Saturday, March 27, 2021

More of the plan in a nutshell and some extra components

This system of systems is monitored by aerial networks controlled by N A S A, S K Y N E T, and A i r b u s. These systems are used to keep information from hitting the airwaves so you the people don't understand the full scope of it, and since journalists work for a paycheck, they're stuck doing their jobs by keeping secrets in the office.

These people have managed to help a system turn against themselves 

The functions of every system have been tweaked to fit a Utopia like life where everyone is tied to the same system; People are merged with Artificial Intelligence and those who won't do it are beheaded. This ouroboros system is about your soul and the war is within you. Everyone has something to do with this in one way or another like it or not.

CT is C H E M I C A L T E R R O R I S M 
In golubtchika and mazuntchick is the acronym CT. This means various things such as stated and ciphertext. That's what I'd been doing. Ciphering this text. And what I found was really disturbing. Since the inception of this work, many aspects have already played out. Such as C h e m i c a l T e r r o r i s m looks like C O V I D 19. If you look through the character names you will see different locations and various diseases. These diseases are also different in every location. It looks to me like they're basically labeling everything C O V I D 19 even when it isn't. Whatever the situation this has a 99% mortality rate and it's still be labeled a p a n d e m i c? Why? And why are the American people not standing in unison with one another? I can bet it has something to do with the social conditioning and hypnotic trance they put the public in with the international social programming operations they have in place.

They're sending us into a mini-ice age using geothermal systems, physics models, radars systems, and financial systems that have long been in place to blow the San Andreas fault lines along with the New Madrid and possibly Japans volcanic isle (that will cause a tsunami); splitting America in half. The same evening there will be a t e r r o r i s t a t t a c k on our soil by China and Russia. 


Argentina and Hong Kong are leading in the educational sector to train up the perfect people to continue this system of systems into the New World Order after all this is DONE.

The Queen was telegraphing Boom Go die in a fire when Obama was in office as reported a few times in the past.

Telegraphs and earthquakes would be coming out of these areas on the map that I've screenshot.
Caves in Switzerland flood and trap men age from 25-55. READ THE ARTICLE> It's saying hide in a cave for a week it will be hell up here for a week.

Christmas storm in North California is showing the beginning of this Ice Age they're creating. This name I've listed is inflicted with devastating issues. These are negative impact areas.

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