Friday, December 13, 2019

I've had to resort to other options

There's a war going on.

The people involved are YOU, ME, AND these world g o v e r n m e n ts.
They've been in possession of a plan to take over and control the world. This plan was made thousands of years ago and is being carried out by secret societies, neighborhood associations, and anyone else not covered in the blood of the lamb. It's nefarious at best. And you are the target.

I've been telling how they're operating because I know these guys personally through the way they target me. They're behind every targeted individuals targeting. N A S A is not who you think. They were put in place to monitor you and determine if you live or die. You see they score you. And everything about you. That score determines what measures they will use against you. If you aren't one of them (with their special DNA) then your targeted and you will be affected by the measures they're employing. Even the people who think they're safe aren't. They were lied to. They told them you help us do this and we will keep you safe. But they were lying. Their Father is the father of lies. So they can't help it because their Father blinded them to believe in the lies.

Many believers are afraid of whats to come. Many are not fully relying on the scriptures to make it through. It's my goal to help people understand there's no need to be afraid. Its also my goal to show those who don't believe in the Messianic message are in deed in danger of losing their eternal lives. Hell is real people and this earth is about to be devoured in a flame. A fire. A big big big fire.

NO! You and all the powers of the world can NOT stop what is to come. So instead of being ash from the fire. I aim to help others see what I see and know from our scriptures. And do so by exposing the evil deeds that's been revealed to me through this cryptic book.

I've had to restart everything because I know the truth and they don't like that I tell it. So what I'm gonna do is post every piece of connection I can here until I get back into my other accounts. If you hit follow this you will get all information up until I can go back to the other ones, But this will also be useful for other posts in the future. As I am going to be putting this information in more than one place.

 If you would like to find a way to join me in talking about what I've come to find email me at or but I will be on live on a new channel until the other channel lets me back in. Plus I will use the new channel to focus on a few topics that're associated to the work I'd been doing.

If you wish to know more about the area you live in. Leave a comment for your area of location so I can address them first. I want everyone to know whats to happen in their area. Random pieces of information will be going up from here on out that everyone could use to understand the truth of what's happening in this world.

Just wanted everyone to know I'm now in more than one area.

I look forward to addressing many aspects of the plan with everyone of you. The truth is what sets people free. So I will speak it until they silence me.

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