Saturday, December 14, 2019

Information for the Battlefield (it's a lot of information. Please, if you want the truth follow closely! Get an understanding! ASK QUESTIONS! You can contact me! I'm NOT ON THEIR SIDE)

I speak to warn you
IF THIS SCARES YOU CONTACT ME! LET'S PRAY THAT AWAY! I've a supernatural peace given me by The Father cause my faith in Jesus. He wants you to have this peace too! AMEN ALLELUIA

The grid wasn't easy to break. But what I do have shows us a lot already. I will be making the list here and going over the places too. Just to keep track of the news from the last 3 years (plans inception 3 years ago) since I've been locked out of my other accounts. I don't want to keep allowing these technological issues to hinder the connections we are making.

German telegraph paper contains articles that would give information regarding the telegraph.

The Bridge is an article with the mark of the societies embedded into it. And its given important information I can relate to other posts.

  • Max Pechstein
  • Fishing Port Bornholm
  • Hamburg
  • CIA
  • Vietnam War
  • economist analyzing the global situation
  • Max K collecting photographs
  • American German friendship
The cipher says there is a German American alliance.

The epigraphy's associated to these are the highest level of information. The publications each contain bits and pieces of information. In the cipher I can conclude this is associated to Hitler. The Bridge confirms this connection. As the cipher says Yes TRUMP Bridge in phryostyphizAd Honorem (Latin: in honor of, epigraphy) is associated to Adolf Hitler in Shaggy Brows

Published on is a five by five talking about 9/11 and four German public figures.
In it, he examines how four major figures from German history – Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg-Prussia, Frederick the Great, Otto von Bismarck and Adolf Hitler – used “cultural choices, public rituals, or the deployment of arguments or of metaphors and other figurative language” to influence perceptions of history. “Chronopolitics” is the voguish term used to describe this process. 
The statement "end of history" is exactly what this plan is about. The history of the United States and the United Kingdom is now going to be referred to in past tense; Brandenburg-Prussia is a statement related to the mentions of the Franco Prussian War. The Franco-Prussian war is another leg of the telegraph that I believe is used for the targeting scheme concerning IT, CT, and IOH. We could follow all of these names to learn valuable information but since it's so much information I'm keeping these telegraphs that are centered on the final events. I log everything and have to jump around to keep making connections because they all end up connecting in one form or another. So remembering prior posts and articles are vital in understanding these connections. These telegraphs give us vital information for the battlefield. And could be used among the people to keep families safe when this war breaks out.

Wilhelm is heavily associated to this plan and seemed to branch off into different roads. The publications on historical figures such as Wilhelm, and Twitter epstein post being out at the same time is very important information for those like me who are looking for these clues. Each connection is intricate. This July 30th Post was more of a collection of information for my studies. Near the bottom of the page we find documented this statement that connects the Bridge to Wilhelm:
"the administrative agreement for the German Marine Research Alliance was signed by the Federal Minister for Education and Research Anja Karliczek and her colleagues from the German states Hamburg, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Lower Saxony."
We can see from two different publications there are similarities such as Hamburg. Which is mentioned in The Bridge. According to the way the cipher is set up It would appear the GMRA was the first response for coordinates. Maybe this has changed or its being confirmed? Pomerania is also the relation to Trump bloodline as per the book.

In the Epstein twitter feed Maxwell being at in and out burger points to hamburger; Hamburg and hamburgers is very similar and to be understood as a piece of the puzzle. Sarah Silverstein is also mentioned in sly_talkers post. Keeping these things in mind.

In the cipher around Hail Hitler are these attributes:

The IKONOS satellite sensor
Horse protection Act of 1970
Homeowners Protection act of 1998
Distributed Robotic Architecture
Data Release Authorization (US NASA) (this is how we ended up with the December 12th article) 
Director of Royal Artillery (UK and Australia)
Host protected area
Hamburg Port Authority (Germany; est. 2005)
High physical activity (excercise)

Illinois historic preservation agency; 
In looking up the Illinois historic preservation agency because its in the same name of Adolf Hitler (tap hard) I came up with a connection to Abraham Lincoln in Now we know why Pritzker fired the director of the Abraham Lincoln first posted in September. And then in November it was announced rules were broken and the director was fired.
What's interesting is Susan Wood who was the Altgeld Chimesmaster died on October 6, 2019 also worked at the Illinois Natural history survey. (a government agency) 
"A scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey and later at the College of Veterinary Medicine, she took over as Altgeld chimesmaster in 1994, retiring from the role in 2016."
Article attributes: "Hail to the Orange" and "the Ash Grove" 
The telegraph of wood connecting to the start of the book is clearly an indication of what's really going on behind closed doors. Which is war has been declared.

(please watch exalted lambs decoding of IpetGoat 2 and the abe lincoln carrier)

In this article about Hitler A wealthy Business Man bought up Hitler Memorbilia we find the top hat mentioned. Which is exactly what was being talked about in the news with Trump and comparing himself to Abe when he wore the hat.

"The EJA has invited 100 members of parliament from across the European Union to Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration camp in Poland, to witness the horrors the Nazis did. Margolin said that Chatila has accepted their invitation for January 20, and he will be there as a guest of honor where he will be given an award by the EJA."

 Looking up the Fishing Port Bornholm from the Bridge article: The Danish island of Bornholm is a geographical deviation in the Baltic Sea. It’s closer to Germany, Sweden and Poland than to the rest of Denmark.

Because of the cipher and other attributes I went to Silverstein (associated to the twitter postings by @sly-talker) And found Silverstein must be the link of internal locations:

These are the ones working with the Russians on our soil!
The prior article talks about Poland and Auschwitz. And this next article mentions them too. 
Sidney Gottlieb conducted tests on refugees and prisoners that were as brutal as those carried out by the Nazi doctor. 'He is undoubtedly the closest thing to Mengele in the history of the U.S.,' says author of his biography
The article comes from connection made in The Bridge. New York, CIA, doctors and scientists is more intel.
During World War II, however, Gottlieb was living in quiet and safe New York City, to which his parents had emigrated. That didn’t stop him, later in life, from adopting some of Mengele’s methods of abuse or even hiring some of the same doctors and scientists who had worked in the service of the Nazi Party to the task force he assembled in his work for the CIA during the 1950s and ‘60s
“Gottlieb is undoubtedly the closest thing to Mengele in the history of the United States,” asserts American journalist and researcher Stephen Kinzer, author of the new biography “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control” (Henry Holt), in a phone interview with Haaretz. 
 Some of the experiments were conducted surreptitiously in hospitals, universities and prisons in the United States, others in secret detention facilities overseas, mainly in Germany, Japan and the Philippines, where he operated freely without fear of exposure.
“Gottlieb was able to ask his superiors to send him 10 people for the purpose of the experiment, and he would get them,” says Kinzer. “Who were those people? Prisoners of war from North Korea, Soviet agents or simply innocent refugees without family, whose absence would not be felt by anyone, according to CIA estimates.”
As previously mentioned this looks as if they're talking about what the cipher said:
poisoning by gassing (could this happen by invisible drones?)
Silverstein in the news:

Lost and Found: Touring Philadelphia’s Jewish Quarter

Another article told us we would be looking for their inside cells. The bridge said their students needed scientific help. The mention of the Russian scientist Gottlieb was that missing piece.
Spruce street has been mentioned a few times in different articles.

They're using Russian exchange students according to Don Fum. I believe this lost and found article linked above gives us another location of those working to achieve this plan of opening the abyss. 

Iran, Chinese, and Russian trading card game

Everyone is going to die Chatan

Searching for warning signs authorities might’ve missed in the months leading up to the April 13 murder of a Japanese woman on Okinawa, military investigators began downloading the internet browser history on dead Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Gabriel Olivero’s computer.
Now in a completely unrelated story but one associated to the BIG E and the reason it has responses.

Gabriel Romero, 22, also faced non-judicial punishment, which is a lower-level administrative process for minor misconduct, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel matters not made public

I believe it was this set of telegraphs that tells us they are advancing on the bases in Chatan. 

The twitter feed gave us some good clues to know how to solve this puzzle of when this is to happen.
The binary data is in a Greek inscription format and we are given directions on how to solve it from this article about Wilhelm Froehner called the Emperor and the Empty Tomb.
Ones I know have data are being posted by me too. :) thanks Luke Slytalker for helping me illustrate the evil deeds you guys are telegraphing.
YES SOMEONE IS INTENTIONALLY HIDING CODES! And that's what all this work is about. I'm looking at this codes in connection to a book they wrote embedded code into. And I'm connecting as much as possible for everyone to see how these guys operate.
This tweet was in direct relation to Hamburg, Mentioned Silverstein (which connected to German scientist Poland, Auschwitz, and even the hat (like Lincoln)
This is what I'm doing. I'm showing you the truth. These guys are showing you what they want you to hear and know. To keep you from knowing the truth.

Post about Maxwell mentions "fishyness". The article the Bridge talks about fishing port Bornholm. These are connecting factors that are not easily traced. Just like this CIA contractor is letting the people in on the secret know the coding has went out. Follow the white rabbit basically.
"global situation for the CIA" 

The Bridge:
“As you can see, we have the same taste. And the same goal, that of finding our grandfather’s paintings. It takes a lot of time. But one day, the search will succeed.”

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