Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Chilly Chops--Cryptic format


SPOH Star Platinum Over Heaven

SPOH Since Propeller Over Haul (Aircraft)

SPOH Specialist Practitioner Occupational Health

SPO System(s) Program Office

SPO System(s) Project Office

SPO Single Purpose Outlet (electrical wiring)

SPO Single Point of Failure (key system component)

SPO San Pedro (Amtrak station code; San Pedro, CA)

SPO Schizosaccharomyces Pombe

SPO Strategic Planning Officer (various locations)

SPO Sharepoint Online (software)

SPO State Procurement Office (various locations)

SPO Senior Programme Officer

SPO Strategic Plan Objectives (various locations)

SPO Senior Planning Officer (various organizations)

SPO Service Parts Operations (General Motors)

SPO Secondary Public Offering

SPO Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Student Police Officer

SPO Sales Promotion Office

SPO Sales Performance Optimization

SPO Senior Patrol Officer (US government)

SPO Standard Pascal Object

SPO Security Police Officer

SPO Special Order (used in retail stores operation)

SPO Supplier Purchase Order

SPO State Purchasing Officer (various locations)

SPO Special Police Officer

SPO Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Stoker Petty Officer (UK)

SPO Srpski Pokret Obnove (Serbian: Serbian Renewal Movement; political party created in 1990in Serbia-Yugoslavia)

SPO Senate Press Office (Georgia)

SPO Sektorowe Programy Operacyjne (Polish: Sectoral Operational Program)

SPO Statutory Publications Office (UK)

SPO Slaithwaite Philharmonic Orchestra (UK)

SPO Structure, Process and Outcome (healthcare evaluation)

SPO Special Projects Office

SPO Spare Parts Order

SPO Shuttle Projects Office (US NASA)

SPO Strategic Planning Office (various locations)

SPO Space Program Office

SPO Second Party Opinion (various companies)

SPO Smith-Peterson Osteotomy (surgical procedure)

SPO Single-Pilot Operation (aviation; various organizations)

SPO Shore Patrol Officer (US Navy)

SPO Social Policy Obligations

SPO Serviço de Psicologia e Orientação

SPO Solution Partner Organization (Hewlett-Packard)

SPO Student Professional Organization (Temple University; Philadelphia, PA)

SPO Solar Polar Orbiter

SPO Sales Prevention Officer

SPO Subject, Predicate, Object (query language)

SPO Support Operations Officer

SPO Service Provision Option

SPO Shape Preferred Orientation

SPO Sacramento Peak Observatory (Sunspot, NM)

SPO Specific Personal Objective

SPO Sub Post Office

SPO Storage Product Operations (EMC)

SPO Supervisory Police Officer (Pakistan)

SPO Stop Payment Order

SPO Strengthening Participatory Organizations (Pakistan)

SPO Sponsored Projects Officer

SPO Saint Paul's Outreach

SPO Sociedade Portuguesa de Ovnilogia (Portuguese Society for Research and Communicationof Knowledge concerning UFO)

SPO Smart Pasture Operation (agriculture)

SPO Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra (Canada) Scarborough Philharmonic OrchestraScarborough Philharmonic Orchestra (Canada)

SPO Specialist, Inspector of Naval Material (US Navy)

SPO Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra (UK)

SPO Special Project Officer

SPO Systematic Payout

SPO Software Product Outsourcing

SPO Sacheries Plastiques de l'Ouest (French: Plastic Bags of the West)

SPO Summit Planning Organization

SPO Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra (UK)

SPO Short Period Oscillation

SPO Systematic Payout Option

SPO Spacelab Projects Office (NASA)

SPO Sourcing Process Outsourcing (business process outsourcing of candidate researchservices)

SPO Student Publication Office (De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde; Philippines)

SPO Shimizu Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Sagamihara Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Safety Project Office

SPO Signal Property Office

SPO Sphincter-Preserving Operation (rectal surgery procedure)

SPO Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra

SPO Security and Plans Office/Officer

SPO Shortest Path Oblivious (optical networking algorithm)

SPO Security and Plans Operations

SPO Seminary Post Office

SPO Security Payment Order

SPO Section Panel Operator

SPO Security and Protection Officer

SPO Sausage Peppers and Onions

SPO Service Platform Operations (Sprint)

SPO Single-Periodic Oscillation

SPO Strategic Performance Objectives

SPO Super Pimp Online

SPO Special Program Office/Officer

SPO Sewage Plant Operator

SPO Standard Payment Order (financial services)

SPO Supreme Poetical Orator (rapper)

HCY Homocysteine

HCY Hunterdon County YMCA (Flemington, NJ)

HCY Healthy Children and Youth Administrative Case Management Program (Missouri)

HCY Henry County YMCA (various locations)

low level indicator

LLI Local Level Institutions (World Bank study)---burkino faso 

LLI Local Lorentz Invariance (physics)

LLI Logical Link Identifier

LLI Low Latency Interface (mobile devices)

LLI London Language Institute (London, Ontario, Canada)

LLI Liberty League International (Scottsdale, Arizona)

LLI Library Leadership Institute (various locations)

LLI Lower Layer Interface

LLI Lifelong Learning Institutes

LLI Leg Length Imbalance

LLI Liberty Legal Institute (est. 1997; Arlington, VA)

LLI Lake Lanier Islands (Georgia)

LLI Little League International

LLI Limited Life Item (US NASA)

LLI Long Lead Item

LLI Laubach Literacy International

LLI Latitutde and Longitude Indicator (US Navy)

LLI Leveraged Loan Index (finance)

LLI Low Latent Inhibition

LLI Lower Layer Information

LLI Logical Link Interface

LLI Link Layer Interface

LLI Low-Level Injection

LLI Low Level Intercept

LLI Low-Level Intrusion

LLI Language, Literature, Identity (Conference)

IHC Investment Holding Company

IHC Islamabad High Court (Pakistan)

IHC In-Home Care (various locations)

IHC Immunohistochemistry

IHC Intermountain Health Care

IHC Individual Health Care (insurance)

IHC Ice Hockey Club (various organizations)

IHC Informed Health Choices

IHC Interagency Hotshot Crew (firefighters)

IHC India Habitat Center

IHC In-House Cash (payment transactions)

IHC Integral Handling Control

IHC International Humanitarian City (United Arab Emirates)

IHC Integrated Human Capital (Texas)

IHC Inner Hair Cells

IHC Institute for Human Continuity

IHC International Harvester Company

IHC Internet Healthcare Coalition

IHC In-House Certification (International Sailing Federation)

IHC Israeli High Court (judiciary)

IHC Interactive Health Communication

IHC International Holding Company (various locations)

IHC International Hobby Corporation

IHC International Hurricane Center

IHC Indian Head Cent

IHC Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (Des Moines, IA)

IHC InSight Health Corp. (Arizona)

IHC Industrial Health Council (Birmingham, AL)

IHC Institute for Himalayan Conservation (Japan)

IHC Indiana Horse Council (Indianapolis, IN)

IHC Intellectually Handicapped Children (Wellington, New Zealand)

IHC Industrial Hygiene Consultants (Portage, MI)

IHC Israel Hasbara Committee (est. 1991)

IHC Inter-Hall Council

IHC Infrastructure Health Check (data check)

IHC Introduction to Health Care (various schools)

IHC Interim Hazard Classification

IHC Information Handling Committee

IHC Inland Haulage Charge (shipping)

IHC Inline Hockey Central

IHC International Heritage Center

IHC Inter-Continental Hotels Corporation

IHC Infinity Health Care

IHC In-Hospital Coordinators

IHC ImmunohistoChemico

IHC Internet Hosting Company

IHC Interactive Human Communication

IHC Improved Hydraulic Conveyance

SP Speed

SP Spanish

SP Service Pack

SP State Police

SP Security Police

SP Standard Play(ing)

SP Shore Patrol (US Navy equivalent to MP)

SP Slave Present (hard disk)

SP Shore Police

SP Spelling Unsure

SP Support

SP Space

SP Specific

SP Smart Parts (paintball company)

SP Southern Pacific (railroad)

SP Stored Procedure

SP South Park

SP Soft Point (bullet)

SP Special Publication

SP Single Player (gaming)

SP State Park

SP Spain (Including Balearicis & Canary Island)

SP Starting Point

SP Service Provider

SP Serial Port

SP Simple Plan (band)

SP Szkola Podstawowa (Polish: Elementary School)

SP Special Purpose

SP São Paulo (Brazil)

SP Security Policy

SP Skill Points (gaming)

SP Specialist

SP Signal Processing

SP Shot Put

SP Spell Power (gaming, World of Warcraft)

SP Spell (logging abbreviation)

SP Special Price

SP Specialized (finance)

SP Set Point

SP System Procedure

SP Swimming Pool

SP Spare Parts

SP Security and Privacy (IEEE Symposium)

SP Superior Performance (video tape format)

SP Strategic Planning

SP Self Portrait

SP Silicon Power (est. 2003)

SP Sky Sports (UK TV channel)

SP Strategic Plan

SP Submission(s) Processing

SP Span

SP Screen Protector

SP Single Port

SP Singapore Polytechnic

SP Substance P

SP Standard Practice

SP Spouse

SP Starting Price (betting)

SP System Product

SP Salisbury (postcode, United Kingdom)

SP South Pole

SP Starting Pitcher (baseball)

SP Security Plan

SP Start Point

SP Sean Paul (Reggae artist)

SP Soccer Player

SP Singapore Power

SP Stack Pointer

SP Snow Patrol (band)

SP Smashing Pumpkins (band)

SP State Prison

SP Sharepoint (Microsoft)

SP Steam Powered

SP Static Pressure

SP Self-Propelled

SP Special Project

SP Silver Plate (precious metal)

SP Signal Processor

SP Speech Pathology

SP State Pension (UK)

SP Standardized Patient

SP Stopping Power (various meanings)

SP Superintendent of Police (India)

SP Senterpartiet (Norwegian political party)

SP Switch Processor (Cisco)

SP Scott Pilgrim (graphic novel character)

SP Sex Pistols (band)

SP Saint Patrick (Christianity)

SP Scientific Programming

SP Solar Physics

SP Simple Profile

SP Start Program

SP South Pasadena

SP Shutter Priority (camera autoexposure mode)

SP Sisters of Providence (religious order)

SP Support Pack (Hewlett-Packard)

SP Special Person

SP Sprain

SP Software Process

SP Setpoint

SP Standard Procedure

SP Sub Project (various companies)

SP Socialistische Partij (socialist party Netherlands)

SP Slumber Party

SP Single Piece

SP Special Performance (Boeing 747SP)

SP Special Performance

SP Styles P (rapper)

SP Sistema Penitenciario (Spanish, Guatemala)

SP South Portland

SP Sex Partners

SP Single Precision (computing)

SP Sun Prairie (Wisconsin)

SP Sleep Paralysis

SP Samajwadi Party (India)

SP Something Positive (online comic strip)

SP Strong Point

SP Spectropolarimeter

SP Strada Provinciale (Italian road)

SP Shore Power

SP Security Procedure

SP Shortest Path

SP Save Percentage (hockey)

SP Skinny Puppy (band)

SP Service Platform

SP Self Publishing

SP Sump Pump

SP Smokeless Powder

SP Social Phobia

SP Shaded Pole (electric motors)

SP Statistical Power

SP State Patrol

SP Sexual Preference

SP Streptavidin Peroxidase

SP Secure Password

SP Support Plan

SP Sveriges Provnings - och forskningsinstitut (Swedish National Testing and ResearchInstitute)

SP Spectinomycin

SP Sock Puppet

SP Security Protocol

SP Symmetric Multi Processing

SP Sole Proprietorship

SP Sweetie Pie

SP Single Pedestal

SP SP Recordings (UK)

SP Saadet Partisi (Turkish: Felicity Party)

SP Squarepusher (musician)

SP Source Program

SP Small Press

SP Suppressive Person (Scientology)

SP Straw Poll

SP Sungai Petani (Kedah, Malaysia)

SP Single Premium (life insurance)

SP Solar Plexus

SP Standard Poodle

SP Seminal Plasma

SP System Processor (avionics)

SP Systolic Pressure

SP Simba's Pride (The Lion King II)

SP Specific Process

SP Septum Primum (cardiology)

SP Section Patrol (US Navy)

SP Short Play (VHS VCR speed/mode)

SP Smart Patch

SP Stable Platform

SP Standard Pressure

SP Short Pulse

SP Secondary Progressive (multiple sclerosis)

SP Scratch Protection

SP Stream Processor

SP Student Pilot

SP Sigma Pi

SP Specific Provision

SP Spiritual Pressure (gaming)

SP Service Position

SP Survival Project (computer game)

SP Supply Point

SP Saskatchewan Party (Canada)

SP Spinous Process

SP State Primary

SP Stevens Pass (Washington)

SP Stile Project---porn site

SP Sergei Prokofiev (classical composer)

SP Starting Page

SP Skills Practice (education)

SP Soil Pipe

SP Subpoena Preparation

SP Soluble Powder

SP Standard Position

SP Shot Point (seismology)

SP Systems Procedures

SP Suprapubic Prostatectomy (medical procedure)

SP Slow Play

SP Self Potential

SP Spontaneous Potential

SP Scrapped Princess (anime)

SP Signal Present

SP Saskpower (Canadian utility)

SP Stability Pact

SP Secondary Power

SP Sound Powered

SP La Spezia, Liguria (Italian province)

SP Silver Piece (gaming)

SP Specific Practice (Capability Maturity Model Integration)

SP Southwark Playhouse (UK)

SP Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz

SP Switch Point

SP Security Processor

SP Simulated Patient

SP Simple Path

SP Space and Power

SP Spirit Points (role playing gaming)

SP Synchronization Point

SP Signal Pattern

SP Signaling Point (SS7)

SP Superplasticizer (concrete)

SP Shore Party

SP Small Profile

SP Solidarity Party

SP Study Point

SP Security Publication ****telegraphing

SP Smart-Pack (Wastecare Corp)

SP Secular Progressive

SP Splitpaw (gaming, Everquest)

SP Stock Point

SP Sine Prole (Latin: without issue [no children])

SP Sentencing Project

SP Somos Peru

SP Sensitive Point

SP Simplicity and Power (associated with the Computing as Compression Theory)

SP Set Partitioning

SP Sector Perform

SP Subprofile (AOL IM profile host)

SP Samata Party (political party in India)

SP Session Plan

SP Sinter Plant

SP Socialist Party of Macedonia (The Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia)

SP Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine (antimalarial)

SP Scan Period

SP Straight Pride

SP Surface Printed (philately)

SP Summating Potential

SP Systemic Pathology

SP Snow Pellets

SP Stuffplug (Windows Live Messenger add-on)

SP Spinal Processes

SP Streptomycin and Penicillin (medicine)

SP State Paper Office (UK)

SP Stratum Pyramidale

SP Systems Sprayer

SP Smash Power (website)

SP Spasmo-Proxyvon

SP Sales Procedure

SP Senior Prefect

SP Sacramento Peak Observatory (New Mexico)

SP Signaling Processor

SP Single Purpose Gun (US Navy)

SP Schleswigsche Partei (Schleswig, Germany)

SP Shelf Processor

SP Standardization Pilot

SP Scarcity Pricing

SP Signal Probe

SP Special Probation

SP Secondary Participants

SP Samahang Pilipino

SP Subtract Packed (IBM)

SP Sveriges Psykologförbund (Stockholm, Sweden)

SP Sentinel Pile (anal fissure complication)

SP Summary Plotter (radar; US Navy)

SP Stormpike Graveyard (World of Warcraft battleground slang)

SP Stake and Platform (truck or trailer)

SP Span Protection

SP Segmentation Permitted (ANSI)

SP Short Perforation (philately)

SP Sergio Perticaroli (classical pianist)

SP Static Propagation

SP Surveillance Processor

SP Sycamore Plaza (Cincinnati, Ohio)

SP Smoothed Probability

SP Salt Pill

SP Supportability Plan

SP Standard Holding Pattern

SP Solution Provider Council

SP Servants of the Holy Paraclete, Piarist Fathers (religious order)

SP Sotapoliisi (Finnish: military police)

SP Steam Propulsionman (USN Rating)

SP Skin Pollution

SP Standardized Proposal

SP Subeta Points

SP Sampling Point/Plan

SP Spanish Posada

SP Symmetric Pareto (statistical distribution)

SP Shore/Submarine Patrol

SP Start of Patrol (US Army in radio reports)

SP Sprint Procurement

SP South Park Primary School (East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland)

SP South Park & District Pipes & Drums (Park Ridge, New Jersey)

SP Shelburne Pluton

OH Ohio (US postal abbreviation)

OH Other Half (band)

OH On Hand

OH On Hold

OH Oak Harbor (various locations)

OH Off Hand (gaming)

OH Finland (international aircraft code)

OH Alcohol (functional group)

OH Overhead

OH Occupational Health

OH Overhaul

OH Overheard (Twitter)

OH Hydroxide

OH Overheat

OH Outside Hitter (volleyball)

OH Office Hour(s)

OH Hydroxyl

OH Hydroxyl Radical

OH Out-of-House

OH Off Hook

OH Organ Harvesting

OH Opposite Hand

OH Ocular Hypertension

OH Orleans House (Office Building in Liverpool, UK)

OH Observation Helicopter

OH Outer Housing

OH Operating Hour

OH Olfactory Hallucinations (psychiatric assessment)

OH Osteopathic Hospitals (journal)

OH Operational Handbook (USMC)---

OH Old Harrovian (alumni of Harrow School, UK)

OH Operator Handled

OH Orthostatic Hypertension

OH Ottawa Hydro

OH Oophorectomy and Hysterectomy

OH Optimal Hyperplane

OH Orthopedic Handicap

OH Otaku Haven (anime)

OH Organic Clays of Medium to High Plasticity (soil type)

OH Object-To-Hex

OH Orgiastic High

OH Hospitallers Brothers of St. John of God (religious order)

CY City

CY Country

CY Cyprus

CY Copy

CY Capacity

CY Cy Young Award Winner (baseball)

CY Cycle

CY Cyber

CY Calendar Year

CY County (IRB)

CY Current Year

CY Contract Year

CY Cymraeg (Welsh, ISO 639 language code)

CY Cyberspace

CY Cyclophosphamide

CY Children and Youth

CY Cubic Yard

CY Container Yard

CY Chinese Yuan

"As Mainland China is still not completely open to international foreign exchange and capital markets, the two types of Renminbi still remain a reality to this day: CNY is onshore RMB currency traded within Mainland China only. CNH is offshore RMB currency traded outside of Mainland China."Apr 20, 202

CY Current Yield (finance)

CY Cryptology

CY Cyprus Airways Ltd (IATA airline code)

CY Chief Yoeman (rank; US Navy)

CY Cyber Yugoslavia

CY Challenge for Youth (Northern Ireland)

CY Commonwealth Year (TV show Andromeda)

CY Communications Yeoman (naval signals rating)

Little League

LL Love Life

LL Low Level

LL Long Lines

LL Lines

LL Land Line (telephone)

LL Lower Left

LL Lower Level (elevator)

LL Living Large

LL Lessons Learned

LL Lowest Level

LL Last Log

LL Landlord (real estate)

LL Little Link

LL Linked List (programming)

LL Loose Lips

LL Limited Liability

LL Linden Lab (Second Life gaming company; San Francisco, Californa)

LL Late Latin

LL Lincoln Laboratory he is the most talked about president in history

there's telegraphs surrounding his name being put out consistently I'm uncertain of it's actual connection as of yet

LL Lower Limit

LL Low Limit

LL Lesbian Lover

LL Labour Law

LL Light Line

LL Lian Li (computer brand)

LL Long Lead

LL Live Load

LL Lindsay Lohan (actress)

LL Lord Lieutenant (UK)

LL Llandudno (UK postal code)

LL Less Lethal

LL Lex Luthor (Superman character)

LL Lana Lang (Superman character)

LL Lucky Ladies (gambling)

LL Lactobacillus

LL Local Loop

LL Leased Line

LL Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series)

LL Lever Lock (various companies)

LL Low Load

LL Lucky Loser (gaming clan)

LL Local Loopback (RS-449)

LL Low Lead (aviation gas)

LL Load line (line on the hull of a ship indicating that the ship has reached its maximumpermissible cargo load) ---possible connected to the drug busts?

LL Landau Level (quantum mechanics)

LL Load List

LL Lloyd's List (daily, London)

LL Licensed Lender

LL Lasse Lindh (musician)

LL Limit Load

LL Laterolog (petrophysics)

LL Load Link (computer programming)

LL Loco Locass (band)

LL Liquid Limit

LL Life Leech (gaming, Diablo 2)

LL LanguageLine (interpreting service)

LL Lenticular Lens

LL Loudness Level

LL Left Limit

LL Lebanese Lira (currency)

LL Luelinks---- this out---

"So my friends download a lot of stuff off the internet. I never knew where they got it from, but they get a LOT. Textbooks, movies, books, tv shows, video games, anything digital really. If I wanted something they would be happy to get it for me in a reasonable amount of time. I finally asked where they got all this stuff (to each of them separately) and they were very defensive about it, but they brought up "End of the Internet" and one person said "Luelinks".
I asked about getting on the site, and they said it was very restrictive and difficult to get a membership even if I knew someone there.

So basically my question; what is this site? How do they get so many links on there, and how do they keep from getting shut down? They must have enormous data centers or something. Also, does anyone know how you can get membership to it?"

LL Lykes Lines

LL Launch and Leave

LL Lost Load

LL Liberty Lines

LL Left Linear (grammar parsing)

LL Liquid Learning---I know this connects to the seismic earthquakes. I just don't know specifics yet. A recent publication shows geophysicists detect evidence of large amounts of water in earth's mantle (scitechdaily)

LL Libres Y Locos (Monterrey, Mexico)

LL Low Temperature Limit

LL Lighting Laboratory

LL Legislative Liaison Office (US Army)

LL Lymphoid Leukosis (Avian Leukosis)

LL LockLegion (website)

LL Lemmy's Land (Mario fansite)

LL Lue Links

LL Latent Lethality

LL Linen Lift

LL Loralai/Luke (fanfiction)

LL Liberty Lines Express, Inc

LL Ladle to Ladle Degasing

LL Linguistic Landscaping

LL L-Size X 2 (Double Large)

IH International Harvester

IH Interstate Highway

IH International House (world organisation)

IH In-House

IH Inguinal Hernia

IH Induction Heating

IH Indian Hills (College in Iowa)

IH Intracranial Hypertension

IH Incredible Hulk (comic character)

IH Institute of Hydrology (UK)

IH Intermittent Hypoxia

IH Information Highway

IH Hold Current (maximum current a fuse will pass without interruption)

IH Infectious Hepatitis

IH Immersion Heater

IH Intermediate Host (life cycle of parasites)

IH Intense Hurricane

IH Icelandic Horse

IH Integrated Humanities (schools)

IH Információs Hivatal (Information Office, Hungary; since 1989)

IH Individual History

IH Inner Housing

IH Idiopathic Hemihypertrophy

IH Initial Heading

IH Improved Hawk

IH Idiopathic Hyperventilation

IH Inert Head

IH Independent Holder (classified documents/material)

IH Industrial Hygienist/Hygiene

IH Intercomputer Handler

IH Instituti I Hitorisë (Albanian: Institute of History in Kosova)

HC Health Care

HC Health Canada

HC Hippocampus

HC High-Capacity

HC High Court

HC Hockey Canada (formerly Canadian Hockey Association)

HC High Capacity

HC Hepatitis C (disease)

HC Health Center

HC Holy Cross (College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts)

HC Hard Cover

HC Hard Core

HC Homecoming

HC House of Commons

HC Health Check

HC Headcanon

HC Hydrocarbon

HC High Confidence

HC History Channel (TV)

HC Housing Corporation (various organizations)

HC Holy Crap

HC Habeas Corpus

HC Hard Copy

HC Hospital Corpsman (US Navy)

HC Hair Cuttery

HC Hydrocortisone Cream

HC Home Country

HC Hunting Club (various locations)

HC Homebrew Channel (Wii applications)

HC Chaplain (USAF)

HC Heart Catheterization (cardiology)

HC Host Country

HC Honors College

HC Huntingdon College (Montgomery, Alabama)---State coach dies from COVID

HC Holy Cow

HC Host Controller (USB device)

HC Honoris Causa

HC Hot Coffee

HC Headcount

HC Heart Chakra

HC Healthy Control

HC Health Claims (insurance)

HC Hydrogen Chloride

HC Humidity Control

HC Happy Christmas

HC History of the Church (Joseph Smith)

HC Head Circumference

HC Healthy Cooking

HC Hybrid Computer

HC High Council (LDS church)

HC Humanitarian Coordinator

HC HospitalityClub

HC Head Cold

HC Human-Centered

HC Habbo Club (chat site)

HC High-Speed CMOS (family of logic integrated circuits)

HC Hazard Control (NIOSH)

HC Honor Code

HC Honey Comb

HC Haverford College

HC Horizontal Clearance

HC Hypercard

HC Home Church

HC Hitman: Contracts (video game)

HC Happy Couple

HC Hampshire College

HC Hors Concours (French: out of the competition; a participant ineligable to win prizes)

HC Hand Control

HC Hulchul (Pakistan forum)

HC Household Component

HC Huntington's Chorea (hereditary progressive neurodegenerative disorder)

HC Hwa Chong

HC Hydraulic Conductivity

HC Hitachi Capital (Japan)

HC Hillsdale College (Hillsdale, Michigan)

HC Hope College (Holland, MI, USA)

HC High Cube (shipping container)

HC Helicopter Combat Support Squadron

HC Hague Convention----is this connected to their meetings that's listed in other names? Coming back to this for a connection in further plans to work this plan making connections

HC Head Constable

HC Housing Credit

HC How Cute

HC Humanitarian Community

HC Huffman Code (coding scheme)

HC Holden Caulfield

HC Hope Center (various organizations)

HC Hog Cholera (classical swine fever)

HC Hanging Chad

HC Historical Cost (accounting)

HC Heritage Christian (High School)

HC Howard Carter

HC Handling Capacity

HC Historical Committee

HC Heating Coil---connected to the pipeline too???

HC Hospital Council

HC Highway Contract (rural route post office addressing)

HC Hazardous Cargo

HC High Concentrate

HC Herding Champion (AKC)

HC Heating Contractor

HC Hogwarts Castle (Harry Potter)

HC Heavy Clouds

HC Helicopter Command

HC High Containment (biological hazard laboratories)

HC Haley's Comet

HC Hazard Category

HC Hattie Carnegie (fashion designer)

HC Hiwassee College (Madisonville, TN)

HC Horizontal Control Line

HC Heat Conservation (piping engineer)---connected to oil pipeline model

HC Hybrid Coordinator

HC Hampton Classic (horse show)

HC Housekeeping Channel (website)

HC Head Cashier

HC Hoofdconducteur (guard on Dutch train)

HC Hazardous Constituent

HC Hexachloroethane-Zinc (white smoke grenade)

HC Hero Camp

HC High Coupling

HC Human Click

HC Handicap/Handicapped

HC Hand Cannon

HC Hand Cancel

HC Handicapable

HC Hearing Concern

HC Hors d' Commerce (French: not for trade)

HC Horizontally Challenged

HC Host Comparison

HC Helicopter, Cargo (military aircraft designation)

HC Headquarters Chaplain (US DoD)

HC High Charity (gaming)

HC Holland Christian High School (Michigan)

HC Hemolytic Complement Activity (immunology)

HC Hard Computing

HC Helena Chronicles (Star Trek internet-based fanfilm)

HC Helicopter Coordinator

HC Handoff Call

HC Hairdressing Council (UK)

HC Hazardous Code

HC Horizontal Cutter

HC Hoffmantown Church (Albuquerque, NM)

HC Harmonic Coding

HC Microsoft Windows Help Compiler

HC Hexachlorothannol

HC Hyperbolic Congruence

HC Hannibal Connecting Railroad

HC Head Chainman (surveyors)

HC Hendrickson Consulting (Los Alamos, NM)

HC Hasp and Clasp

HC Heston College (Hesston, KS)

HC Hexachlorethane Mix (US Navy)

HC Hover College (Ontario, Canada)

HC Household Claims Screen

HC Headway Controller

C Copyright (usually written ©)

C 100 (Roman numeral)

C Average grade

C Cell (phone; science)

C Transport (US military aircraft designation for transport aircraft since 1962)

C Battery Size

C Celsius/Centigrade

C symbol for the speed of light (in a vacuum, 299,792,458 meters per second)

C Click

C Cum (Latin: With, often seen with a bar over the c)

C See

C Company

C Control

C Center (basketball)

C Center (football)

C Combined (US DoD)

C Complete

C Current (action code)

C College

C Case

C Cost

C Category (abstract algebra)

C Commander

C Color

C Close

C Clear

C Club (class airfare)

C Chicago

C Common

C Individual (IRB)

C Sea

C Correct

C Canadian

C Century

C C Programming Language

C Corporate

C Centre (Canada Post road designation)

C Clubs (playing cards)

C Cookie

C Corporation

C Cable

C Character

C Caught----cocaine is also listed and they busted major coacaine deals LINKS HERE:

Police in Paraguay have found a record 2.3 tonnes of cocaine hidden among a charcoal shipment destined for Israel. 

Feb 10, 2020 — Border Patrol agents arrested a man smuggling over $500000 worth of cocaine in the car that he was travelling in with his wife and son.

Jan 16, 2021 — Two of the people arrested are officers with the U.S. Virgin Islands Police Department and have been on the force since 2016, authorities said.

Jul 24, 2019 — Inside Shipping's Record Cocaine Bust. An audacious effort to use a 9,400-mile commercial trade lane as an international drug smuggling 

Sep 14, 2020 — A global pandemic couldn't bust up a Brooklyn cocaine ring — but law enforcement agents did the job

They put the street value of the drugs at $1.1 billion. Laid end to end, the bricks of cocaine would stretch about 2½ miles, or just over 3 kilometers, said Casey Durst, director of field operations in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Baltimore field office.

Mexican Navy Seizes Nearly 3 Tons of Cocaine in High Seas Bust VOA News September 03, 2020 12:43 AM

Nov 3, 2020 — The Spanish operation began following a tip-off from Brazilian federal police, who had discovered 1,524kg of cocaine hidden inside 15 sacks

Aug 11, 2020 — Netherlands police bust country's largest cocaine lab at ex-riding stables. This article is more than 5 months old. Police seize drugs valued at up ...

Six people, including two police officers, were arrested after agents found 328 kilograms of cocaine in 294 plastic-wrapped bricks of cocaine at Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport

The vessel, the 1983-built general cargo ship Lisanne, had arrived from Haiti with empty holds (this is a common run, local media said, arriving empty and returning full). A USCG port state control inspection in March found deficiencies including missing crew STCW certificates; she has been detained in the U.S. three times since 2012 for issues related to firefighting and SOLAS equipment, manning, load lines and ISM code requirements. Equasis lists her owner and operator as a Miami-based company. 

An NYPD officer and three others were busted for being part of a Dominican drug trafficking organization, federal prosecutors announced Monday

and the list goes on

C Cup

C Chief

C Committee

C Chapter

C Compliance (Network World)

C Chemical

C Charlotte, NC (mint mark on coinage 1837-1861)

C Charlie

C Economy Class (Air Freight)

C Air Post (philatelic catalog prefix for non-ground stamps)

C Corner (welded joint type)

C Connect (ITU-T)

C Cycle

C Castle

C Constant

C Prince Edward Island (Canada Post designation)

C Confidential

C Circuit

C Catholic

C Chairman

C Cent

C Congress

C Collector (transistor; electronics)

C Carbon

C Candle

C Calm

C Combinations (probability)

C Consumption (economics)

C Cliff (Stores 100 code)

C Circa

C Conservative

C Speed of Light

C Commonwealth

C Container (SDH)

C Cloudy

C Colon (currency of Costa Rica and El Salvador)

C Cork (Irish car registration)

C Cairo (Egyptian automobile license plate)

C Cubic

C Codex

C Calorie

C Compute(r)

C Cough

C Carat

C Catcher (baseball)

C Conduit

C Cocaine

C Canceled

C Cyan

C Affirmative (logging abbreviation)

C Clerical (for ACG duties)

C Clock Mode (aviation)

C Circumference

C Countess

C Coefficient

C Cessna (civilian aircraft)

C Correlations

C Chromosome (as in banding)

C Curie

C Clockwise

C Constant of Integration (calculus)

C Carbone (French: Carbon)

C Comptroller

C Consonant (speech)

C Citigroup (stock symbol)

C CitiGroup, Inc. (NYSE symbol)

C Ascorbic Acid (vitamin)

C Coverage factor

C Conseco

C Circling (approach and landing charts)

C C Major (music)

C Capacitance

C Exposure Concentration (environment)

C Centimeter

C Cranial Nerve

C Cysteine (amino acid)

C Cedi (currency of Ghana)

C Court of Chancery (UK)

C Set of Complex Numbers (mathematics)

C Coulomb

C Centavo

C Centime

C Convective

C Ceiling Limit (weather reports)

C Contralto

C Centum (relating to an Indo-European language pronunciation)

C Cool Breeze (rapper)

C Centi (abbreviation of abbreviation for 1/100)

C Central Standard Time (as used in time groups)

C Cytosine

C Centerpartiet (Swedish political party)

C Caesarian

C Nicaraguan Cordoba (national currency)

C Cessna Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

C Cervical Vertebra (prefix, as in C-1, C-2)

C Cycloplegic

C Circinella (microbiology)

C Curtis-Wright Corporation (various locations)

C Congius (Latin: Colt)

C Culver Aircrfat Corporation (US Navy aircraft)

C Creeping Line Pattern (US DoD) targeting (military operations)

C C Programming Language Source Code (file name extension)

C Fresnel Cosine Integral

C Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (designates original point of circulation of a dollar bill)

C Musical pitch/note-----in rattlebrains there is a frequency-----

C Undenominated US Stamp (20 cents, introduced 1 Nov 1981) believing this is the coding scheme

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