Luzerne County Transportation Authority |
The Internet & Television Association, located in Louisiana's capital city, Baton Rouge |
Hwem | | |
Total Chemical Oxygen Demand |
The Cave of Dragonflies (website; |
Town Center Overlay District (various locations) |
Transportation Corridor Overlay District |
Title Company of Denver (Denver, CO) |
Tijdelijke Commissie Ongevallenonderzoek Defensie (Dutch: Defense Temporary Committee on Accident Investigation; Ministry of Defense; Netherlands) |
The Curse of Dragmoria (gaming) |
stands for Team Chaos Offroad Downunder |
Yakin Dogu Univertise (Turkish: Near East University) |
Yu Da University (Taiwan, China) |
Young Designers United (various locations) |
Younger Disabled Unit (clinical rehabilitation) |
Orpic Logistics Company |
outdoor learning center |
optical loop carrier |
open learning center |
ohio library council |
Oglala Lakota College |
Online Learning Consortium |
Online Learning Center |
Orpic Logistics Company |
Office of Legal Council |
On-line Computer |
Offshore Logistics Company |
Office of Licensing and Compliance |
Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain |
Oak Leaf Cluster |
Open Logical Channel |
Online Learning Conference |
Our Lady of Consolation |
Optical Link Commissioning |
Occulting Light Concentrators |
Output Level Control |
Overlap-Layout-Consensus |
Office for Legal Complaints |
Ontario Lottery Corporation |
Open Leer Centrum |
Optimal Linear Combination |
Organic Leadership Course |
Oriental Land Company |
original London Cast |
Ouabain-like compound |
outter London commission |
ocean learning center |
office of Legislative Counsel |
office of licensure and certification |
office of legal counsel |
ohio livestock coalition |
ohlson lavoie collaborative |
olam livelihood charter |
on line configuration |
on line consulting |
on line content |
onion-like Carbon |
one live crew |
open learning campus |
ontario Literacy coalition |
open level crossing |
open limestone channel |
Open Logical Channel |
open lung concept |
operational limits and conditions |
optimal learning center |
organic land care |
organizational learning Capabilities |
orthopaedic Learning center |
our lady's college |
our lady of Charity |
our lady of Czestochowa |
outdoor leadership center |
outdoor learning cards |
oxford Latin course |
solar cargo |
Oakley Lindsay Center |
Obesity Learning Centre |
Ocean Learning Communities |
offensive line coach |
office of legal compliance |
officer leadership course |
officially licensed circuits |
oglala lakota colleges |
ohio labor council |
ohip library councils |
on-line clearance |
on-line clinicians |
on-line community |
on-line course |
on line computer |
online consulting |
Online learning courses |
open-loop control |
one laptop per child |
open limestone channels |
open loop control |
operational level course |
Oportunidad Latinoamerica Colombia |
optical line card |
optics of liquid crystals |
options licensing course |
oregon Lands coalition |
oregon Lidar Consortium |
oregon logging conference |
organizacion Libertaria cimarron |
organizationl life cycle |
organizational learning capability |
Oriental Land Company |
oromia liberation council |
outdoor lighting control |
outdoor lighting controller |
outils logicels pour la communication |
overlap layout consensus |
oxford language centre |
oak leaf church |
occupaion level crossing |
ocean Lure concepts |
odyssey lifestyle company |
office of legislative counsel |
Official Languages Commission |
officially liscensed circuits |
ohip leadership conference |
oklahoma lottery commission |
olacaceae |
older learner center |
old Lutheran Church |
Old Lutheran Church-Asia |
oligodendrocyte-like cells |
olympic college |
on location casting |
ontario library consortium |
operating life cycle |
orangethorpe learning center |
organisational learning centre |
oregon law commission |
Organizational Leadership Club |
Organizational Learning Culture |
organizational Leadership& change |
orientation to life and careers |
ornstein, Leyton company |
oromo liberation council |
osprey learning center |
osteoclast-like cell |
ouabain-like compounds |
our lady's christian |
outgoing line circuit |
overseas logistics club |
oxford language center |
ozarks literacy council |
university of Otago Language Centre |
office of legal complaints |
ontario land corporationration |
ontario library council |
Optitrade Logistiek Centrum |
Tough As Hell |
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy |
Total Academic Headcount (MathWorks) |
Teaching American History (grant program) |
Track and Hold |
Turbo Assembler Help |
Total Artificial Heart |
Three Apples High |
Trading After Hours (stock exchange) |
Take A Hike |
Target Area Hazard |
Take A Hint |
Trust for America's Health |
Temperature Alarm High |
Wells (Amtrak station code; Wells, ME) |
West Edmonton Mall |
Wholesale Electricity Market |
Web Experience Management (Adobe Systems Incorporated) |
Windows Element Manager |
World Econo Move (Japan) |
Water and Energy Management (various organizations) |
Workplace Education Manitoba (Canada) |
World Education Market |
Wayne E Meyer (US Navy) |
West End Motors (est. 1947; various locations) |
Watkins Electric Music |
Winning E-Mail (prizes) |
Wave Equation Migration |
Women's Energy Matters |
Women's Educational Media |
Workshop in Emergency Management |
What Ever Minga |
Wisconsin Electrical Manufacturing Company, Inc. |
Write Efficient Memory |
Weapons Engineering Mechanic (Royal Navy UK) |
Wireless Element Manager (Alcatel, France) |
Wireless E-Mail Application (Apex) |
Military Occupational Specialty (US Army) |
Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
Microsoft Office Specialist |
Mean Opinion Score |
Ministry of Sound (London Night Club) |
Museum of Science (Boston, MA) |
Man of Steel (aka The Man of Steel; also seen as TMOS) |
Man On the Street (type of interview) |
Margin of Safety |
Manual of Style |
Mates of State (band) |
My Oracle Support (software) |
Mambo Open Source |
Miracle of Science (science fiction) |
Material On Site |
Medical Outcomes Study |
Moment of Silence |
Motorways of the Sea (EU) |
Model Output Statistics |
Measure of Success (Joint Commission; Oakbrook Terrace, IL) |
Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
Magneto Optic Storage |
Multiuser Operating System |
Mobile Office Support |
Mission Operation System |
Master Operating System |
Minimum Operating System |
Managed Objects |
Multiprogramming Operating System |
Modular Optical Scanner |
Mobile Office System |
Mobile Office Suite |
Management Operating System |
Metal-Oxide-Silicon |
Motor Operated Switch |
Made of Steel |
Mission Operations System (US NASA) |
Military One Source (US DoD) |
Member of the Opposite Sex |
Medical Office Specialist |
Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD) |
Mobile Operating System |
Maintenance Operations Squadron |
Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school) |
Multi-Object Spectrograph |
Marine Observation Satellite |
Mom over Shoulder (texting; aka Mother over Shoulder) |
Macintosh Operating System |
Media Object Server |
Multi-Object Spectrometer |
Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning; variouslocations) |
Married out of Society (Quaker religion) |
Multimedia Operating System (First Virtual Corporation) |
Mu Online Server |
Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer) |
Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics (database) |
Make Out Session |
Matter of Size |
Manual of Standards |
Medical Office Software, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
Monthly Operational Summary |
Managed Office Solutions (UK) |
Member of Service (police) |
Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class ChildrenWithout Energy) |
Michigan Office Solutions (est. 1957) |
Mission of Service |
Major Orthopedic Surgery |
Minimum Operating Strip |
Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, BoyScouts of America) |
Mic-O-Say (Tribe) |
Margin on Services (insurance) |
MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) |
Method of Statement |
Mode Of Shipment |
Mini Operating System |
Major Operating System |
Multi-Beam Optical Sensor |
Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA) |
Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school) |
Mother of Our Savior (Detroit, MI grade school, now defunct) |
Military Occupation Skill |
Massachusetts Orchid Society |
Method Of Supply |
Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI) |
Mobility Operations School |
My Own Science (education program) |
Military Operations Specialist (FAA) |
Metal Oxide Substrate |
Managed Operations Services (various companies) |
Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain) |
Maintenance Out of Service |
Manually Operated Switch (railroads) |
Maritime Observation Satellite |
Minimum Operating Standard |
Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape) |
Mute on Sound |
Manned Orbital Station |
Minimum Operational Sensitivity |
Maintenance Override Switch |
Marked Out of Stock |
Management Operations Staff |
Marine Occupational Standard |
Manual Observing System |
Military Oceanography Subcommittee |
Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie termfor shot without dialog) |
Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education) |
Malibu Orchid Society, Inc. |
Measure Of Suitability/Stability |
Madonna of the Streets |
Minus Optical Strip (acting) |
MANTIS (Multimodal Networks of In-Situ Sensors) Operating System(open source software) |
Material Ordering Schedule |
Modulated Orthogonal Sequence |
Materials Ordering System |
Military Obligated Service |
Morph Operating System |
Multifunctional Operator System |
Monitor Only Stations |
Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian) |
Movable Oil Saturation |
Main Object Size |
Mission Operational Specialty |
Manually Out of Service |
Modine Operating System (Modine Manufacturing Co.) |
Modetti Office Services (Singapore) |
Republic of Texas (biker rally) |
Rule of Thumb |
Reign of Terror (band, and also a gaming clan) |
Root of Trust (computing) |
Rotunda (Portuguese postal usage) |
Right on Time |
Right on Time (Red Hot Chili Peppers song) |
TAROM Romanian Air Transport (ICAO code) |
Rotation |
Restraint of Trade |
Running Object Table |
Rate of Turn |
Registered Orthopedic Technologist (American Society of Orthopedic Professionals) |
Return on Talent |
Rule of Thirds (photography) |
Republic of Turkey |
Retention of Title |
Rose of Tralee (Ireland) |
Rise of the Triad (video game) |
Really Off Topic |
Redundant, Obsolete, Trivial |
Runway Occupancy Time |
Remaining Operating Time |
Retailers' Occupation Tax (Illinois, USA) |
Redundant, Outdated, or Trivial (material on web pages; US EPA) |
Record Of Trial |
Remotely Operated Tool |
Receive Only Terminal |
Rise Over Thermal (wireless communication systems) |
Right Offensive Tackle (football position) |
Rehabilitate-Own-Transfer (project/financing arrangement) |
Rise of Tyrants (online game) |
Registered Option Trader |
Requirements Operability Test (US Air Force) |
Rise of Terror (online game) |
Revision of Terms (loans) |
Rolled on Tube (textile business) |
Realms of Thoth (gaming) |
Return on Turnover |
Results Oriented Thinking |
Radar On Target |
Right on Test |
Reapers of Time (gaming clan) |
Resource Occupancy Time |
Residue Off-Site Treatment |
Radar-Only Tactic |
Reign of Tatooine (gaming clan) |
Royal Operating Table (Crossing the Line Ceremony) |
Cash On Delivery (shipping) |
Chemical Oxygen Demand |
Collect On Delivery |
Call of Duty (game) |
Complément d'Objet Direct (French: Direct Object Complement; grammar) |
Capacity On Demand |
Cost of Death (insurance) |
Catch of the Day |
College of Dupage |
Cost of Debt (finance) |
Codex |
Center of Development (various organizations) |
College of the Desert |
Common Origination and Disbursement (US Department of Education) |
Cause of Death |
Code List (File Name Extension) |
Committee on Design (American Institute of Architects) |
Cylinder on Demand (Audi) |
Certificate of Destruction |
Certificate Of Deposit |
Cancellation of Debt |
Crack O' Dawn |
Carbone Organique Dissous (French: Dissolved Organic Carbon) |
Centre Opérationnel Départemental (French: Departmental Operations Center) |
Council of Dragons (gaming guild) |
Curse of Dimensionality (applied mathematics) |
Computer Organization and Design (textbook) |
Council on Diversity (various locations) |
City of Dreams (casino; Melco Crown Entertainment; China) |
Circle of Death |
Cash on Delivery |
Compiled Code |
Confirm on Delivery |
Co-Installer Driver |
Connection Oriented Data |
Coded Macroblock Indication |
Conference on Disarmament (international forum) |
Cystic Ovarian Disease |
Conference Organizing Distribution (software; Drupal) |
Coefficient of Determination |
Congress of Democrats (Namibia) |
Change Of Direction (football) |
Customer Order Desk (various companies) |
Concise Oxford Dictionary |
Commercial Operation Date |
Close of Day |
Carrier Onboard Delivery |
Crack Opening Displacement |
Class of Device (Bluetooth) |
Charter of Democracy (Pakistan) |
Content on Demand |
Catastrophic Optical Damage (semiconductor lasers) |
Certificate of Death |
Cloak of Darkness (gaming clan) |
Coffee of the Day |
Close Order Drill (marching) |
Click of Death |
Commercial Operation Declaration |
Change of Destination (shipping) |
Circle of Dust (band) |
Canadian Oxford Dictionary |
Curse of Doom (World of Warcraft spell) |
Cone Dystrophy |
Cloud of Darkness |
Career Opportunities Development (California) |
Color of the Day (undercover police) |
Certificate of Designation (FAA) |
Crypt of Decay (Everquest gaming) |
Combat Operations Division (USAF) |
Collège d'Omnipratique Dentaire (French: College of General Practice Dentistry; Belgium) |
Cody Yellowstone Regional Airport (airport code) |
Co-Occuring Disorder (mental health diagnosis) |
Central Ordnance Depot (India) |
Change of Details |
Circle of Dependability |
Circle of Darkness (online game) |
Center Operations Directorate |
Crossroads of Destiny (TV show Avatar: the Last Airbender) |
Certificate of Disposal |
Cooperative Opportunities Document |
Children Of Destiny |
Customer Order Display |
Complex Orthogonal Design |
Captain on Deck |
Cardiovasculaire, Obésité et Diabète |
Care of the Devil (AC/DC song) |
Correction of Deficiency |
Community Operations Division |
Case of Department |
Central Organization Department |
Comité de Orden y Disciplina (disciplinary comitee for Guatemalan jails) |
Congreso de la Central Obrera Departamental (Bolivian labor organization) |
Continuous Optical Discharge |
Cerebro-Ocular Dysgenesis (muscular dystrophy) |
Comics on Delivery (1997 movie) |
Cascaded Optical Delay Line |
Central Order Desk |
Cost of Operations Division |
Category Of Distribution |
Cadet on Duty |
Concept of Operations Description |
Yard |
Young Democrats |
Younger Dryas (prehistoric climate period) |
Year-to-Date |
Year Date (date on a stamp; philately) |
Floating Crane (Non Self-Propelled) |
Yankee Division (WWI; infantry division from New England) |
Yaw Damper |
District Derrick, Floating (US Navy) |
University of Oregon |
Ultima Online (game) |
Urban Outfitters |
Uh Oh |
Universal Orlando (Orlando, Florida) |
University of Oxford |
University of Oklahoma |
Underoath (band) |
University of Ottawa |
Urban Operations (game) |
Urge Overkill (band) |
University of Otago (New Zealand) |
University Outreach |
Urinary Output |
Unusual Occurrence |
Unexploded Ordnance |
Undercover Officer |
Université d'Orléans (French: University of Orleans) |
Uru Obsession (website) |
Unit Operator |
Uncle Owen (Star Wars character) |
Union Railroad of Oregon |
Official Envelope (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
Under-Officer |
Undelivered Orders |
ureteric orifice |
Library of Congress (US) |
Liquid Chromatography |
Lake City (ammunition headstamp) |
Least Concern (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category) |
Liquid Crystal |
Saint Lucia (ISO country code, top level domain) |
Local Call |
Low Cost |
Lower Case |
Lactation Consultant |
Letter of Credit |
Learning Center |
Louisiana College (Pineville, Louisiana) |
Lauren Conrad (actress) |
Life-Cycle |
Lynchburg College (Virginia) |
Line Card |
Lethal Concentration |
Land Cover |
Lions Club |
Legion of Christ (Roman Catholic religious institute) |
Low Carb (low carbohydrate diet) |
Liberty City (gaming, Grand Theft Auto) |
Launch Complex |
Lewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey, IL) |
Local Currency |
Laptop Computer |
Low-Carbohydrate (diet) |
Las Cruces (New Mexico town) |
Local Committee |
Lincoln County |
Learning Communities (various universities) |
L-Carnitine |
Lucky Charms |
League Cup (UK football tournament) |
Local Control |
Language Code |
Level Control |
Low Class |
Left Click |
Low Carbon |
Low Confidence |
Life Coach |
Logistics Center |
Library Council |
Low Compression |
Limited Company |
La Canada (California) |
Luther College (Dechorah, Iowa) |
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) |
Liver Cirrhosis |
Lieutenant Colonel |
Leakage Current |
Locus Coeruleus |
Link Connection |
Lacrosse Club (various locations) |
Love Connection (TV show) |
Launch Countdown (US NASA) |
Left Center (Stage) |
Line Conditioner |
Label Code (IFPI) |
Labour Court |
Los Cabos (Mexico) |
Linfield College (Oregon) |
Lesser Curvature (stomach) |
Least Common |
Long Colt |
Landing Craft |
Linux Computer |
Little Child (Beatles song) |
Line Control |
Letter Carrier (Canada Post) |
Love Canal |
Lower Class |
Lacuna Coil (band) |
Lord Chancellor |
Listening Comprehension |
Logan County |
Lymphocytic Colitis (medical disorder) |
Littoral Combat (US Navy) |
Lance Corporal |
Library Computer |
Level Crossing (UK Ordnance survey map) |
Lecco, Lombardia (Italian province) |
Land Contract |
Legendary Classic (motorcycle) |
Linear Control |
Line of Contact |
Lighting Certified |
Line Circuit |
Lotus Connector |
Leadership Challenge |
Logical Connection |
Local Channel |
Lawrence Central (High School) |
Learning Collaborative |
Limited Capability |
Lower Canada |
Local Coordinator |
Line Cost |
Logic Colloquium |
Line Charge |
Leningrad Cowboys (Finnish band) |
Light Case |
Leslie Consulting (New Mexico) |
Load Constant (NIOSH) |
Logistics Command |
Letters and Cards (US Postal Service) |
Lung Center |
Lucent Connector (fiber optic connector with a 1.25mm ferrule) |
Low Coupling |
Letter Contract |
Linear Coefficient |
Leaky Cauldron (Harry Potter fan site) |
Logistics Coordinator |
Loud & Clear (logging abbreviation) |
Lansdale Catholic (Pennsylvania) |
Large Crown (philatelic watermark; British) |
Listchecker (application) |
Launch Critical (US NASA) |
Lake Cowichan (British Columbia, Canada) |
Inductor-Capacitor circuit (L is the symbol for inductance) |
Lorentz Contraction (aka time dilation) |
Lipa City (Batangas, Philippines) |
Licensed Companion |
Liquid Concentration |
Loco Citato (Latin) |
Left-Circular |
Locked Closed |
Legal Consolidation |
Legionnaires of Christ (religious order) |
Loopback Capability (ATM) |
Leafcull (gaming, Asheron's Call) |
Latvia's Way Union |
Lead Count |
Lane Controller |
Lethal Commandos (online gaming) |
Lawncrest (Philadelphia neighborhood) |
Limited Certification |
Loopback Circuit (HSSI) |
Laboratory Counsel |
Late Counter |
Little Connector (fiber optics) |
Large Custom Built |
Lodge Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America) |
Lancaster and Chester Railway Company |
Laboratory Ceiling |
Lymphocytic Cholangitis |
Lampert Connector (fiber optics) |
Linked Characteristic |
Launch Cancellation |
Largest Comb (poultry science) |
L. Ron Hubbard Communicator (Church of Scientology) |
Logic/Logical Channel |
Launcher Console |
Labor Capture |
Lacking Component |
Lepidoptera of Caucasus Region |
Limited Configuration/Coordinating |
Lattice Computing |
Liscomb Complex |
Teaching Assistant |
Trans Am (Pontiac automobile model) |
Technical Assistance |
Ambient Temperature |
Turn Around |
Time Attack (gaming) |
Thanks Again |
Travel Agent (Agency) |
Technology Assessment |
Territorial Army (UK) |
Tank (aircraft designed by Kurt Tank & built by Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH) |
Transition(al) Architecture |
Tantalum |
Tuition Assistance |
Transit Authority |
Transfer Agent (financial industry) |
Taunton (postcode, United Kingdom) |
Tel Aviv |
Technical Analysis |
To Above |
Transmit(ter) Address |
Transactional Analysis (psychology) |
Target Audience |
Trade Association |
Total Area (geometry) |
Target Area |
Total Annihilation (game by Cavedog Entertainment) |
Tori Amos (singer) |
Technical Advisory (computer security bulletin) |
Task Analysis |
Technical Adviser |
Trading As (similar to DBA, doing business as) |
Travel Allowance (various organizations) |
Training Area |
Technical Assessment |
Technical Architecture |
Trend Analysis |
Target Acquisition |
Traffic Accident |
Traffic Announcement |
Technical Area |
Taxing Authority |
Travel Authorization |
Titus Andronicus |
Tiger Army (band) |
Teachers Assistant |
Target Address |
Tamper Alarm |
Table of Allowance |
Target Analysis |
Team Anna (political group) |
Temporarily Absent |
Traffic Analysis |
Technical Arrangement |
Technical Audit |
Telecommunications Authority (various locations) |
Technical Advance |
Technical Authority |
Tibialis Anterior |
Total Average |
Technical Assist (computer security bulletin) |
Antenna Temperature |
Technology Administration |
Tolerance Analysis (mechanical engineering) |
Teaming Agreement (various organizations) |
Technology Alliance (various locations) |
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (medical procedure) |
Total Alkalinity (water chemistry) |
Team Arena (Quake 3 expansion pack) |
Technical Associates (Canoga Park, CA) |
Tartan Army (Supporters of Scotland's national football team) |
Taxpayer Advocate |
Training Aid |
Tom Atkins (Actor) |
Tank Army (CIS) |
Tentative Agreement |
Triacetin |
Transition Altitude (aviation) |
United Kingdom to United States (routing destination; US Navy) |
Tactical Airlift |
Timing Advance |
Tricuspid Atresia (congenital heart defect) |
Therapeutic Area |
Teacher Advisor |
Trey Anastasio (Phish band member) |
Temporal Artery |
Test Article |
Time & Attendance |
Trading Assistant (eBay) |
Technical Acceptance |
Textile and Apparel |
Travel Assistance |
Type of Assistance |
Time Alignment (audio synchronization) |
Temperature Alarm |
Threat Analysis (information operations/computer network defense) |
Training Agency |
Tetris Attack (video game) |
Traffic Advisory |
Tenancy Agreement |
Teacher Assessment (education) |
Test Access |
Travel Advance |
Trade Assistant |
Tension Arterial (Spanish: Blood Pressure) |
Temperature Ambient |
Tugas Akhir (Indonesian: Final Assignment) |
Terrain Analysis |
Tree Algorithm |
Task Agreement (various organizations) |
Tax Amortization |
Taranto, Puglia (Italian province) |
Total Army |
Terminal Adaptor |
Theater Army |
Therapeutic Abortion |
Technical Assembly |
Total Attempts (volleyball statistic) |
Texture Analyser |
Tasking Authority |
Thanks Awfully |
Terrain Avoidance |
Traditional Authorities |
Trusted Agent |
Territorial Authority (New Zealand) |
Transamerica Corporation |
Travel Approval |
Towed Array |
Team AnandTech (distributed processing team) |
Total Audience |
Test Activity |
Tubular Adenoma |
Track Analysis |
Trick Attack (game) |
Test Alert (Hekimian) |
Throughput Accounting |
Transverse Anastomosis (surgery) |
Transmission Analysis |
Transverse Acoustic (Raman scaterring) |
Terminal Address (computing) |
Transducer Assembly |
Toyota Atlantic (auto racing) |
Truckstops of America |
Thermal Array |
Training Analyst |
Training Agent |
Traveling Allowance |
Thermal Asperity |
Telescope Assembly |
Threat Avoidance |
Tangerine Army (gaming group) |
TravelCenters of America, Inc. |
Transient Alert |
Test Authority |
Transmitter Assembly |
Twisted Animation (band) |
Think Attack |
Tropical Air Mass (weather) |
Toei Animation Co. Ltd |
Timing Algorithm |
Test Authorization |
Transportation Approval |
TexAgs (Texas A&M sports forum) |
Titulaire Académique (French: Academic Holder) |
Time Accelerator (Quake 2 gaming) |
Threat Axis |
Teresian Association |
Temasek Academy |
Territory Assignment |
Terminates Above (mechanical services design) |
Taca International Airlines, El Salvador (IATA airline code) |
Task Authorizations |
Transfer Aisle |
Trainee Agent |
Taure en'Arvandor (gaming) |
Tiberian Adventure (game) |
Transportability Approval |
Tracked Aggression (music disks) |
Teaching/Teacher's Aide |
TRADOC Airlift Committee |
Hardware |
Homework |
Hollywood |
Highway |
Hot Water |
Hazardous Waste |
Heavy Weight (sports) |
Hardwood |
Healthy Weight |
Health and Wealth |
Head of Wall (construction) |
Hyrule Warriors (video game) |
Happy Wheels (game) |
Handwriting |
Halo Wars (game) |
Harry Winston (jeweler) |
High Water |
Homeworld (game) |
Hot Wheel |
Harvard-Westlake School (California) |
Hot Wire (welding technology) |
Heartworm |
Hard Wired |
Health Warning |
Hard Water |
Headwind |
Hawkwind (band) |
Helloween (band) |
Half-Wave |
Heavy Water |
Herewith |
Hayley Westenra (classical soprano from New Zealand) |
Homewrecker |
Hundredweight |
Hand Wheel (automotive steering systems) |
Hatchway |
Holy Wood (Marilyn Manson album) |
Half-Word |
Health Week (PBS show) |
Heater, Water |
Harvey Wallbanger (cocktail) |
Hall-Way |
Hand Weeding |
Highly Weathered (soil mechanics) |
Heritage Writtle (UK) |
Hollow World (gaming, Dungeons & Dragons) |
High-Warning |
Hanford Works |
Hell's Wrath (gaming clan) |
Hacked Website |
HutchWorld (mobile networking) |
Homing Weapons |
Horizontal Weather Depiction |
Them (slang; usually written 'em) |
Electronic Mail |
Employment |
Eminem |
Emergency Medicine |
Emoticon |
Emerging Markets |
Electronic Music |
Eddie Murphy |
Environmental Management |
Emergency Management |
Electromagnetic(s) |
End of Medium |
Electron Microscopy |
Effective Microorganisms |
Electronic Media |
Electron Microscope |
Energy Management |
E-Mail Me |
ExxonMobil |
Expectation Maximization (algorithm) |
Extreme Makeover |
Esclerosis Multiple (Spanish: Multiple Sclerosis) |
Experimental Model |
Engineering Mechanics (various schools) |
Enterprise Manager |
École de Management (French: Management School) |
Electronic Monitoring (various locations) |
Engineering Manager |
Exercise Manual |
Encephalomyelitis (inflammation of brain and spinal cord) |
End-user Manual |
Express Mail |
Executive Manager (US DoD) |
Electronic Manual |
Enterprise Management |
Elliot Minor (band) |
Electromechanical |
Evaluation Model |
Emergency Manager |
Enlisted Marine (US DoD) |
Electronic Musician |
Engineering Model |
Encyclopedia of Mormonism |
Explanatory Memorandum (Australia and UK) |
Electronic Module |
Enrollment Management (educational institutions) |
Early Minoan (time period) |
Engineer of Mines (mining engineer) |
Energia Metabolizável (French: Metabolizable Energy) |
Extensions Manager (Apple) |
Enlisted Military |
Environmental Mycobacteria |
End of Medium (ITU-T) |
Electron Micrograph |
Electromotive (voltage as an electromotive force) |
Economics and Management |
Element Manager |
Engine Modification |
External Modulation (Pirelli) |
Environmental Module |
Expanded Memory |
End Matched |
Energy Maneuverability |
Emasculated Male |
Electronic Marketplace |
Equipment Module |
Electromigration |
Environmental Monitor |
Element Management (Sprint) |
Extraintestinal Manifestation |
Executive Minister |
Execution Management |
Environment Monitor (SONET) |
Energetic Material |
Execution Monitor |
EuroMetaux (European Association of Non-Ferrous Metals) |
Electrician's Mate (US Navy rating) |
Enabled Mail (Internet) |
Education Manual |
Electric Mirrors (automotive classifieds) |
Electromagnetic Conductivity |
Economy and Management |
Error Monitor |
Exception Monitor |
Earl Marshall (British) |
Electron Migration |
Estimate-Maximize |
Engineering Memorandum |
Equivalent Men |
EuroMARC (European Union trademark registration database) |
Width of Capital m (unit of measurement) |
Eastern Megalopolis |
Department of Electromechanics |
E-Box-M-CAT |
Erratus Monks (gaming) |
Department of Energy Office of Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management |
Engineer(ing) Manual (USACE) |
Quantity of Structure Excavation without Shoring (Colorado Department of Transportation) |
Edgemoor & Manetta Railway |
Etna and Montrose Railroad |
Enlisted Man/Men/Member |
Quantity of Structure Excavation with Shoring (Colorado Department of Transportation) |
Operating System |
Oh Shoot (polite form) |
Oculus Sinister (Latin: Left Eye) |
Open Source |
Open Systems |
On Schedule |
Old Style |
Old School |
Online Services |
One Side |
Overall Survival |
On-Site |
Off Screen (cinematography) |
Outer Space |
Out of Stock |
Office of the Secretary |
Overseas |
Office Support |
Oxidative Stress |
Ordnance Survey |
Oregon State (also seen as OSU) |
Omaha Steaks (meat company) |
Old Style (or Old System; referring to Julian Calendars) |
Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL newspaper) |
Outsourcing Services |
Output Status |
Official Statement (government finances) |
Our Savior |
Austrian Airlines (IATA airline code) |
Operational Security |
Old Stuff :-) |
Ocean Springs (Mississippi) |
Oversize |
Operations Support (various organizations) |
Oliver Stone (director) |
Osmium |
Orioles (Baltimore baseball team) |
Old Spice (after shave brand) |
Ocean Shores (Washington) |
Overall Satisfaction |
Out-of-Service |
Overshoot |
Owen Sound (City, Canada) |
Operator Services (various agencies) |
Off Stage |
Ossetian (language identifier; RFC 3066) |
On Scene |
Over the Shoulder (cinematography) |
Oversold (stock market) |
Oxygen Sensor |
Outlaw Star (action-anime) |
Only Son |
Os Giken (automotive racing parts manufacturer) |
Observational Study |
Orthopedic Surgeon |
Over Speed |
Operations Specialist (USN Rating) |
Open Sockets (Diablo II gaming) |
Ouabain-Sensitive |
Optical Scanning |
Oughtred Society (est. 1991; slide rule collectors) |
Over Stock |
Olympiska Spelen (Swedish: Olympic Games) |
Own Ship |
Old Saxon |
Oberseminar |
Outdoor Skills |
Official Solicitor (UK) |
Osijek, Croatia (license plate) |
Outstation |
Organizational Support |
Operserv (IRC Operator Server) |
Onboard Software |
Ocean Surveillance |
Ordinary Seaman |
Off Scene |
Office of Security |
Office Superintendent |
Obsidian Sanctum (World of Warcraft) |
Ordinary Seaman (Canadian naval rank) |
Operations Squadron |
Order Statistic |
Orbital Station |
Office of Systems |
Oil Separator |
Output Spy |
Office of Sustainability |
Operating Standard |
Operating Statement |
Ohr Somayach (school) |
Opening Snap (mitral valve) |
Offensive Support |
Optical Sight |
Ouvrier Spécialisé (French: semi-skilled worker) |
Obiettivi Specifici |
Open Skies treaty |
Officer's Statement (performance evaluation) |
Observation Squadron |
Operational Suitability |
Orthopterists' Society |
Object Slice |
Operating Strength |
Organized Stalking |
Optical Silicon (semiconductor chip components) |
Over Shield (Halo video game) |
Overtime Scheduled |
Oblates of Wisdom |
Operationalizing the Strategy |
Ogawa Shigeo (Engines) |
Otm Shank Jazz Quintet (band) |
Organic Signal |
Orienting Station (surveyed reference location for artillery position) |
Ordnance Specification |
Operational Superintendence (on overtime forms) |
Old Silcoatian (Silcoates School, Wakefield, UK) |
Romania |
Radio |
Removal of (medical) |
Run on (proofreading) |
Reverse Osmosis |
Right On |
Ride-On (Montgomery County, Maryland transit provider) |
Ragnarok Online (computer game) |
Royal Oak (Michigan City, MI, USA) |
Read Only |
Regional Office |
Rule Out |
Rollover (financial) |
Rovigo (Italy) |
Readout |
Reorder (proofreading) |
Rondônia (Brazilian state) |
Restraining Order |
Reliability of Operations |
Reverse Order |
Remains Open |
Radio Operator |
Red Orchestra (computer game) |
Registered Owner |
Reserve Officer |
Record Only |
Revenue Officer |
Responsible Officer |
Research Only |
Research Objective |
Rough Opening (construction) |
Room Only (hotel) |
Rock Opera |
Renewables Obligation (UK) |
Repair Order |
Ruimtelijke Ordening (Dutch: spatial development) |
Risk Officer |
Russian Orthodox |
Radiation Oncologist |
Robust Optimization |
Required One-Time |
Ranking Officer |
Receptor Occupancy (pharmacology) |
Routine Order (Canadian Military) |
Reporting Officer |
RingOut |
Retired Officer (UK) |
Remote Operations |
Rescue Officer |
Remote Office |
Tarom Romanian Air Transport (IATA airline code) |
Recherche Opérationnelle (French: Operations Research) |
Radar Operator |
Recognized Organization (various countries) |
Registration Officer |
Receive Only |
Request Order |
Reactor Operator |
Requested Off (work schedule) |
Royal Observatory |
Regnum Online (video game) |
Revenue Outturn (UK) |
Restriction Orifice (device used to drop pressure in a pipe) |
Resident Office |
Reviewing Official |
Requirements Officer |
Residence Order |
Raphe Obscurus |
Range Only (sonobuoy, AN/SSQ-47) |
Route Order |
Régime Obligatoire (French: Required Plan; health care) |
Relay Operator |
Rate Offset |
Right Outboard |
Requirements Objective |
Requisitioning Objective |
Radiological Officer |
Regional Operation (various organizations) |
Rotate Out (Hyper Logo Turtle Graphics command) |
Redistribution Order |
Rutas Orientales (Spanish: Eastern Routes) |
Routing Office (US Navy) |
Regrets Only (invitation response) |
Réponse Objective (French) |
Registered Optician |
Reportable Occurrence |
Resistive Open |
Routing Organisation |
Report Orderly |
US Revenue Private Die Proprietary (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
Total Chances (baseball statistics) |
Technical Committee |
Transport Canada |
Thread Count (fabric) |
Teachers College |
Thompson/Center (gun company) |
Technical Communication |
Twin Cam |
Total Commander (file manager software) |
Total Cholesterol |
Telecommunications |
Type Certificate |
Twin Cities (Minnesota) |
Transfer Case (vehicle auxiliary 4WD transmission) |
Technical Cooperation |
Take Care |
Traffic Control |
Terms & Conditions (law) |
Tissue Culture |
United Arab Emirates |
Case Temperature |
Total Cost |
Time Code |
Turks and Caicos Islands (ISO country code) |
Time Capsule (Apple backup appliance) |
Time Capsule |
Temperature Control |
Tax Court |
Training Camp |
Technology Center |
Traditional Chinese (language) |
Town and Country |
Tungsten Carbide (materials) |
Temperature Controller |
The Cure (UK band) |
Technical Center |
Therapeutic Community |
Truck Camper |
Tax Credit |
Tropical Cyclone |
Tribunal Constitucional (Portuguese constitutional court) |
Technetium |
Traction Control |
Tom Cruise |
Thin Client (computer hardware) |
Teleconverter (photography lens) |
Tinned Copper (various companies) |
Town Centre (Age of Empires II game) |
Time Clock |
Tom Clancy (author) |
Training Centre (see CGTC) |
Trinity College |
Team Captain |
Tri-Cities (Washington) |
Tetracycline |
Critical Temperature |
Thermal Conductivity |
Test Case (testing methodology) |
Thermocouple |
The Clash (band) |
Tachycardia |
Testicular Cancer |
Time Constant |
Toxic Chemical (hazardous chemicals) |
Total Carbon (TIC + TOC) |
Top Cat |
Turbo Coupe (Ford Thunderbird Model) |
Time Crisis (gaming) |
Temperature Coefficient |
Total Conversion (computer games) |
Transmission Control |
Torque Converter (automotive automatic transmission) |
Temple City (California) |
Telecine |
Technology Company |
Treatment Center |
Technology Corporation |
Training and Certification |
Telephone Call |
Toner Cartridge |
Tesla Coil |
That's Cool |
Trusted Computing |
The Conquerors (Microsoft Age of Empires expansion pack) |
Transportation Company (US Army) |
Textual Criticism (biblical texts) |
Transaction Code |
Transfer Credit (education) |
Transcontinental |
Tax Code |
Technical Characteristics |
Trading Card |
Turbo Cache (computing) |
Time Check |
Time Charter (shipping term) |
Traditional Classroom (education) |
Terry Collins (baseball manager) |
Terminal Contact (gait cycle) |
Too Cool |
Tracking Camera |
Transitive Closure |
Air Tanzania (IATA airline code) |
Core Temperature |
Terapia Celular (Spanish: Cellular Therapy) |
Trilateral Commission |
Toxicity Characteristic |
Texarkana College (Texarkana, Texas, USA) |
Thermal Cycling (accelerated life test) |
Tronc Commun |
Thermal Control |
Topology Change (Cisco) |
Take Cover |
Tusculum College (Greeneville, TN) |
Tell City (Indiana) |
Total Credit (distributive computing; tax calculations) |
Traffic Calming (devices) |
Truck Company |
Therapeutic Cloning (genetics) |
Test Control |
Transaction Coordinator (real estate) |
Technician Certificate (UK) |
Trace Cache |
Tical (former currency of Thailand) |
Tropic of Cancer |
Thrust Chamber |
Tierra Comunera (Castilian Nationalist Party) |
Training Coordinator |
Tank Commander |
Test Coverage |
Trust Center (informatics) |
Telecommand |
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti (Republic of Turkey) |
Transportation Command |
Tropic of Capricorn |
Transportation Corps |
Traffic Collision |
Technical Coordinator |
Traffic Camera |
Technology Coordinator |
Tom Cat |
Total Coliforms |
Thiokol Corporation (est. 1929) |
Thundercracker |
Transmission Convergence (ATM) |
Time Capture |
Tactical Communications |
Trellis Coded |
TinyChat (Internet chat system) |
Training Circular |
Type Classification |
Technical Centre |
Transportation Coordinator |
Technology Commercialization |
Trial Counsel |
Terminal Count |
Transaction Capabilities |
Total Communication (concept for teaching deaf children) |
Traffic Conditioner |
Tidal Current |
Tantalum Capacitor |
Teacher Consultant |
Toxic Concentration (TC50 = 50% of the population or TClo = low) |
Team Chief (aerospace) |
Tarif de Convention (French: Tariff Convention; France) |
Telecommunications Council |
Ticket Collector |
Tri-Clover |
Transit Corridor |
Trouble Call |
Turbo Code |
Telecommunities Canada |
Temperature Compensating |
Terminal Controller |
Transit Case |
Troop Commander |
Triple Champion |
Target Concentration |
Traveler's Check |
Tougaloo College (Jackson, MS) |
Twin Carbs |
Transcanadienne (road across Canada) |
Thermal Cutting (welding) |
Test Component (TTCN) |
Transportation Code |
Triple Crochet |
Trabuco Canyon (California) |
Time Cube |
Trusteeship Council (UN) |
Telefilm Canada |
Tentative Consensus |
Text Corpora (Project) |
Test Controller |
Tasa de Cambio (Spanish) |
Test Conductor |
Toll Center |
Thermal Coupling |
Transaction Count |
Terminal Computer |
Traditional Course |
Test Coordinator |
Trip Current (minimum current that will trip a fuse) |
Tandy Corporation |
Trajectory Control |
Telecommunications Specialist |
Terminal Card |
Total Calls (made) |
Tactical Computer |
Ticket Checker (train) |
Transfer Certificate (schools) |
Telecommunications Closet (Pentagon Renovation Project) |
Team Commander (Canadian air, army, sea cadets) |
Trafford Centre (UK) |
ton carbon |
Technecium |
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti (Republic of Turkey) |
TouchChip (biometric sensor) |
Transformational Communications |
Turn Coordinator |
Track Commander |
Traffic Category |
Trinity Cross |
Trial Color (philatelic proof copy) |
Teamsters Canada |
Training Counselor |
Tango Charlie |
Top Coder |
Tender Crisp (Burger King chicken sandwich) |
Technical Clarification (aka Technical Query) |
Touring Convertible (Chrysler/Maserati) |
Travancore-Cochin (former state in India, presently Part of Kerala) |
Total Colonoscopy (cancer screening technique) |
Takeshi's Castle (Japanese gameshow) |
Trinamul Congress (Indian political party) |
Tolerable Concentration |
Tandem Club (UK) |
Topic-Creator (message boards) |
Tribunal de la Concurrence (Canadian Competition Tribunal) |
Technical Circular |
Transaction Central (web-based credit card terminal) |
Top of Curb |
Tactical Coordinator |
Tranche Conditionnelle (Marchés Publics) |
Terrorism Counteraction |
Turbo Convolutional |
Territorial Command |
Transliterating Certificate |
Transition Component |
Tomlinson College |
Technical Contradiction |
Tsunami Channel (webcomic) |
Transgressive Computing (conference) |
Time Chasers (movie) |
Terylene Cotton |
Tamper Circuit |
Tauren Cheiftain (gaming) |
Test/Control Flag |
Tactical Chunder |
Till Countermanded |
Turret Captain |
Target Console |
Transport Collect |
Turk Cypriot |
Tracheostomy Collar |
Tonelada de Carbono Equivalente (Spanish: tons of carbon equivalent) |
Terminology Coordinator |
Tangent-to-Curve Point |
Tachometer Constant |
Tennessee Central Railway Company |
Telecommunication Coordinator |
True Chaotic (gaming) |
Trivandrum Corporation (India Government) |
Throttle Characteristic |
Travel Class of Service |
Tactical Chat |
Transit Canal |
Test Comprehensiveness |
Translogistique Canada |
Training Center/Circular/Concept |
Definition |
Outside Diameter |
Olive Drab |
Doctor of Optometry |
Over Dose |
Oculus Dexter (Latin: Right Eye) |
On Demand |
One Direction (band) |
Opus Dei (Latin: Work of God) |
Optical Density |
Ordnance |
Office of the Director (NIH) |
Office Depot |
Overdue |
Officer of the Day |
Organizational Development |
Once Daily (medical) |
Off-Duty |
Orally Disintegrating (medicine) |
Organization Development |
Of Distinction |
Oh Dear |
Osteochondritis Dissecans |
Occupational Disease |
Order Date |
Overdraft (banking) |
Open Doors |
Oxygen Depleted |
Opioid Dependent |
Orbit Determination |
Office of the Dean |
Overdosed (gaming clan) |
Output Data |
Optical Disk |
Origin - Destination |
Organizational Design |
Office of Disability (Social Security) |
Operations Director |
Open Drain (electronics) |
Out of Desperation |
Operations Division |
Organizational Diagnosis |
Occupation Double (French TV show) |
Offense Defense (sports) |
Opportunistic Disease |
Overcurrent Detection |
outside dimension |
Open Diary (website) |
Officer Down |
Open Detonation (outdoor munitions disposal regulation) |
Orthogonal Design |
Orthodromic |
Official Declaration |
Overseas Department |
Oil Distribution |
Observable Difference |
Over Drive |
Operating Division |
Operations Directive |
Operational Day (scientific experimentation and data recording) |
Operand Decomposition (algorithm) |
Organic Data |
Oxígeno Disuelto (Spanish: Dissolved Oxygen) |
Oven Dried Solid |
Ordnance Data |
Original Dissent (conservative website) |
Outside Discussions |
Ordinary Seaman (Canadian Navy) |
Object Domain |
over damage (gaming) |
Orde Dienst (Dutch: Order of Service) |
Open Dealer (various companies) |
Operational Downlink |
Offsite Dose |
Outside Dose (radiation exposure) |
Orderly Duty |
Omni Dei (once a day) |
Oscuro Destiny (website) |
Overshoot Detector |
Ordnance Documentation |
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