Thursday, January 7, 2021

Sir Amber O'pake---cryptic format

Radio en Ba Mango (Dominican radio station)
Rede para a Empregabilidade Barreiro-Moita (Portuguese: Network for Employability Barreiro, Moita and Baíado Tejo)
Resistance Energy-Balance Model (meteorology)
Rolling Element Bearing Matrix Program (engineering)
Real Estate Business Mentors
Responsible Environmental Behaviour Measure (International Women Online Journal of Distance Education)
Rabbit Ear Bleeding Model (antithrombotic therapy)
British Medical Association
Business Marketing Association
Boston-Maine Airways (Portsmouth, NH)
Baltimore Museum of Art (Maryland)
Butyl Methacrylate (monomer)
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Bermuda Monetary Authority
Boulder Municipal Airport (Boulder, CO)
Blue Mountain Arts (greeting cards; Boulder, CO)
Bundesministerium für Arbeit Und Sozialordnung (German: Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs)
Buffer Management Asic
Base Memory Address
Brandmeldeanlage (German: Fire Detection System/Fire Alarm System)
Board of Mayor and Aldermen (various locations)
Bond Market Association (merged into Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association)
Baptist Missionary Association
Business Model Analysis
Bahrain Monetary Agency
Business Management Association (various locations)
Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie (Dutch: Bureau of Monuments and Archaeology)
Brevet des Métiers d'Art (French)
Bayesian Model Averaging
Biens Mal Acquis (French: Ill Gotten Goods)
Border Management Agency (various locations)
Business Mission Area (US DoD GIG Architectural Vision)
Bois et Matériaux Associés (French: Wood and Associated Materials; industry categorization)
British Military Administration
Birmingham Museum of Art (Alabama)
Binding Mandatory Arbitration
Business Men's Assurance
Belfast Metropolitan Area (UK)
British Mediterranean Airways
Baby Milk Action
Block Matching Algorithm
Bank Marketing Association
Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt, AG (German: Brunswick Machinery Construction Company, Ltd.;Brunswick, Germany)
Bangladesh Medical Association
Biodiversity Management Area (various locations)
Business Mail Acceptance (various organizations)
Beirut Marathon Association (Lebanon)
Blow Me Away (song)
Beyond Madison Avenue
Bicyclette a Moteur Auxiliaire (French: Bicycles with Auxiliary Engines)
Broker Market Analysis (real estate)
Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (Boulder, CO)
Bachelor of Musical Arts (degree)
Boundary Matching Algorithm
Bangladesh Military Academy
Bedside Medication Administration (software)
Bahamas Monetary Authority
Bio-MedApps (Montreal, QB, Canada)
Brest Métropole Aménagement (French: Brest City Planning; Brest, France)
Broadcast Multiple Access
Black Male Adult
Bosnian Muslim Army
Bite My Ass
Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm
Bulk Maritime Agencies (Netherlands)
Base des Miniatures Agricoles (French hobby software company)
Builder Marts of America, Inc
Business Meeting Agency (French financial services company)
Bordeaux Métropole Aménagement (French: Bordeaux Metropolitan Planning)
Black Market Adoption
Bagnols Marcoule Athlétisme (French athletic organization)
Bytown Motorcycle Association
Body Mounted Accelerometer
Bellot Mullenbach et Associés (French: Bellot Mullenbach and Associates; accounting firm; Paris, France)
Basic Maintenance Allowance
Battery-Minefield Angle
Best Mate Always
Business Management Assistant
Brockville Musicians Association
Business Modeling and Architecture
British Military Association
Batticaloa Medical Association
Battery Module Assembly
Buggys Motos Aventures (French recreational vehicle dealer)
Battlefield Management Area (US DoD)
Bolt Motor Actuator
BASE (Body Mechanic Application for Self Evolution) Martial Arts (martial arts method)
Behavioral Model Analysis
Buffer Memory ASIC (Cisco)
Bureaux des Menées Antinationales (French: Bureau of Anti-National Activities)
Belles Mécaniques Anciennes (French antique automobile club)
Bit Manipulation Accelerator
Benefit Management Account
Billington Mitsubishi Alliance (BHP; Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
Below Mean Axis (drawing reference plane)
Bone Mass Aspiration
Blind Mate A (RF connectors designed for fixed bulkhead connections at microwave frequencies)
Base Management Application (Sprint)
Box Matching Algorithm
Stockholm, Sweden - Bromma Airport (Airport Code)
Briques Monolithes Acoustiques (French: Brick Acoustic Monoliths; sound absorption product)
Bergamo's Martial Arts
San Antonio
System Administrator
Société Anonyme (French company designation)
Special Agent
Sociedad Anónima (Spanish company designation)
Sociedade Anónima (Portuguese company designation)
Sine Anno (Latin: Without Date)
Substance Abuse
Security Association (IPSec)
South Africa
Save (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
Single Action (revolver)
South Australia (Australian State)
South America
Situation(al) Awareness
Security Architecture
San Andreas (video game)
Scientific American
Small Arms
Summa (Latin: sum)
Staphylococcus Aureus (bacterium)
Studies and Analysis
Surface Area
Service Application
Saudi Arabia
Security Administration
South Asia
Service Area
Scientific-Atlanta (US satellite communications company)
Security Awareness
Source Address (IEEE 802.3)
Something Awful (humor webpage)
System Administration
Swiss Army
Self Assessment
Santa Ana (California)
System Analysis
Sarajevo (auto registration for Sarajevo, Bosnia)
Sex Appeal
Spólka Akcyjna (Polish: Joint-Stock Company)
Share Alike (Creative Commons License)
Self-Assessment (UK tax returns)
Subsystem(s) Analysis
Salvation Army
South African Airways (IATA airline code)
Sonic Adventure (game)
Social Anxiety
short answer
Systems Analysis
Storage Area
See Also
Space Available (airline travel)
Sexual Assault
Salta (Argentina province)
Stuffed Animal
Service Agent
Swansea (postal code for Swansea, Wales)
Say Again (logging abbreviation)
Social Accountability
Sanofi Aventis (pharmaceutical company)
Sales Associate (real estate)
Subject to Approval
State Agency (various organizations)
Service Agreement (various organizations)
Spirited Away (Japanese anime movie)
Suicide Attempt
Special Assistant
Server Administrator
Senior Advisor
Sustainability Appraisal
Soil Association
Student Association
Special Assignment
Spectrum Analyzer
Stupid Ass
Special A (Manga)
Software Architecture
Soviet Army
Single Adult
Spring Awakening (musical)
System Architecture
Server Apache (computing)
Servicios y Alimentos (Spanish: Services and Food)
Student Assistant
Selective Availability (GPS)
Safety Analysis
Special Area
Son Altesse (French: His/Her Highness)
Sonata Arctica (band)
Special Action
Spontaneous Abortion (miscarriage)
Sexually Active
Staging Area
Security Assistance
Smart Ass
Sleep Apnea
Sua Altezza (Italian: Her/His Majesty)
Stroke Association
Special Access
Safety Assessment
Software Assurance
Service Availability
Seasonally Adjusted
South Atlantic
Standards Australia
Support Agency
Service Assistant
Sale Agreement
Sample Analysis
Sneak Attack (gaming)
Solutions Architect
Spinal Anesthesia
Stochastic Approximation
Arsine (toxic gas)
Sperm Analysis
Strong Ale
Situational Awareness
Separation Anxiety (psychology)
Spark Arrestor
Service Advisor
Scout Association
Service Assurance
Sociedade Anônima (Corporation; Brazil)
Standardised Approach
Supply Air (HVAC)
Service Appointment
Sinoatrial (medical)
Suffield Academy (Suffield, Connecticut)
Sugar Association
Structured Analysis (software engineering)
Semiautomatic (welding)
Sum Assured
Splenic Artery
Space Ace (video game)
Simulated Annealing
Sonic Advance (video game)
Social Actions
Sunshine Act
Spectral Acceleration (seismology)
Student Ambassadors
Samus Aran (Metroid character)
Supplemental Agreement
Space Academy
Status Asthmaticus
Secret Admirer
School Action (UK)
Subscriber Access
Security Authority
Super Aguri (F1 Team)
Sigma Alpha (sorority)
Solar Array
Spherical Array
Scientific Advisor
Secretary of the Army
Subterranean Animism (game)
Supervising Authority
ScrewAttack (gaming)
Supplemental Appropriation
Strategic Attack
Samtök Atvinnulífsins (Iceland)
Stent Area
Salerno, Campania (Italian province)
Stick Arena (game)
Situational Analysis
Superachromat (tele-photo lenses made by Carl Zeiss)
Specialist Association (stock market exchanges)
Side Angle (geometry)
Sub-Address (ISDN)
Supporting Artist
Spaced Antenna
Single Access
System Assessment
Source-Active (Cisco)
Smart Alec
Services Administrator (IRC operator)
Site Acquisition
Sinus Arrhythmia
Simulation and Analysis
Spiral Acquisition
Single Aisle (aircraft)
Significant Accomplishments
Short Abstract (abstracting & indexing)
Situation Assessment
Storage Allocator
Stealth Assassin (gaming)
Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters; India)
Sums Assured (insurance)
Syndrome d'Asperger (French: Asperger syndrome)
Shadow Assassins (gaming clan)
Seaman Apprentice
Sound Attenuation
Signature Analysis
Single Award
Sieve Analysis
Sense Amplifier
Standby Air
Standard Abrasive
State Annex (department of state building)
Sexaholics Anonymous, Inc.
Services and Agencies
Societate Pe Actiuni (Romanian: stock company)
Sheezyart (website)
Socialist Appeal
Surface Attack
Self Aligned
Symbolic Analysis
Station Actual
Salamu Alaikum (Arabic greeting)
Stores Accountant
Salary Adjustment
Sensor Assembly
Sir Aaron (Pokemon)
Server Automation (Hewlett-Packard Development Company)
Saturable Absorber
Surveillance Area
Shared Area
Systematics Association (UK)
Scouting Association (UK)
Site Activation
Sewickley Academy (Pennsylvania)
Sourcing Analyst
Support Acquisition
Sinapinic Acid
Smoothing Algorithm
Sustainable America
Search and Attack
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement (religious order)
Staging Activity
Site Assessment and Remediation
Selection Authority
Stabsarzt (German military)
Simple Alert
Safety and Arming
Supras Auteuil
Society of the Atonement
Show Assistant
SicherheitsAbteilung (German: Safety Department)
Subnet Agent (computer networking)
Supportability Analysis
Sunder Armor (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Suomen Armeija (Army of Finland)
System Abort
Bureau of South Asian Affairs (US Department of State)
Singapore Artillery
Shadow Alliance (gaming clan)
Adopted in the Senate (approved business of the Senate, North Carolina)
Stachowski Alpacas
Section Adaptation
Special Artificer (US Navy)
Sanctity Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Short Acronym
Stürmabteilung (German: stormtroopers; paramilitary organization of Nazi Party)
Syllabic Abbreviation
Shipwright Apprentice
Survivors Associated
Setup Acknowledge (ITU-T)
Spare Allocation
Sniper Assist (gaming, Starcraft)
Shipping Authorization
Switch Arbiter
Storm Afdeling
Springfield (Massachusetts) Armory (closed)
Something's Awful (website)
Supplemental Assembly
Seismic Acoustics
Spooksoliy Arânkas
Slowly Adapting Fiber (In Skin)
Sandia Apparatus
Shredder Afval (Dutch: shredder garbage)
Scrambled Americans (video production company)
Research Assessment Exercise
Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy, organization that defines Spanish language standards)
Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (Spanish: International Service of Argentine Radio; Argentina)
Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)
Research, Assessment and Evaluation (various locations)
Royal Aircraft Establishment
Rising American Electorate
Realtors Association of Edmonton (Edmonton, Canada)
Royal Australian Engineers
Regulatory Authority for Energy
Royal Aerospace Establishment
Raises An Eyebrow
Registro de Aparato Elevador (Spanish: Register of Lifting Appliances)
Revue Archéologique de l'Est (French: Archaeological Review of the East; journal)
Right Atrial Enlargement
Retinol Activity Equivalent (nutrition)
Red de Agricultura Ecológica (Spanish: Organic Agriculture Network; Peru)
Radio Astronomy Explorer
Right of Assistance Entry (US DoD)
Regional Account Executive
Royal Aeronautical Establishment
Radio Amateur's Examination (UK)
Range, Azimuth, Elevation (radars)
Rated as Equivalent (pay claims; UK)
Rire Aux Eclats (French: laughing out loud)
Ring-Adair-Elwyn (endotracheal tube used in orofacial surgery)
Right Above Elbow (amputation)
Residue After Evaporation
Reserve Assignment Eligibility
Resumen Analítico Educativo (Spanish)
Remedial Action Exemption (medical products; US FDA)
Routes AstroEngineering, Inc (Ottawa, Canada)
Rally Advance Excellent (canine obedience title)
Early Learning Centre (UK)
English Language Centre (various locations)
Education Learning Community (various locations)
Équipe Locale de Crise (French: Local Crisis Team)
Employment Law Center (San Francisco, CA)
Early Learning Coalition
Education Law Center
East Lothian Council (UK)
Environmental Law Centre (Canada)
École des Langues et Cultures (French: School of Languages and Cultures)
Ecological Land Classification (Canada)
Environmental Learning Center (Vero Beach, FL)
Environmental Literacy Council (Washington, DC)
European Landscape Convention (international treaty)
Encarta Lesson Collection
Electronic Level Control
Easy Logic Controller
Elisp Code
Electronic Light Control
Egress Line Card
Education Licensing Center
Electronic Level Control (automotive technology)
European Language Council
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Employee Life Cycle (human resources model)
Executive Leadership Council
Eligibility in the Local Context
Education Leadership Conference (annual conference)
ExPRESS Logistics Carrier (International Space Station)
Experiential Learning Center (education)
Enterprise Life Cycle
Electronic Learning Community (various locations)
Extended Life Coolant
Evolutionary Learning Community
Employment Law Consultants
Electronic Light Control (camera)
Enhanced Learning Credit (scheme)
Equipment Leasing Company
Elementary Learning Center (various locations)
Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Consulting (Columbia University club)
Expeditionary Legal Complex (US DoD)
English Language Consultant (various locations)
Enhanced Learning Center
Entreprise Lyonnaise de Construction (French construction company)
E-Learning Credit (Department for Education and Skills; UK)
Engineering Logistics Center
Extended Learning Center
Egyptian Labour Corps
Electric Lighting Concept (France)
Embedded Linking and Control
Exhibitor Liaison Committee (Design Automation Conference)
Extended Local Calling
Entry Level Credential (work skills program)
El Centro, California (border patrol sector)
Employee Leasing Company
Miles Exploratory Learning Center (Tucson, AZ)
Environmental Leadership Council
Eli Lilly Company
Education Leadership Council
Entity Level Controls (Sarbanes Oxley, Audit)
Easy Logistics Center (software)
Enhanced Live Production Control System (newsroom automation software; Sony)
Emerging Leaders Conference (USACE)
Equal-Loudness Contours
Electronic Loan Company
Environment Liaison Center
Estimated Landed Cost (retail industry)
Environment Liaison Centre International (Kenya)
Empowered Learning Center of Stamford
English Learning Centers (English Language Institute of Universidad Interamericana de Costa Rica)
Export Letter of Credit (finance)
End of Line Count
End of Life Choices
Executive Leadership Course
Extremely Leet Chat (chat client)
Electrical Load Center (military helicopters)
Engine Life Computer
Exquisite Life Coaching
Electric Leet Crash (gaming clan)
Exercise Life Cycle
Entertainment Labor Consulting (Los Angeles, CA)
Elite Light Crusaders (Enemy Territory gaming clan)
Eastern Luzon College (Philippines)
Estimated Loss Code (US Navy)
Radiology Information System
Regulatory Impact Statement
Republik Indonesia Serikat (Indonesian: Republic of Indonesia)
Remote Installation Service (Microsoft Windows 2000)
Release in Specific (US DoD)
Refugee and Immigration Services (various locations)
Ruamrudee International School (Thailand)
Radio Interference Suppression
River Information Services
Raads Informatie Systeem (Dutch: Wire Information System)
Research and Information System (India)
Raster Image Set
Research and Instructional Support
Remote Installation Service
Remote Installation Server
Retail Information System
Recoverable in-Doubt Structure
Regulatory Issue Summary (various organizations)
Radio Information Service
Reduced Instruction Set
Robotics Invention System (LEGO)
Reviving the Islamic Spirit (conference)
Ramsar Information Sheet (Ramsar Convention on Wetlands)
Raba Interneta v Sloveniji (Slovenian: Internet Research in Slovenia)
Rail Interface System
Russian Imperial Stout
Rainbow International School (Seoul, South Korea)
Regulatory Information Service
Regional Innovation Strategy (European Commission)
Research and Instructional Support (various schools)
Retail Information Systems
Rail Interface System (accessory mount on guns)
Review of Information Science
Research Innovation Services (UK)
Rothberg International School (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Reparti Investigazioni Scientifiche (Italy, Carabinieri)
Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy
Retroreflector In Space
Remote Information Service
Redwood Inspection Service
Random Interleaved Sampling
Retirement Income Specialist
Request for Information Services
Range Instrumentation System
Research Investment Strategy (Australia)
Raumbezogenes Informationssystem (German: Spacereferred information systems)
Rich Internet Solutions (Netherlands)
Retirement and Insurance Service (a component of OPM)
Radio Investigation Service
Roosevelt Intermediate School (Westfield, NJ)
Recreation and Intramural Sports
Rannsóknagagnasafn Íslands (Icelandic: Research Bank; database)
Radar Integration System
Relocation Information Services
Readiness Information System
Ridgecrest Intermediate School
Reinforced Insulated Sheath (Star Wars armor)
Received in Swap
Representative Indicator Species (US EPA)
Regulatory Information Specialist (US FDA)
Robotique et Interactions (French: Robotics and Interactions; research group)
Romulan Imperial Ship (Star Trek)
Restricted Instructional Setting
Redundant Information Sector (COMPAQ)
Radar Interrogator Set (associated with joint surveillance system)
Report/ing Identification Symbol
Real Estate
Right End
Release Engineering
Rare Earth (chemistry)
Hello Again (D-Dial slang)
Religious Education
Return Exchange
Renewable Energy
Resident Evil (game)
Risk Exposure
Royal Engineers (UK)
Requirements Engineering Conference
Royal Exchange
Research Engineering
Roll Eyes
Round End
Reverse Engineering
Reunion Island (ISO country code, top level domain)
Retained Earnings
Reasonable Efforts
Regular Expression (formal language theory)
Runtime Environment
Reggio Emilia (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Routing Engine (Juniper Networks, Inc.)
Relative Error
Rural Electrification (various locations)
Rotary Engine
Resident Engineer
Requirement Engineering
Recovery Environment (Microsoft)
Revised Estimate
Right Engine
Responsible Entity (various locations)
Reynolds Number (inertia force/viscous force)
Runtime Engine
Restriction Endonuclease
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Resource Element
Reportable Event
Regionalexpreß (German train)
Reliability Enhancement
Reservoir Engineer
Reenlistment Eligibility (code)
Recursively Enumerable (formal language theory/recursion theory/computability theory)
Radiated Emissions (standard for defense electronics)
Radiation Equipment
Railroad Easement
Receive Element
Reduction of Error (statistics)
Refusal of Employment
Resonant Engineering
Retinol Equivalent
Renovación Española (Spanish: Spanish Renewal; political movement)
Radio Éireann (Irish Radio pre-1966)
Remedial Engineering
Radio Enclosure
Emitter Resistance (transistors)
Relationship Episode
Radium Emanation
Radiation Element
Registered Electrologist
rodding eye (mechanical services)
Recycle Acid
Directorate for Readiness
Royal Society of Etchers & Engravers
US Revenue Cordials or Wines (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
bowel movement
Black Male
Beli Manastir, Croatia (automobile code)
British Museum
Burning Man
Myanmar (assumed name of Burma)
Black Metal (music genre)
Black Market (illegal trade)
Branch Manager
Banco Mundial (Spanish: World Bank)
Bundesministerium (Federal Ministry, Austria)
Bob Marley
Bone Marrow
Basement Membrane
Babymetal (band)
Business Management
Boehringer Mannheim (blood test)
Black Mesa (gaming)
Black Magic
Brian May (guitarist)
Blue Moon
Banque Mondiale (French: World Bank)
Breast Milk
Blue Mountain (railroad)
Business Machines
Beatmania (DJ simulator game)
Background Music
Big Mouth
Bloody Mary
Baumeister (German: manager of building projects)
Business Manager
Brigada Militar (south Brazilian military police)
Big Mac
Bachelor of Music (degree)
Ballistic Missile(s)
BeastMaster (Utopia game)
Baby Mama (2008 movie)
Bill Maher (comedian)
Beast Machines
Bill Murray (actor)
Blood Magic (Path of Exile; gaming)
Barry Manilow (musician)
Blademaster (gaming)
Birth Mother
Bench Mark
Beautiful Music (broadcast radio format)
Behavior Modification
Be Mine
Black Madonna
Back Matter
Ballymena (UK)
British Midland (Airline)
BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) Manager
Backyard Monsters (gaming)
Birmingham Midshires (building society bank, UK)
Banca Mondiale (Italian)
Bite Me
Bill of Material
Bending Moment
Battle Management
Build Margin
Burst Mode
Black Mage (gaming)
Bus Mastering
Bachelor of Medicine
Bad Manners
Brewmaster (gaming)
Basal Metabolism
Basilar Membrane
Baader-Meinhof (German terrorists)
Birlesmis Milletler (Turkish: United Nations )
Bundesverband Mediation (German: Federal Mediation Association)
Beats Me
Bishop Museum (Honolulu, HI)
Beer Money
Billy Mays (William Darrell Mays; 1958-2009)
Boatswains Mate
Blue Merle
Bureau of Mines
Bull Moose (political party)
Baby's Mother
Blueberry Muffin (various applications)
Blue Mage (gaming)
Brick & Mortar (as opposed to existence exclusively on the Internet)
Board Measure
Building Manager
Belgian Malinois
Book to Market (stocks)
Birthday Message
Bus Monitor
Buffer Map (computer science)
Blonde Moment
Baseball Mogul (baseball simulation computer game)
Battery Machines
Breakdown Maintenance
Bloodmage (gaming character)
Bella Morte (band)
Body Mounted
Bus Mouse
Behavioral Modeling
Brigade Major (Staff Officer to Brigade Commander)
Brain Man (TV series)
Bronze Metal
Bridge Mux (software)
Bituminous Macadam (transportation engineering)
Battlefield Management
Broadcast Management
Basic Mirroring (computing)
Bluff Master (Indian film)
Battlespace Management
Berlekamp-Massey (algorithm)
Banyak Maunya (Indonesian: I Wish a Lot)
Bakis Model (speech recognition)
Brazilian Male
Beautiful Midnight (Matthew Good Band album)
Back Marker
Burger Machine (Philippine fast food chain)
Bluff Me (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Bible Museum
Beatae Memoriae (Latin: Of Blessed Memory)
Battlemac (gaming clan)
Bound Mode
Bitch Magnet (band)
Bolliger & Mabillard (roller-coaster maker)
Base Movement
Bastard Machine (band)
Bazaar Malay
Boo Mansion (forum/website)
Branch on Minus
Burning Metro (band)
Bridgemonkeys (gaming clan)
Briefing Message
Branch Material
Bearing Mean
Brogan Maintenance (military slang)
Balanced Measure
Branch on Mixed (IBM)
Boston and Maine Railroad Corporation
Bounding Method
(USN Rating) Boatswain's Mate
Master of Arts (degree)
Massachusetts (US postal abbreviation)
Mature Audiences (TV program rating)
Mildly Amused
Market America (independent entrepenurial corporation founded by James H Ridinger)
Moving Average
Medical Assistance
Medical Assistant
Meta Analysis
Management Accounting
Microsoft Access
Move Along
Mannheim, Germany (license plate)
Manual (welding)
Mid-Atlantic (region; various organizations)
Metropolitan Area
Monoclonal Antibody
Military Academy (West Point, NY)
Morocco (ISO country code, top level domain)
Multiple Access
Madagascar (Malagasy)
Management Agent (metadirectory services)
Martial Artist (gaming, Anarchy Online)
Medicare Advantage
Mexican American (classification)
Management Analyst
Military Applications
Massive Attack (band)
Maranhao (Brazil)
Map Analysis
Million Years (geology)
Mission Accomplished
Marin Academy (California)
Mittelalter (German: Middle Ages)
Maranhão (Brazilian state)
Medical Advisor
Michael Alexander (jewelry)
Military Attaché (US Navy)
Marijuana Anonymous
Maintenance Agreement
Multiple Award
Martha Argerich (pianist)
Mechanical Advantage (machines)
Management Activity
Maanantai (Finnish: Monday)
Measurement and Analysis (process area; Capability Maturity Model Integration)
Morbid Angel (band)
Martial Artist (gaming)
Member Association (various organizations)
Memetic Algorithm (evolutionary computing)
Maleic Anhydride
Management Accounts
Mission Assurance (Homeland Defense)
Master-at-Arms (military rating)
Maritime Administration
Modified Atmosphere
Mental Age
Marketing Authorization
Mean Average (mathematics)
Metropolitan Area Network
Magister Artium (Master of Arts)
Missed Abortion
Multimedia Authoring
Mission Area
Mandelic Acid
Modern Apprenticeship
Mobile Armor (Gundam series)
Mobile Assistant
Monitoring Agency
Major Arcana (Lineage 2 game armor set)
Medical Attendant
Mechanical Animals (Marilyn Manson album)
Mission Analysis
Microaneurysm (ophthalmology)
Metabolic Analyzer (US NASA)
Mass Analyzer
Molecular Absorption
Materials Analyst
Missed Approach
Military Assistant
Moored Alongside
Maintenance Action
Mortuary Affairs
Maître Auxiliaire (French: Adjunct Professor)
Missed Appointment
Medical Administrator
Minnehaha Academy (Minneapolis)
Motorcycling Australia
Mission Assignment
Masurium (element)
Mobility Agent
Multiple Answer
Managed Availability (computing)
Minor Arterial (State highway Information)
Minor Actinide
Maximum Allowance
Margin Agreement
Message Analysis
Main Assist (Everquest)
Middle Assyrian
Marshalling Area
Makarska, Croatia (license plate)
Magnetic Amplifier
Mission Abort
Maintenance Administrator
Master Administrator
Manual Assist (nursing)
Military Aircrew
Maintaining Activity
Management Advocate
Music Ant (online guide for music software)
Maître Ès Arts (French: Master of Arts)
Mega Annum (one million years, geological chronology)
Mobilization Assistant
Merchandise Analyst (retail)
Maintainability Analysis
Maintenance and Adaptation (ATMF)
Mobile Allocation (PCS - GSM)
Manufacturing Approval
Mesh Antenna
Motorist Assist
Machine Accountant (Naval Rating)
Memory Administration
MatureAsskickers (gaming clan)
Mini Alert (System Sensor Sounder)
Mechanical Ambush
Master of Audiology
Multi-Alert (system sensor brand name)
MediArchive (website)
Magical Alliance (gaming group)
Malev Hungarian Airlines Limited - Hungary (IATA airline code)
Willys-Overland 1/4 Ton 4 X 4 Truck (1st Model of WWII Jeep)
MJU Alert (Hekimian)
MANPRINT Assessment
Makeshift Apathy (Michigan band))
Multichambered Autoinjector
(USN Rating) Master-At-Arms
Miscible Accounting
Rental Agreement
Resident Assistant
Resident Advisor
Research Article
Registration Authority
Republic Act (Philippines)
Royal Academy
Return Authorization
Risk Assessment
Right Ascension (astronomy)
Risk Analysis
Red Alert
Rise Against (band)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Remote Access
Rain (aviation meteorology)
Regional Association
Research Associate
Ravenna (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Return Address (register)
Rechtsanwalt (German: attorney)
Room Air
Regulatory Affairs
Random Access
Red Alert (computer game)
Regulatory Authority
Republic of Armenia
Royal Artillery
Reserve Affairs
Residents' Association
Ram-Air (General Motors)
Right Atrium (heart chamber)
Range Anxiety
Remedial Action
Realidad Aumentada (Spanish: Augmented Reality)
Reliability Analysis
Research Announcement
Requirements Analysis
Removal Action
Remote Agent
Reasonable Accommodation
Red Army (WWII Soviet army)
Red Army (counterstrike gaming clan)
Return Air (HVAC)
Ray Allen (basketball player)
Registered Architect
Rural Area (terrain type)
Revenue Authority (various locations)
Resource Allocation
Reconnaissance Aircraft
Regional Administrator
Radio Australia
República Argentina
Remittance Advice
Range Area
Record Attempt
Royal Ambassadors
Representative Assembly (various organizations)
Router Advertisement (Message)
Regular Army
Rainforest Alliance
Remington Arms (ammunition headstamp)
Ready Access
Royal Arch (Masons)
Rear Admiral
Realtor Associate
Radial Artery
Roman Army
Running Account (billing; various companies)
Radio Access
Rapid Access
Refractory Anemia (blood disorder)
Read Ahead
Remote Assistance
Regional Anesthesia
Ruthless Aggression
Right Aft
Restricted Areas
Reasonable Alternative
Roald Amundsen (1st explorer to reach the South Pole)
Royal Nepal Airlines (IATA airline code)
Rebel Alliance (Star Wars)
Irish Republican Army
Repair Authorization
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Random Allocation
Ramblers Association (UK)
Réalité Augmentée (French: Augmented Reality)
Recursion Available (computing)
Radiocommunications Agency (within DTI)
Recruiting Associate (various organizations)
Requiring Activity (US DoD)
Radar Altimeter
Robust Nucleus of the Archistriatum
Resolution Advisory (air traffic warning)
Rabbinical Assembly
Resident Agent
Rocket Arena (gaming site)
Radiological Assessment
Regulatory Analysis (environment)
Rate of Appearance
Relationship Anarchy
Responsible Authorities
Roughness Average (Surface texture of materials)
Revenue Account (UK)
Radio Altimeter
Readiness Assessment (various organizations)
RealAudio File (proprietary streaming audio compression format, Real Networks)
Rate Adaptation
Rationalist Association (UK)
Registration Agent (SIF)
Realm Ability (Dark Age of Camelot on-line game)
Red Armor (gaming)
Relational Aggression (psychology)
Rear Area
Radio Authority (UK)
Reimbursable Agreement
revenue analysis
Regia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force)
Radiographic Absorptiometry (bone density calculation using a hand X-ray and a small metal wedge)
Recovery Assistance (Program; Ohio)
Routing Arbiter
Relay Access
Radiocommunication Assembly
Règlement d'Application (French: Rules Compliance; various organizations)
Reduction in Area
Rate Area (NANPA)
Resource Advisor
Roaming Agreement
Rubberized Asphalt
Resource Analyst
Regular Appointment
Registered Aromatherapist (professional certification)
Remote Adapter
Remembrance Agent (computer program)
Radiallahu Anhu (companions of Prophet Mohammed)
Requested Article (Wikimedia Foundation)
Red Armour (Quake)
Recoveries Anonymous (Twelve Step Fellowship)
Rescue Aid (emergency communications)
Resident Auditor
Ration Allowance
Ready Alert
Regional Associate
Requesting Activity (CEFMS)
Reduction Area
Recorded Achievement ( Australian academics)
Restricted Article
Resident Administrator
Regulatory Alternative
Radiocommunication Act
Robot Aircraft
Runs Allowed per 9 Innings (baseball; like ERA, but with unearned runs also)
Run Aggressive (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al)
Reimbursement Authorization
Retribution Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Ripple Adder
Postal Tax Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
Red Armageddon (gaming clan)
Repeat and Accumulate (type codes)
Ready Analog
Restricted Artistic (movie rating)
Responsable d'Activités (French: Head of Activities)
Reinforced Alert
Règle Administrative (French: Administrative Rule; various organizations)
Roundhead Association (historical reenactment group)
Router Arbiter
reduced ameloblasts
Raufoss Ammunition (Norwegian ammunition headstamp)
Record Auditing
Research Assistant/ship
Radiology Assembly of Medical Group Management Association
Recruit Alliance
Rupture Adhésive (French: Adhesive Break; construction)
Resident Archive
Earned Run Average Plus (arcane baseball statistic; used to measure pitching dominance versus the league)
Registraramerica (domain name registrar)
Review/Requiring Activity
Route Analysis CSCI
Resynchronize Acknowledgement (ITU-T)
Résiliable Annuellement (French: Annually Terminable; insurance)
Routing Area Identifier Within Routing Domain (TMN)
Religious of the Assumption (France) (religious order)
Education Level
External Links (OSPF)
Entry Level
Educational Leadership
Electric Light
Energy Level
Emeril Lagasse
Emergency Lighting
Enterprise Linux
Engineering Laboratory
Executive Level (government employee heirarchy; Australia)
Exposure Limits
English Learner
Expected Loss
Exposure Level
Environmental Laboratory
Elektricitet (Danish: Electricity)
Expression Language
Elevated Train (Chicago)
Elastic Limit (tensile testing)
Edit Links (Internet)
Elymian (linguistics)
Equilibrium Level
Essential Links (website)
Environmental Liabilities
Emergency Leave
European Lotteries
Elevated Line (elevated subway operated by Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority)
Exception List
Endolaser (vitreoretinal surgery))
Episcopal Life (magazine)
Erase Line
Enhancement Layer
Entertainment Links (Internet)
Encounter Level (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
Enhanced Latency
Electrical Load
Exclusive Lock
Elevation Limit
Excursion Limit (OSHA)
Expansion Loop
Enterprise Links (Internet)
Electronic Links (Internet)
Exploration Lease (mineral exploration)
Emergency Limit
Engineering Letters
Earnings Level
Electric Logs (Oil Industry Old Term)
Edge Lift (of a contact lens)
Entrepreneurial Leave
Erie Lackawanna Railway Company
Electric Start-Long Shaft (boat motors)
Eddy Loss
Enforcement Layer
Library of Congress (US)
Liquid Chromatography
Liquid Crystal
Least Concern (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Lower Risk sub-category)
Lake City (ammunition headstamp)
Greek (ISO standard two letter language code for Greek)
East Lansing (Michigan)
Saint Lucia (ISO country code, top level domain)
Louisiana College (Pineville, Louisiana)
Local Call
Low Cost
Lower Case
Lactation Consultant
Letter of Credit
Learning Center
Lauren Conrad (actress)
Line Card
Lethal Concentration
Land Cover
Lions Club
Legion of Christ (Roman Catholic religious institute)
Low Carb (low carbohydrate diet)
Liberty City (gaming, Grand Theft Auto)
Launch Complex
Lynchburg College (Virginia)
Lewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey, IL)
Las Cruces (New Mexico town)
Lincoln County
Local Currency
Laptop Computer
Low-Carbohydrate (diet)
Local Committee
Learning Communities (various universities)
Lucky Charms
League Cup (UK football tournament)
Local Control
Language Code
Level Control
Low Class
Left Click
Low Carbon
Low Confidence
Life Coach
Logistics Center
Library Council
Low Compression
Limited Company
La Canada (California)
Luther College (Dechorah, Iowa)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Liver Cirrhosis
Lieutenant Colonel
Leakage Current
Locus Coeruleus
Link Connection
Lacrosse Club (various locations)
Love Connection (TV show)
Launch Countdown (US NASA)
Left Center (Stage)
Line Conditioner
Label Code (IFPI)
Labour Court
Los Cabos (Mexico)
Linfield College (Oregon)
Lesser Curvature (stomach)
Least Common
Long Colt
Landing Craft
Linux Computer
Little Child (Beatles song)
Line Control
Letter Carrier (Canada Post)
Love Canal
Lower Class
Lacuna Coil (band)
Lord Chancellor
Listening Comprehension
Logan County
Lymphocytic Colitis (medical disorder)
Littoral Combat (US Navy)
Lance Corporal
Library Computer
Level Crossing (UK Ordnance survey map)
Lecco, Lombardia (Italian province)
Land Contract
Legendary Classic (motorcycle)
Linear Control
Line of Contact
Lighting Certified
Line Circuit
Lotus Connector
Leadership Challenge
Logical Connection
Local Channel
Lawrence Central (High School)
Learning Collaborative
Limited Capability
Local Coordinator
Line Cost
Logic Colloquium
Line Charge
Lower Canada
Leningrad Cowboys (Finnish band)
Light Case
Leslie Consulting (New Mexico)
Load Constant (NIOSH)
Logistics Command
Letters and Cards (US Postal Service)
Lung Center
Lucent Connector (fiber optic connector with a 1.25mm ferrule)
Low Coupling
Letter Contract
Linear Coefficient
Leaky Cauldron (Harry Potter fan site)
Logistics Coordinator
Loud & Clear (logging abbreviation)
Lansdale Catholic (Pennsylvania)
Large Crown (philatelic watermark; British)
Listchecker (application)
Lake Cowichan (British Columbia, Canada)
Inductor-Capacitor circuit (L is the symbol for inductance)
Lorentz Contraction (aka time dilation)
Lipa City (Batangas, Philippines)
Licensed Companion
Liquid Concentration
Launch Critical (US NASA)
Loco Citato (Latin)
Locked Closed
Legal Consolidation
Legionnaires of Christ (religious order)
Loopback Capability (ATM)
Leafcull (gaming, Asheron's Call)
Latvia's Way Union
Lead Count
Lane Controller
Lethal Commandos (online gaming)
Lawncrest (Philadelphia neighborhood)
Limited Certification
Loopback Circuit (HSSI)
Laboratory Counsel
Late Counter
Little Connector (fiber optics)
Large Custom Built
Lodge Chief (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)
Lancaster and Chester Railway Company
Laboratory Ceiling
Lymphocytic Cholangitis
Lampert Connector (fiber optics)
Linked Characteristic
Launch Cancellation
Largest Comb (poultry science)
L. Ron Hubbard Communicator (Church of Scientology)
Logic/Logical Channel
Launcher Console
Labor Capture
Lacking Component
Lepidoptera of Caucasus Region
Limited Configuration/Coordinating
Lattice Computing
Liscomb Complex
Rhode Island (US postal abbreviation)
Rock Island (various locations)
Rotary International
Republic of Indonesia
Remedial Investigation
Robotics Institute
River Island (clothing; UK)
Reference Implementation
Relevant Information
Relief International
Refugees International
Respiratory Infection (illness)
Relations Internationales (French: International Relations)
Red Ink (band)
Repubblica Italiana (Italian Republic)
Refractive Index
Roosevelt Island (New York, NY)
Raffles Institution (Singapore)
Reproductive Isolation (biology)
Request for Information (usually seen as RFI)
Responsible Investment
Régiment d'Infanterie (French: Infantry Regiment)
Ring It
Residual Income
Risques Industriels (French: Industrial Risks)
Relações Internacionais (Brazil; International Relations)
Religious Instruction
Reliability Index
Renal Insufficiency (kidney disorder)
Ring Indicator (for Modem)
Rijeka, Croatia (license plate)
Rotate In (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command)
Reliability Improvement
Referential Integrity (database rules)
Righteous Indignation
Royal Infirmary (UK)
Rigorous Imprisonment (police)
Research Infrastructure
Rank Indicator
Review Item
Rockwell International
Radio Interference
Resistance Index
Recombinant Inbred
Rockefeller Institute
Rehabilitation International (New York, NY)
Retention Index
Rieti, Lazio (Italian province)
Report of Investigation (NIOSH)
Radiation Intensity
Runway Incursion
Re-Interview (census)
Rutherford Institute
Research Instrument
Roslin Institute (UK)
Risk-Informed (Nuclear Power)
Registered Importer (US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
Receiving Inspection
Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours (UK)
Registration Intake
Routing Indicator (US DoD)
Rise Inside (band)
Record Item
Rex Imperator (Latin: King Emperor; British imperial title)
Rinnovamento Italiano (Italian Renewal Party)
Recruit Instruction (US Navy)
Research Interviewer
Readership Institute (Northwestern University)
Regional Ileitis (pig disease)
Random Individual
Routing Identifier
Rosenbluth International
Random Insanity (online comic strip)
Random Insanity (gaming community)
Routes International
Reinforced Insulation
Ranger Instructor (US Army Ranger School)
Reverse Integration (computer source code merge promotion process)
Residual Image
Reconnaissance Investigation
Retreats International
Resonance Integral
Right Inboard
Reconnaissance Inspection
Republiek Indonesie (Dutch)
Ramblin' Irishman
Randomly Interleaved
Règlement Immédiat (cash settlement of French shares)
Refractory Index
Repulsion Induction
Member of the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia
Reporting Identifier
Reactor Incident
Rhythmic Initiation (PNF technique)
Repair and Iterate (part of Generate-and-Repair Machine Translation)
Restricted Issue
Remedial Inspection
US Revenue Potato Tax (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
Reportable Increment
Information Systems
In Service
Internet Service
Information Services
International System (of units)
International Standard
Industry Standard
Image Size (semiconductor manufacturing)
Information Security
International Staff (NATO)
Image Studio
Internet Solutions (South Africa)
Internet Society
Indian Standards
Israel (Including Israel-Jordan & Israel-Syria Demilitarized Zones)
Industrial Safety
Industrial Society
Industrial Security
Instruction Set
Information Structure (linguistics)
Income Support (UK)
Internal Stop
Internal Security
Internal Standard
Installation Survey
Initial Study
Industry Sector
Integrated Science
Integrated System
Irish Standard (fire alarms)
Integrated Schedule
Industrial Specialist
Intelligent Services Gateway
Intelligence Specialist (Navy Rating)
Intelligent Systems (IEEE International Conference)
International Supplement (ODT)
Intelligent Sport (Lexus model)
Infrastructure Service
Indianapolis Star (newspaper)
Intermediate School
Intermediate System
Iron Soldier (Atari Jaguar game)
Insertion Sequence (molecular biology)
Interface Specification
Internal Specification
Intelligent Sensor
Investigations Service (OPM)
Inner Sphere (Mech Warrior)
Interstate System
Importance Sampling
Interim Standard (series of communication standards)
Interim Status
Islamic State
Instrumentation System
Imagery Server
Integer Sort
Interrupt Status
Intelligence Squadron
Initial Spares
Imperial Stout
Indexed Sequential
Information Superiority
Image Stabilization (camera feature)
Inspection Services
Image Shack (image hosting service)
Intrinsic Safety
International Standardization
Image Stabilizer (camera lens)
Information Separator
Induction Soldering
Isles of Scilly (UK)
Infinite Stratos (Japanese novel series)
Iasi (Romania)
Indentation Strength
International Socialists
Intrinsically Safe
Inbred Strain
Interscope Records (record label)
Isotope Separation
Ipecac Syrup
Ilta-Sanomat (Finnish newspaper)
Impôt sur les Sociétés (French: corporation tax)
Immunosuppression (treatment complication)
Iron Savior (band)
Ismailia (Egyptian automobile license plate)
Induced Sputum
Infraspinatus (muscle)
Isernia, Molise (Italian province)
Intercostal Space
Incentive Spirometer
Investigation Scientist (US NASA)
Inventory of Systems
Indicating Switch
Interferon Sensitivity
Isotopic Source
Instituti I Statistikes (Albanian: Statistics Institute)
Internal Silencer
Infinite Spawn (gaming)
Instituto Sertão (Brasil)
Imtiazi Sanad (Certificate of Distinction Pakistan Armed Forces)
Immaculata Symphony (Immaculata, PA)
Itakura-Saito distortion
Investments Equal Savings (macroeconomic curve)
Insurgent Sisterhood (Star Wars Galaxies guild)
Industry Solutions Module
Immersible Switch
Interactive Structures, Incorporated
(USN Rating) Intelligence Specialist

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