Acronym Definition
BUL Bulgaria
BUL Bulletin
BUL Breach of Union Law (European Banking Authority)
BUL Buffalo Urban League (New York)
BUL Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung in der Landwirtschaft (German: Counseling Center for Accident Prevention in Agriculture; Switzerland)
BUL Bell University Laboratories
BUL Base Urbaine de Loisirs (French: Basis of Urban Recreation)
BUL Bottom Up Lag (petroleum industry)
BUL Business Unit Leader
BUL Buelton (Amtrak station code; Buelton, CA)
BUL Biblioteca Universale Laterza (Italian: Universal Library Laterza; Laterza, Italy)
BUL Bethel University Library (St. Paul, MN)
GER German/Germany
GER Grand Exalted Ruler (club title)
GER Gastroesophageal Reflux
GER Gold Experience Requiem (gaming)
GER Geriatrics
GER Great Ethiopian Run (est. 2001)
GER Gas Exchange Ratio
GER General Education Requirement
GER Great Eastern Railway (UK)
GER Gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppe Rauschgift (German: Joint Investigation Drug Group)
GER Gross Enrollment Ratio (education)
GER Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (German: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
GER Global Emergency Response
GER Gain Electrons Reduction
GER Greening Ethnic Restaurants
GER General Estamos Resacosos
GER Gulfstream Engineering Report
REG Register
REG Regular
REG Region
REG Regulation
REG Registry (Microsoft Windows file extension)
REG Regarding
REG Registration
REG Regina (Latin: Queen)
REG Renewable Energy Generation (various locations)
REG Race, Ethnicity and Gender
REG Regal Entertainment Group
REG Recovered Energy Generation (power plants)
REG Rationeel Energiegebruik (Dutch: Rational Energy Use; Belgium)
REG Reggie Miller
REG Registry File
REG Richard E. Grant (actor)
REG Real Escape Game
REG Random Event Generator
REG Research Equipment Grant (various organizations)
REG Real Estate Guys (radio show)
REG Reed Electronics Group (Reed Elsevier Group)
REG Rural Enterprise Gateway (UK)
REG Referring Expression Generation
REG Reggio Calabria, Italy - Tito Menniti (Airport Code)
REG Rotor Excitation Generator (electricty)
REG Golden Redfish
REG Reno Evening Gazette
REG Radioencephalogram
REG Répertoire des Entreprises du Canton de Genève (French: Business Directory of Geneva; Switzerland)
REG Regulate/Regulated/Regulating'Regulator
REG Regular Electronic Giving (Lutheran Laypeople's League of Australia, Inc.)
REG Reservatory for Endangered
Range, Ephemeris, GMT
LUB Lunds Universitets Bibliotek (Swedish: Lunds University Library; Lund, Sweden)
LUB Least Upper Bound (mathematics)
LUB Lubricate
LUB Love U Back
LUB Libera Università di Bolzano
LUB Lubrication Chart (TMINS)
LUB Least Understood Branch (American Bar Association projec
E Reference
RE Real Estate
RE Regarding
RE Reply
RE Reinforced
RE Right End
RE Release Engineering
RE Rare Earth (chemistry)
RE Hello Again (D-Dial slang)
RE Religious Education
RE Return Exchange
RE Renewable Energy
RE Re-Examination
RE Resident Evil (game)
RE Reunion
RE Risk Exposure
RE Royal Engineers (UK)
RE Requirements Engineering Conference
RE Royal Exchange
RE Research Engineering
RE Roll Eyes
RE reinsurance
RE Round End
RE Reverse Engineering
RE Reunion Island (ISO country code, top level domain)
RE Retained Earnings
RE Reasonable Efforts
RE Regular Expression (formal language theory)
RE Runtime Environment
RE Reggio Emilia (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
RE Routing Engine (Juniper Networks, Inc.)
RE Relative Error
RE Rhenium
RE Rural Electrification (various locations)
RE Rotary Engine
RE Resident Engineer
RE Requirement Engineering
RE Recovery Environment (Microsoft)
RE Revised Estimate
RE Right Engine
RE Responsible Entity (various locations)
RE Reynolds Number (inertia force/viscous force)
RE Runtime Engine
RE Restriction Endonuclease
RE Reproductive Endocrinologist
RE Resource Element
RE Reportable Event
RE Regionalexpreß (German train)
RE Reliability Enhancement
RE Reservoir Engineer
RE Reenlistment Eligibility (code)
RE Recursively Enumerable (formal language theory/recursion theory/computability theory)
RE Radiated Emissions (standard for defense electronics)
RE Radiation Equipment
RE Railroad Easement
RE Receive Element
RE Reduction of Error (statistics)
RE Refusal of Employment
RE Resonant Engineering
RE Retinol Equivalent
RE Renovación Española (Spanish: Spanish Renewal; political movement)
RE Radio Éireann (Irish Radio pre-1966)
RE Remedial Engineering
RE Radio Enclosure
RE Emitter Resistance (transistors)
RE Relationship Episode
RE Radium Emanation
RE Radiation Element
RE Registered Electrologist
RE rodding eye (mechanical services)
RE Recycle Acid
RE Directorate for Readiness
RE Royal Society of Etchers & Engravers
RE RDF/Ethernet
RE US Revenue Cordials or Wines (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
ER Emergency Room
ER Extended-Release
ER Earned Runs (baseball; pitching)
ER Error
ER Entity Relationship
ER Energy Research
ER Employer (IRB)
ER Emergency Response
ER Office of Energy Research
ER Estrogen Receptor
ER Extended Range
ER Extended Range (C-17 acquisition program)
ER Enterprise Resource Planning
ER Early Release
ER Event Registration
ER Eastern Region
ER Educational Research
ER Eritrea
ER Employment Relations
ER Employee Relations
ER Easy Rider (movie)
ER External Relations
ER Evaluation Report
ER Early Retirement
ER Environmental Restoration
ER Electromagnetic Radiation (energy)
ER Environmental Report
ER Entre Rios (Argentina Province, airline code)
ER Emission Reduction (environment)
ER Electronic Records
ER Erbium
ER Equipment Required
ER Endoplasmic Reticulum
ER Earth Resources
ER Extensive Reading
ER Event Rate
ER Energy Rating
ER Eleanor Rigby (Beatles song)
ER Eye Relief (optics)
ER Equipment Room
ER Escape Route
ER Expense Ratio
ER Ecosystem Restoration
ER Educational Researcher (journal)
ER Evidence Rule
ER Employee Retention
ER Epic Records (record label)
ER Exceptional Release (mission capable aircraft)
ER Enfermedad Rara (Spanish: Rare Disease)
ER Ecological Reserve
ER Electron Reflectometer
ER Electrical Resistivity
ER Excerpts of Record (legal documents)
ER Eastern Railway
ER External Rotation
ER Evolutionary Robotics
ER Expenditure Request (various organizations)
ER Emotional Rescue (Rolling Stones album)
ER Expense Report
ER Evening Reading (Shacknews)
ER Elektra Records (record label)
ER Employer's Requirements
ER Energy Resolution
ER Enhancement Request
ER Engineering Report
ER Earnings Record
ER Exchange Ratio
ER Explicit Routing
ER Explicit Rate (networking)
ER Established Record
ER Expanded Response
ER Energy Regulator
ER Electro-Rheological
ER Engineroom
ER Enterprise Requirements
ER Enhanced Radiation
ER Engineer Regulation
ER Efficiency Review
ER External Resistance
ER Established Reliability (C-17 acquisition program)
ER Employee Request
ER Equilibrium Reactions
ER Engineering Release
ER Electronic Reconnaissance
ER Efficient Review
ER Extracellular Release
ER Ephemeral Region
ER Electricity Report
ER Echo Ranging
ER Enantiomeric Ratio (chemistry)
ER Electoral Region (UK)
ER Engineering Request
ER Estimate of Repair
ER DHL Airways, Inc (IATA airline code)
ER Enhancement Report
ER Euro Repuestos SA (Guatemala)
ER Effective Roughness
ER Eternal Rage (Call of Duty gaming clan)
ER Executive Registrar
ER Equipment Requisition
ER Extracting Roots
ER Elizabetha Regina (Queen Elizabeth)
ER Error Recorder
ER End Transaction and Retrieve
ER Electronic Requirement
ER Exploitation Requirement
ER Elite Regions (Ominix gaming)
ER Enceinte Réacteur (French: Reactor Chamber)
ER Electrolytic/Electrochemical Refining
LG Large
LG Life's Good
LG Life's Good (electronics company, Japan, Asia)
LG long
LG Little Girl
LG Lady Gaga (musician)
LG Local Government
LG Landgericht (German court)
LG Latvia
LG Liebe Grüße (german chat closing like "cheers" or "CU")
LG Left Guard (football)
LG Largo (Portuguese postal usage)
LG Let Go
LG Little Giant
LG Lumen Gentium (Light of the Nations; Second Vatican Council)
LG Luxair (Luxembourg, IATA airline code)
LG Landing Gear
LG Low-Grade
LG Liquid Generation
LG Lieutenant Governor
LG La Grange (Texas)
LG Lipgloss
LG Lifeguard
LG Luxury Goods
LG London Gazette (London, UK)
LG Length/Long
LG Lockergnome
LG Landesgericht (Court of Justice; Austria, Europe)
LG Lower Ground (floor)
LG Low German
LG Lesbian and Gay
LG Land Grab (online game)
LG Logistics Group
LG Laser Guided
LG Line Group (Alcatel)
LG Life Guards (A British Regiment)
LG Linux Gazette (computing)
LG Liquid Gas (energy source)
LG Lightning Gun
LG Living Greyhawk (RPGA run Dungeons and Dragons Living Campaign)
LG Lawful Good (gaming)
LG Lois Griffin (Family Guy character)
LG Level Gauge
LG Laryngectomy
LG Lower Gastrointestinal
LG Lightguide (optical fibre)
LG Little Gamers (comic strip)
LG Left Gaze
LG Lockwood Greene
LG Landing Ground
LG Letter of Guarantee (legal document)
LG Liar Game (Japanese drama)
LG Lateral Gastrocnemius (muscles)
LG Line-To-Ground
LG Binary Logarithm (Base 2)
LG Los Gatos, CA, USA
LG Lady of the Garter
LG Location Gateway
LG Light of Latgale (Latvia)
LG Linguistic Geometry
LG Lower Garage
LG Licensed Geologist
LG Landing Group
LG DCS/Logistics (USAF)
LG Lucky Goldstar Corporation (South Korea)
LG Lethal Ghosts (gaming clan)
LG Liter Gena (Slovak underground music band)
LG Lip-Of-Gutter (surveying)
GL Good Luck
GL General Ledger
GL Guiding Light (TV show)
GL Graphics Library
GL Greenland
GL Great Lakes
GL Green Lantern (DC Comics character)
GL Gloucester (postcode, United Kingdom)
GL Gill
GL General Liability
GL Gear Lubricant (various companies)
GL Grade Level
GL Guideline
GL Great Lengths (hairpieces; UK)
GL Good Looking (personal Ad)
GL Good Life
GL Glarus (Glaris; Swiss Canton)
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GL Grenade Launcher
GL George Lopez (comedian)
GL Ground Level
GL Global Learning
GL Geschaeftsleitung (German)
GL Graphics Language
GL George Lucas
GL Group Leader
GL General Linear (mathematics)
GL Global Logistic (various companies)
GL Giardia Lamblia
GL Air Greenland (IATA airline code)
GL Gliese (star catalog)
GL Groen Links
GL Grand Luxury (cars)
GL Global/Local
GL Gothic Lolita (fashion)
GL Guild Leader (gaming)
GL Girl's Life (magazine)
GL Glycaemic Load
GL Graphics Laboratory
GL Global Link (Global One)
GL Gas Lift
GL Girt Line (engineering)
GL General Language
GL Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening (Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School Teachers)
GL Grid Line
GL Gay Lord
GL Generic List
GL Giblet
GL General Letter
GL Greatest Length
GL Gauntlet Legends (video game)
GL Grand Lux
GL Grade Line
GL Grande Luxe
GL Geophysics Laboratory
GL Gigaliter
GL Girllover
GL Grapefruit League (baseball)
GL Generally Licensed
GL Group Lotus (Norfolk, UK)
GL Government Leased
GL Garage Logic
GL Generalized Leontief
GL Group Librarian
GL General Leutnant (German)
GL Grey Labyrinth (website)
GL Gamer Lamer
GL Goes Lovely
GL Green Light LED
GL Gray Labeling
GL Ginger League
GL Geochron Laboratories Inc.
Acronym Definition
BU Backup
BU Boston University
BU Bulletin
BU Bureau
BU Bangkok University (Thailand)
BU Break Up
BU Business Unit
BU Bethel University
BU Baptist University (Hong Kong)
BU Bulgaria
BU Brown University
BU Binghamton University (SUNY Binghamton)
BU Brilliant Uncirculated (numismatics)
BU Bradley University
BU Builder (USN Rating)
BU Baylor University
BU Brandon University
BU Bellevue University
BU Bournemouth University (UK)
BU Bushel
BU Build Up (semiconductor substrate process)
BU Burial (type of disposition)
BU Bishop's University (Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada)
BU Bangalore University (India)
BU Bibliothèque Universitaire (French)
BU Bloomsburg University (Pennsylvania)
BU Brandeis University
BU Butler University
BU Basic Understanding
BU Binding Update
BU Bottom Up (model)
BU Bargaining Unit (Employee)
BU Belly Up
BU Belmont University
BU Bucknell University
BU Braathens (Airline)
BU Bergen University (Bergen, Norway)
BU Bilkent University
BU Bogazici University
BU Brock University
BU Baker University (Baldwin City, KS)
BU Biblioteca Universitária (Portuguese: University Library; Brazil)
BU Butyl Group (chemistry)
BU Bluffton University (Bluffton, OH)
BU Blue Underground (DVD supplier)
BU Bicol University
BU Buruli Ulcer
BU Brooklyn Union (Brooklyn Rapid Transit system)
BU Basically Useless
BU Baskent University (Adana, Turkey)
BU Bethesda Unit
BU Billing Unit
BU Billion Unit
BU Bahçesehir Üniversitesi (Istanbul, Turkey)
BU Ballast Unit
BU Bad Urban Area (terrain type)
BU Base of Prism Up
BU Bande d'Usure (French, accordion bellows protection)
BU Brass Unlimited (Tacoma, WA)
UB Universitat de Barcelona
UB University of Baltimore
UB University at Buffalo
UB Universitätsbibliothek (German: university library)
UB University of Buffalo
UB University of Belize
UB Upward Bound (federally funded high school program)
UB University of Bridgeport
UB University of Botswana
UB Ultimate Bias (Korean pop)
UB United Breweries (India)
UB Ulaanbaatar
UB Ubiquitin
UB Universidad de Belgrano
UB Southall (postcode, United Kingdom)
UB Upper Bound
UB Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesian university)
UB Université de Bourgogne (French: University of Burgundy)
UB Urinary Bladder
UB University of Birmingham (UK)
UB Urantia Book
UB Universal Binaries
UB Union Bay (clothing company)
UB Unacceptable Behavior
UB Uncle Ben's (rice)
UB Unterbezirk (part of Social Democratic Party of Germany)
UB Uncle Bob
UB Ulster Bank
UB Universitaetsbibliothek Basel
UB Universiteits Bibliotheek
UB University of Bremen (Germany)
UB Unaccompanied Baggage
UB Université de Bordeaux (French: University of Bordeaux)
UB Undefined Behavior
UB Unexpected Behavior
UB Ureteric Bud
UB Universal Beam
UB Myanmar Airways (IATA airline code)
UB Universal Banking
UB Underbog (gaming, World of Warcraft)
UB University of Baguio
UB Unlimited Budget
UB Undistributed Budget
UB Universal Bus
UB Unique Browser (internet)
UB Ungerman Bass
UB Unknown Beyond (anime site)
UB Unlicensed Band
UB Urner Barry Publications, Inc.
UB Uncle Bonsai (Seattle rock band)
UB University Bursaries (New Zealand)
UB Unison Bend (guitar playing technique)
UB Unified Build (NTCS-A)
UB Underwater Battery
UB Ultimate Battlestations (canceled D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook)
UB United Brewaries Ltd. (India)
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