hollywood.  

Analyzing the book
"gracious Mistress Queen Galaxa" The "wise men" normally consult her concerning the upper world. Inverted this would mean. The men of the upper world consult her. Is this why portions of the book reference rituals performed by our celebrities? They do control the arts because of the minerals, just as the book states.  Recall me saying in an earlier post Queen Galaxa is referencing the Queen of Heaven? The Queen of Heaven's description is interestingly using the same language as the book, when it says   "cuneiform sign for her name," on wikipedia. It talks of her different names like Ishtar, Ianna, and other goddesses throughout antiquity. The Queen of Heaven's cult was deeply embedded in Mesopotamia and among Caananites in the west. There is a story of Ianna being "challenged in the underworld" which is exactly what this text keeps referring to. 
"cuneiform sign for her name,"Cuneiform is a system of writing said to be developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 BCE. According to popular statistics. It's considered most significant among the Sumerians. City of Uruk which advanced the writing of cuneiform c. 3200 BCE. contained 

Trompe-L'oeil is French for "deceive the eye" 

Is a named relative to Van Der Troomp. Which came directly out of the pages of this book. Is it possible this family line merged with another family that planned generations in advance a scheme to take over the world; And Trump is bloodline relative? What we now see happening on tv and in congress is merely a show to "deceive the eye?" With all I've witnessed unfold up till now coupled with what i know-since his term began-its easy to conclude we've been and are continually are being deceived.  Tromp-l'oeil is also an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that depicted objects exist in three dimensions. Trump would have to be cousins of some sort to the well known Gentry's of today's Pomeranian. Picking the name of Trump's son "Baron" is a huge indication as to who this families lineage is. After all Trump is worth 6 billion or so. 

None-the-less this piece of work denotes the time we're living in. These superpowers of the world are the men of renown spoken of in the bible. They are those that hide things in plain sight. I pulled up  De La Trompe and looked at the images. Look it's a uterus! How weird is this? Especially since the uterus is a rams head. That is also the image of the beast (satan the dragon).

And the entire testimony of Jonathan Klecks makes this find an even more astounding one! If you're new to this material and have never seen JK's testimony. Then this may be way far left for you to obtain. Please, check his work out on Youtube.

Trumps NY City residence is a gilded 3 level penthouse 66 stories up at the top of Trump Tower. The address 725 5th avenue owned by Trump- called Trump towers- is also Castle Trump mentioned in the book on 5th st. The fact that his building is a 3 level penthouse with 66 stories. Tells me something more about who and where he has come from. Which would be masonic roots/royalty too. His name -as well as the coat of arms associated to them (although he is said to have inherited that from the Marologo real estate transaction) are found to have strange connections that we explore more throughout this entire blog.

Recently, Trump was awarded the tree of life award and he was also "Knighted". Both titles are tied to occultist practices and rituals becoming "famous" world-wide. Of course, one would need to do many years of study to reach this level of understanding (as I have) without the spirit of truth coming upon them. But, surely there are enough people in the world these days who are wide awake to these practices who could verify my assessment.l Anyhow, It's these cults that are using mass mind manipulation techniques to deceive the masses. And parading how they do it right in front of our faces. One of the top secret forums on the internet named (ATS) Above Top Secret is using some of this manipulation to steer popular opinion, receive input on orders, and post orders strategically coded with plans a natural eye can't see. On the platform DeviantART one can see endless amounts of images with hidden coding in it too. Both of these forums are a part of this system that had been coded into this text. These platforms are growing daily. Driving popular opinions of what society does on a day to day basis online and in the streets. 

On another note: The reference to village dogs on (pg. 2) is referring to a breed of dogs that can be recognized and differentiated from other breeds by their distinct DNA.  In effects they are descendants of the founding population of "dogs" in a region. If we turn this backwards. It would mean village dogs or village deities. And it just so happens that commercials as well as celebrity artists have talked about this distinct DNA they've created. 

A more interesting fact about all of these anomalies is the name Don Constantino Bartolomeo. The name so happens to trace to a bloodline relative of King George- who so happens to be the father to King John- and King Jon is a common relative in 44 of the Presidents of the United States. 

Now what are the odds? 

Could this be why Trump's coat of arms is similar to the Pomeranians coat of arms? Their turning of things upside down and backwards is relative to all references in this book. Which would make the Pomeranian Dog Bulger really the Pomeranian 'God' who pays homage to Lucifer or the Queen of Heaven? 

When Queen Galaxa admits she lied due to the "speck in her (the childs) heart" I realized this book is oddly  relative. And would be full of information that just continue on to prove out what I've learned throughout life. Which in essence proves exactly what the bible says about the prince of the power of the air. All things are being revealed. And that's why Jonathan Kleck has been warning of the end of the world since 2007 or 08. Because it's all the truth. Hence why all these revelations are being disclosed daily all over the world. As it's written 
Luke 12:2-3, that the secrets will be uncovered, the truth will come forth, and God's thought about every behavior and action will be vindicated.

Master cold soul's character in this book basically mimic's those who practice the dark arts. The spirit that works in man made manifest. Could this be another way to "normalize deviance" as the book says?

Moving onto another character mentioned in this text:
 This is a fascinating character. In fact, he is one of the characters that enabled me to understand different perspectives of how these other species that live among us are viewed. I know what you might be thinking. What the heck did I just say? Another species? We all are human! No, I hate to break it to you. But, not everyone is human. And I will leave explaining that up to the prophet. Or maybe I will touch on it in another post? Anyhow, when looking into Mikkamenies I see relation to the Annunaki. An ant people that's heard about in many cultures. Pictorials, and other ancient artifacts, relate them to a people that existed here in the America's. The Hopi people, are descendant of these "cave dwellers."  Which is who I believe the scriptures tells us is descendants of the Nephilim and now considered Men of Renown. 

As I've stated in other writings I've posted. It would appear these cave dwellers are simply descendants of ancient gods and goddesses made possible by continually breeding with mankind and even cloning. One can imagine that after so long this species- with different DNA- would adapt more humanistic qualities. Becoming like us. looking no different than us, but still not us. This used to be a huge top secret subject and now it's more relevant than ever. I mean they did just create space force 8. 

To be a little more specific. The men of renown (Genesis 6:4) mated with woman (just as it says in Genesis 6) making the seed of Satan a real line of people. Although this is also transparent in the story of Adam and Eve with Cain. As Cain isn't of the same bloodline of Adam. And further study proves Cain was the son of the dragon.

The "ant people" in this book, known as the Mikkamenkies, are even described like the grey aliens people have spoken of over the years. They were described as grey skin, long arms, tall, lanky, with big eyes. Just like aliens are depicted in movies, pictures, and most of our minds now when someone mentions aliens. This relationship to the Annunaki (nephilim) is an intricate piece of information concerning our system and why deeds are done in the dark. It's my understanding these ant people have underground cities all over the world. And the cipher to this book says ancient relics, these tunnels underground, and other geological historic places would be discovered. This made me picture them to be living in the "underworld" as we are living in the world that's within the world. A 666 dimension. As WWW=666 And it's odd that the book of Job talks about these cave dwellers who are from base men and are vile.

Image result for mica menOn another note: I found this interesting set of photo's when looking into the Mikkamenkies to see what was out here. And what do you know? There's a group referred to as the Mica Men. And there's also a fictional character listed on fandom. These pictures are three of the many you can view at the link below. As you can see from these pictures. There's something "different" possibly "strange" about them. It just so happens each one of these men are prominent men. And it's my belief they're associated to the Brotherhood. The book even has an address written on it as 10 Milk Street. And further research shows this was a secret society meeting house. 

What are the odds of a character out of the book relating to global plans being initiated by secret societies across the globe and currently being carried out connecting to old meeting house they would meet in decades ago?
Image result for mica men
Image result for mica menPretty strange isn't it? Check all of them out by clicking the link below after reading the last paragraph there. Go to and see them all.

Don Fun as mentioned before means radio transmission "signal". This signal ends in Boom Go die in a fire. It is centered around North America. And refers to it as Nation of the Damned (NOD). This signal would be the signal used to carry out the attack planned. Just as Jonathan Kleck prophesied. I think it's ironic how the secret society members will help pull this attack off. To turn around and be used as a sacrifice. What a luciferian mindset they have. Shamefully these people have been promised lies. And they allowed the riches of this world to obscure their view. Making this merely a game to them. Hiding in front of your face in nearly every aspect of life. To laugh and mock at those who don't know any better. It's sinister to say the least. From the name alone we can see a connection to a need for lies. And this to me would definitely make Cold Soul a "master" at being cold. Hence why Master Cold soul was the first character to be introduced in the underworld. Satan likes to hide behind the entertainment of this world. So people can laugh at their own demise. 

Wake up America.
The truth is stranger than fiction

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