Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Rattle Brains---cryptic format


SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association (San Francisco, CA, USA)

SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association

SNIA Syndicat National des Infirmiers Anesthésistes

SNIA Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association

SNI SMS (Short Message Service) Notification Indicator

SNI Scripps Networks Interactive (lifestyle content)

SNI Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Mexico)

SNI Simplified Network Interface

SNI Sms Notification Indicator

SNI Storage Networks Inc.

SNI Siemens Nixdorf

SNI Subscriber Network Identifier

SNI Sockets Network Interface

SNI Storage Network Industry

SNI Serviço Nacional de Informações (National Information Service, Brazil)

SNI Server Name Indication (networking protocol)

SNI Sports Network, Inc.

SNI Serial Network Interface

SNI Standar Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Standard)

SNI Swedish Neuroscience Institute (Washington)

SNI Société Nationale Immobilière (French: National Real Estate Company)

SNI Sanity Not Included

SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG (Paderborn, Germany)

SNI Subscriber Network Interface

SNI Saline Nasal Irrigation (upper respiratory therapy)

SNI San Nicolas Island (US Navy operated instrumentation site)

SNI Syndicat National des Instituteurs (French: National Union of Teachers)

SNI Shelter Now International (German religious and humanitarian group)

SNI SNA Network Interconnection

SNI Solar Night Industries (St. Louis, MO)

SNI Syndicat National de l'Isolation (French: National Insulation Union)

SNI Service Node Interface

SNI Sport Northern Ireland (UK)

SNI Standard Network Interface

SNI System News, Inc. (Coral Springs, FL)

SNI Sustainable National Income

SNI Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants (French: Neutral for Freelancers Union)

SNI Service Network Interface

SNI Secure Network Interface (web server)

SNI Soviet Naval Infantry

SNI Signaling Network Interface---telegraph attribute-----

SNI Solidarites Nationales et Internationales (French: National and International Solidarity)

SNI Secure Network Infrastructure

SNI Shared Network Infrastructure

SNI Società Numismatica Italiana (Italian Numismatic Society)

SNI Shalom Network International

SNI Syndicat National Indépendant (French: National Independent Union)

SNI Sub-Network Independent

SNI Schneider National Carriers, Inc.

SNI Senior Network, Incorporated

SNI Sustaining Non-major Instrumentation (project)

SNI Signaling Network Interworking---telegraph

SNI SCC Network Interface

SNI Special Needs Inmate

SNI Sistema Nacional de Interconexión (Guatemala)

ARB Air Resources Board (US EPA)

ARB Administrative Review Board (US DoL)

ARB Air Reserve Base

ARB Anti-Roll Bar

ARB Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (hypertension drug)

ARB Arbitrary Waveform Generator (electronic test equipment)

ARB Architecture Review Board

ARB Airbag

ARB Arbitron (Music, formerly American Research Bureau)

ARB Archives and Rare Books (various organizations)

ARB Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker

ARB Accounting Research Bulletins

ARB Automated Recurring Billing (merchant solution)

ARB Address Resolution Buffer

ARB Application Ready Buffer

ARB Address Reorder Buffer

ARB Adaptive Rate Based Congestion Control

ARB anti Roll Bar

ARB Anti-Rust Bearings (various companies)

ARB Arbitrageur

ARB American Repertory Ballet (Princeton, New Jersey)

ARB Amanah Raya Berhad

ARB Arab Reform Bulletin (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

ARB Attack Reconnaissance Battalion

ARB American Research Bureau

ARB Armee Revolutionnaire Bretonne (French: Breton Revolutionary Army)

ARB Adaptive Rate Based

ARB Acquisition Review Board

ARB Alternate Recovery Base (US DoD)

ARB Attendance Review Board

ARB Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (French: Royal Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts of Belgium; Belgium)

ARB Academic Review Board

ARB Architect's Registration Board (UK)

ARB Battle Damage Repair Ship

ARB Assessment Resource Bank

ARB Assign Receive Bypass Lists (US DoD)

ARB Advertising Review Board

ARB Anomaly Review Board

ARB Autodesk Revit Building

ARB Application Review Board

ARB Association des Amis de Robert Brasillach (French: Association of Friends of Robert Brasillach; Switzerland)

ARB Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (US Army and Marine Corps)

ARB Asset Recovery Business

ARB Awards and Recognition Board (Canada)

ARB Automatic Reading and Billing

ARB Accreditation Review Board

ARB Artificial Recognition Ball

ARB Army Resume Builder (US Army)

ARB Association des Réseaux Bronchiolite (French: Bronchiolitis Networks Association)

ARB Armored Rifle Battalion

ARB Accident Report Book

ARB Allegation Review Board

ARB Advisory Review Board

ARB Accommodation Review Board

ARB Army Resource Board

ARB Award Review Board (government contracting)

ARB Award Review Board

ARB Aircraft Review Board

ARB Analysis Review Board

ARB Accounting Review Bulletin (GAAP)

ARB Asociación de Radio Banda (Radio Band Association, Guatemala)

ARB Artisans Réunis du Bois (French: Gathered Wood Craftsmen)

ARB Anomaly Response Board

ARB American Royal Barbecue

ARB Agno River Basin (Philippines)

ARB Audit Resolution Branch (US Department of Education)

ARB Access-Related Bacteremia (infection)

ARB Alternate Reconstitution Bases

ARB Ann Arbor, Michigan - Municipal (airport code)

ELT English Language Teaching

ELT Element

ELT English Literature in Transition (journal)

ELT E-Learning and Teaching (education)

ELT Every Little Thing (band; Beatle's song)

ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter

ELT English Language Training

ELT Extremely Large Telescopes

ELT Elizabethtown (Amtrak station code; Elizabethtown, PA)

ELT Employment Law Training (various locations)

ELT Event List Text

ELT Executive Leadership Team

ELT Electronic Lien and Title (system)

ELT External Link

ELT Environmental Liability Transfer (St. Louis, MO)

ELT Entry Level Test (education; various locations)

ELT Euglobulin Lysis Time (blood test)

ELT Entry Level Training

ELT Economic Limit Test

ELT Evacuation Liaison Team (US FEMA)

ELT Espace Langue Tokyo (French; Japanese language school)

ELT Electronic Light Table

ELT Engineering Laboratory Technician

ELT Enforcement of Laws and Treaties

ELT Entreprise Lyonnaise de Téléphonie (French telecommunications company)

ELT Endless Loop Tachycardia

ELT Excise Law Times (India)

ELT Engineering Lab Team

ELT Electrical Lifetime Test

ELT Energy Let - Through

ELT Entrance-Level Training

ELT Extraction, Load, and Transfer

ELT Extended Limits Test

ELT Extended Leadership Meeting (Newlife Church; Toronto, ON, Canada)

TAR Tape Archive

TAR Third Assessment Report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

TAR The Amazing Race (TV show)

TAR Travel(er) Authorization Request

TAR Tape Archiver

TAR Texas Association of Realtors

TAR Tibet Autonomous Region

TAR Tarpon (FAO fish species code)

TAR Television and Radio

TAR Total Ankle Replacement (medical procedure)

TAR The American Resistance

TAR Traffice Accident Report

TAR The Accounting Review (American Accounting Association)

TAR Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale

TAR Tennessee Association of Realtors

TAR Thrombocytopenia with Absent Radius (genetic disorder)

TAR Top Albania Radio (online radio)

TAR Tavor Assault Rifle (firearm)

TAR Treatment Authorization Request

TAR Technical Assistance Request

TAR True Amplitude Recovery (energy exploration)

TAR Technology Assessment Research (various organizations)

TAR Tel'aran'rhiod (Wheel of Time Series)

TAR Telluride Association of Realtors (Telluride, CO)

TAR Target Acquisition Radar

TAR Tri-Annual Review (various companies)

TAR Transcriptionally Active Region

TAR Total Accident Rate

TAR Transmission Access Review (UK)

TAR Treatment Administration Record

TAR Tone Alert Radio

TAR Temporal Association Rules on Evolving Numerical Attributes (data mining)

TAR Technical Assessment Report

TAR Talent & Artist Relations

TAR Threat Assessment Report

TAR Terminal Area Radar (surveillance of aircraft near the airport)

TAR Transverse Abdominis Muscle Release

TAR The Angling Report (fishing newsletter)

TAR Tour Aéroréfrigérante (French: cooling tower)

TAR Test Accuracy Ratio

TAR Test Analysis Report

TAR Transportation Acquisition Regulations (US Department of Transportation)

TAR Tunisair, Tunisia (ICAO code)

TAR Technology Area Review

TAR Top Antireflective (semiconductor processing)

TAR Terrain Avoidance Radar

TAR Temporary Admission Regime (Argentina)

TAR Technical Action Request

TAR Test Authorization Request

TAR Turn Around Ratio

TAR Task Assignment Record

TAR Technical Assistant Request

TAR Triel Auto Rétro (French automobile club)

TAR Technical Activities Report

TAR Time and Activity Report

TAR Trace Analysis Report

TAR Testability Analysis Report

TAR Ticket Agent Report

TAR Technical Advisory Report

TAR Training & Administration of Reserves

TAR TRACON Acceptance Rate

TAR Training and Administrative Reserve

TAR Task Acknowledgement Report

TAR Technical Architecture Roadmap

TAR Team Action Record

TAR Trouble Activity Report

TAR Tactical Air Reconnaissance/Request

TAR Thrust Augment Rocket

TAR Task Assignment Request

TAR Transaction Approval Request

TAR Technical Acceptance Recommendation

TAR Time & Attendance Report

SNSerial Number
SNStannum (tin)
SNSignal-Noise (ratio)
SNSierra Nevada
SNSequence Number
SNScience News
SNSonora (Guatemalan radio station)
SNSocial Networking
SNSurname (genealogy)
SNSpace Network
SNSymantec Norton (software)
SNScreen Name
SNSeaman (USCG, USN)
SNSintagma Nominal (Spanish language term)
SNSans Nom
SNSubscriber Number
SNSwindon (postcode, United Kingdom)
SNSabena (Belgian World Airlines)
SNSaturday Night (various organizations)
SNSoon (amateur radio)
SNSnow (METAR precipitation)
SNSteve Nash (NBA player)
SNStock Number
SNSkilled Nursing
SNSide Note
SNSuper Nova
SNSubstantia Nigra (neuroanatomy)
SNSafety Notice (various companies)
SNSuper Nintendo
SNSuicide Note
SNSecretary of the Navy
SNSamyutta Nikaya (Buddhist texts)
SNService Number
SNStandard Number
SNScreenname (usually AOL)
SNStaff Nurse
SNStevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac musician)
SNSatellite Navigation
SNSemantic Network
SNStructural Number (highway engineering)
SNSacramento Northern (railroad)
SNSolar Neutrino
SNSuper Nice
SNStudent Nurse
SNService Node
SNSpecial Need (adoptions)
SNSwitching Network
SNSigma Nu (fraternity)
SNSûreté Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Safety)
SNSports Night (TV show)
SNServer Node
SNSerum Neutralization
SNSpace Needle (Seattle, Washington)
SNSuper Node
SNSûreté Nationale (French: National Security)
SNSoup Nazi (Seinfeld episode)
SNSeat Nipple
SNSurgical Nurse
SNShipping Note
SNSir Name (LDAP or Directory Servers)
SNSinging News (southern gospel magazine)
SNStiffness Nominal
SNSteeler Nation (sports website)
SNSthene (measure of force)
SNShared-Nothing Architecture (distributed computing architecture)
SNSkilled Nurse
SNSem Número (Portuguese: having no number; postal usage)
SNSoil Nail (construction)
SNSorceryNet (IRC network)
SNShipping Noise
SNSubjunctive Normal
SNSeparation Number (chromatography)
SNSubnova (website)
SNSecundum Naturam (according to nature)
SNSending Nation
SNSlurry Nebulization (spectroscopy)
SNStrategic Navigation
SNSveriges Naturvetareförbund (Nacka, Sweden)
SNShepherd Nick (website)
SNSource Nursery
SNSkule Nite (University of Toronto)
SNSaucy Nipples (ARC gaming clan)
SNStructural Notation
SNSynchronization Node
SNSlot Neighbor
SNPortable Surface Search Radar (US Navy)
SNSalutami 'Ntonio (Frisbee Ultimate Club di Milano)
SNSuperconducting Normally (conducting)
IAIowa (US postal abbreviation)
IAInternet Archive
IAInformation Assurance
IAInformation Architecture
IAInternational Airport
IAIntel Architecture
IAImpact Assessment
IAIn and Around
IAInternational Affairs
IAInternet Access
IAInternational Academy
IAIndustrial Automation (Star Wars, company who made R2-D2)
IAInternal Affairs
IAInvestment Advisor
IAIndividual Assistance (US DHS/FEMA)
IAInter Alia (Latin: among other things)
IAInternal Audit
IAIrrigation Association
IAItalian American
IAImpact Analysis
IAImmediate Action (Military)
IAInternational Agreement
IAIntangible Assets
IAInspection Académique (France)
IAInternet Appliance
IAInspection Authorization
IAIndividual Account
IAIllegal alien
IAInitial Assessment
IAInstruction and Assessment
IAIntelligent Agent
IAImplementation Agreement
IAIndian Airlines
IAIndependent Agencies
IAInstitutional Advancement (various schools)
IAIntelligence Artificielle (French)
IAInvestment Analysis
IAIsaac Asimov (author)
IAIdentification and Authentication
IAIndian Army
IAIm Auftrag (German: By Order)
IAInshallah (God willing)
IAInternal Assessment (International Baccalaureate testing)
IAInitial Attack (firefighting)
IAIndependent Amount
IAInstructional Assistant
IAIndustry Automation
IAIntelligence Analyst
IAIn Absentia (Latin: On Behalf of and in the Absence Of)
IAInformation Assistance
IAImplementing Agency
IAInvasive Aspergillosis
IAIndividual Augmentee
IAInteragency Agreement
IAIndependent Assessment
IAInterfaith Alliance
IAInstitute of Astronomy
IAInitial Appointment
IAImperial Army (gaming)
IAInternet Audio
IAInstitute of Aging
IAIndia Abroad (newspaper)
IAInformation Asset
IAInformation Analyst
IAItalian Army
IAIndustrial Archaeology
IAInstantly Available
IAInternational Alert (UK peacebuilding organization)
IAInformation Appliance
IAInterface Adapter
IAInstallment Agreement
IAIntelligence Assessment
IAInvestment Agreement
IAIntruder Alert
IAIraqi Airways (IATA airline code)
IAIssuing Agency
IAIntelligent Application
IAInitial Action
IAImperial Academy (Star Wars)
IAInterval Arithmetic
IAIncentive Award
IAInternational Alphabet
IAInstrumentation Amplifier
IAIndividual Augmentation
IAInterface Analysis
IAIntelligence Amplification
IAInspection Administration
IAInitial Appraisal (USACE)
IAIndustrial Attachment
IAInternet Alliance
IAInstrument Airplane
IAImperial Age
IAIsland Alliance (Boston, Massachusetts)
IAIt's Academic
IAIncremental Analysis
IAIndustrial Affiliates
IAIntegrity Agreement
IAInterface Architect
IAInitial Authorization
IAInternal Alarm
IAInformation Attack
IAImplementing Arrangement
IAImpulse Approximation (electron momentum density)
IAInfamous Adventures (gaming website)
IAImplementing Agent
IAInvasion America (Dreamworks TV Series)
IAIntegrated Agent
IAInterstellar Alliance (Babylon 5)
IAImperator Augustus (Latin: Emperor Augustus, epigraphy)
IAIntermediate Agent (networking)
IAInteroperability Agreement
IAIrrigation/Aspiration (medical procedures)
IAInstitutional Adaptation (US Army)
IAIneffective Attempt
IAInput Axis
IAInterface Agreement
IAIndicated Altitude
IAInterim Accreditation
IAIndian Airways
IAInstallation Assessment
IAInvestigative Analyst
IAInhalation Anaesthetics (pharmaceutical industry)
IAInstituti Albanologjik (Albanological Institute, Kosova)
IAImage Amplifier
IAImpedance Angle
IAInherent Availability
IAInterior Alliance (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada)
IAInternet Aid
IAInstable Angina (cardiology)
IAIrritant Agent
IAInventory Automation
IAInterrogation Arm (explosive detection aid)
IAInstalling Activity
IAInteractive Accountability
IAInput Acknowledgement
IAImplosion-Assembled (weapon)
IAImagery Analysis/Analyst
IAIntroducing Advisor (foreign exchange)
IAIfugao Academy (Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines)
IAInstallation Accountant
IAImmediately Avaliable
RBRed Bull (energy beverage)
RBRunning Back (football)
RBRose Bowl (college football game)
RBReplaced By
RBRock Band (video game)
RBReally Bad
RBRight Back (soccer position)
RBReckitt Benckiser (UK)
RBRechtbank (Courthouse) - Belgium
RBRedondo Beach (California)
RBRegionalbahn (German: local train)
RBRed Bluff (California)
RBRancho Bernardo (California)
RBRehoboth Beach (Delaware)
RBRadio Broadcasting
RBReview Board
RBRadio Button
RBRainbow Brite (80's cartoon)

RBRaging Bull (amusement park ride)
RBRecycle Bin
RBRadio Bremen (German Radio and TV Station)
RBRock Bottom
RBRadio Band
RBRead Back (logging abbreviation)----oil and gas operations
RBRetinoblastoma Protein
RBRubber Band
RBReflec Beat (game)
RBRegional Business (could this connect to rainbow brite?)
RBRoot Beer
RBRoll Back
RBRed Border
RBBase Resistance (transistors)
RBRoast Beef
RBReduced Bore (valves)
RBRelay Box (various companies)
RBRankin-Bass (animation company)
RBREALBasic (REAL Software Inc.)
RBReactor Building
RBReconnaissance Bomber (website)
RBRio Bravo
RBRobert Bosch GmbH (auto industry supplier)
RBRhinoceros Beetle
RBRight Brain
RBRecovery Block
RBRainbow Bridge
RBRegular Budget
RBRx Bandits (band)
RBRound Ball (muzzleloader shooting)
RBRight Bumper (Xbox 360 controller button)
RBRadar Beacon (aircraft navigation aid)
RBRaffel Brothers (founders of Arby's)
RBRecommended Buy (US DoD; Defense Logistics Agency)
RBRose Bengal
RBSyrian Arab Airlines (IATA airline code)
RBRescue Boat
RBRegistered Builder (various locations)
RBReticulate Body (Chlamydia)
RBRetirement Benefit(s)
RBReclamation Board
RBRepublic of Bulgaria
RBRelative Bearing
RBRadio Bearing
RBReentry Body
RBRauland-Borg Corporation (Skokie, Illinois)
RBRevenue Budget (various states)
RBRobot Battle (game)
RBRichard Blackwood (MTV UK and Ireland presenter)
RBRighteous Babe
RBRepublic of Bashkortostan (region in Russian Federation)
RBRob Bourdon (Linkin Park drummer)
RBRequest for Bid
RBResolution Bandwidth
RBRun Balanced (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al)
RBRealbot (Counter-Strike program)
RBRepetition Blindness
RBResponsible Body
RBRibbon Bridge
RBRockBoard (video game)
RBRight Bench (stream/river) (social network website)
RBResurrection Blvd (TV show)
RBRice Bug
RBRelocatable Buildings
RBResistance Brazing
RBRegisterbank (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
RBRace Breed (automotive)
RBRotary Beacon
RBRinse Blank (water run over equipment that is analyzed to check for cross contamination)
RBRelay Broadcast
RBRingwood Brewery (UK)
RBRepasz Band (Williamsport, PA)
RBRinggold Band (Reading, PA)
RBRohrersville Band (Rohrersville, MD)
RBRadiation Belt Mapper (Mission)
RBResidue Beamwidth
RBRadiator Bending
RBUS Revenue Proprietary (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RBRavana Brothers
RBReached Bottom Time (diving)
ELEnglish Language

ELEducation Level
ELExternal Links (OSPF)

ELEntry Level
ELGreek (ISO standard two letter language code for Greek)
ELEducational Leadership
ELEast Lansing (Michigan)
ELElectric Light
ELEnergy Level
ELEmeril Lagasse
ELEmergency Lighting
ELEnterprise Linux
ELEngineering Laboratory
ELExecutive Level (government employee heirarchy; Australia)
ELExposure Limits
ELEnglish Learner
ELExpected Loss
ELExposure Level
ELEnvironmental Laboratory
ELElektricitet (Danish: Electricity)
ELExpression Language
ELElevated Train (Chicago)
ELElastic Limit (tensile testing)
ELEdit Links (Internet)
ELElymian (linguistics)
ELEquilibrium Level
ELEssential Links (website)
ELEnvironmental Liabilities
ELEmergency Leave
ELEuropean Lotteries
ELElevated Line (elevated subway operated by Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority)
ELException List
ELEndolaser (vitreoretinal surgery))
ELEpiscopal Life (magazine)
ELErase Line
ELEnhancement Layer
ELEntertainment Links (Internet)
ELEncounter Level (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
ELEnhanced Latency
ELElectrical Load
ELExclusive Lock
ELElevation Limit
ELExcursion Limit (OSHA)
ELExpansion Loop
ELEnterprise Links (Internet)
ELElectronic Links (Internet)
ELExploration Lease (mineral exploration)
ELEmergency Limit
ELEngineering Letters
ELEarnings Level
ELElectric Logs (Oil Industry Old Term)
ELEdge Lift (of a contact lens)
ELEntrepreneurial Leave
ELErie Lackawanna Railway Company
ELElectric Start-Long Shaft (boat motors)
ELEddy Loss
ELEnforcement Layer
TTTrinidad & Tobago (top-level domain)
TTTourist Trophy (Isle of Man)
TTTitle (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
TTTwin Turbo
TTThe Truth
TTTable Tennis
TTTravel Trailer
TTTom Tom (drums)
TTThe Thing (John Carpenter movie)
TTTea Time
TTTable Top (model railroad scale, 2.5mm = 1 ft. in USA, or 3mm = 1 ft. UK)
TTTalk To
TTTake That (band)
TTTop Ten
TTTransport Tycoon (game)
TTTransit Time (logistics)
TTTotal Time (aviation)
TTThermaltake (PC cooling industry)
TTTelegraphic Transfer (funds)
TTTexas Tech (University)
TTTry This
TTTravel Time
TTTeen Titans (cartoon)
TTTest Track (Disney attraction)
TTThe Titans (game)
TTToyota Tercel
TTTrueType (Microsoft font)
TTTina Turner (singer)
TTTechnology Transfer
TTTo Taste (recipes)
TTToon Town (cartoons)
TTTim Tebow (football)
TTTag Team
TTTurbo Tax (software)
TTThoroughbred Times (newsletter)
TTTank Top (shipbuilding)
TTTow Truck
TTTurk Telekom (Turkey)
TTTrustee (IRB)
TTTool Time
TTThe Trenches (gaming, Half-Life modification)
TTTreatment Technique
TTTrouble Ticket
TTTenure Track (academics)
TTThirsty Thursday
TTThe Two Towers (second Lord of the Rings movie)
TTTrailer Trash
TTTwo Towers (second Lord of the Rings movie)
TTTitle Tag (HTML)
TTTelegraphic Transfer
TTTorah Tidbits (weekly publication)
TTTriple Threat (Prince tennis racket)
TTTetanus Toxoid
TTTractor Trailer
TTTriple Threat (WWE match)
TTTaco Time (various locations)
TTTiny Tim (entertainer)
TTTelephone Terminal
TTTransition Town (sustainability project community; various locations)
TTTypewriter Text
TTTravel & Tourism
TTTroubled Teen
TTTokai Tokyo (financial group; Japan)
TTTidningarnas Telegrambyrå (Swedish National News Agency)
TTTrending Topic (Twitter)
TTThree Towns (beer)
TTTemperature Transducer
TTTiny Toons (TV Show)
TTText-Telephone (TTY is preferred)
TTTotal Tackles (football stat)
TTTribe Twelve
TTTranscription and Translation
TTtimed text
TTThrombin Time
TTTriple Tube
TTTwitter Trend
TTTeam Talk (web forum)
TTTuring Test (Artificial Intelligence)
TTTotus Tuus (Latin: All Yours; chiefly religious)
TTTest Temperature
TTTampa Tribune (Tampa, FL newspaper)
TTTwelve Tribes (Twelve Tribes of Israel)
TTTarget Text
TTTemple Terrace (Florida city)
TTTalking Time (call center)
TTTechnical Translation
TTTemperature Transmitter
TTTimmy Turner (cartoon character)
TTTerrestrial Time
TTTransaction Time (call center)
TTTarget Tracking
TTTriple Time
TTTorpedo Tube(s)
TTTemperament Tested
TTTotal Temperature
TTTheaterTek (media player)
TTTechnology Transition
TTTask Type
TTThrust Termination
TTTurn Time
TTTransition Technologies
TTTails-Tails (possible outcome for flipping a coin twice)
TTTerminal Transfer
TTTreatment Team
TTTemporary Total Disability (Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation)
TTTechnological Turbulence
TTTri-Tone (music)
TTTraveling Time
TTTimo Tolkki (band)
TTTriple Triad (card game)
TTTube Trailer
TTTelephone Technician
TTTatarian (language identifier; RFC 3066)
TTTank Table
TTThrough Tubing
TTTrunk Type
TTTime Trial(s) (racing/sporting events)
TTTrenton Thunder (minor leauge baseball)
TTTreasure Trooper
TTThornton Tomasetti (structural engineering company)
TTTheutates Thunder (gaming)
TTTownsend Thoresen (UK ferry company)
TTTwin Tub
TTThurn and Taxis (prominent German family)
TTTranstejo (Lisbon ferry company)
TTTokyo Toshokan
TTTitan Tower (TV show)
TTThigh Toner (strength-building exercise)
TTTube Turns
TTTranslation Types
TTTuberculin Tested (cattle)
TTTactical Terminals
TTTorrential Tribute (Yugioh cards)
TTTrenton Titans (minor league hockey)
TTTriTube (French)
TTTyson Tomko (WWE wrestler)
TTThirty-Two Thirty-Two (Atari computers)
TTTroyTech (Troy High School; Fullerton, CA)
TTTransmit Tip
TTTula Tokareva (Russian pistol)
TTTrinidadian Dollar
TTTransfer Tree
TTTransiTALK (website)
TTTundra Times (newspaper)
TTTopical Time (publication, American Topical Association)
TTTroop Test
TTTracking Technician
TTTandem Turn
TTTeatro Technicus
TTTodo-O-Terreno (4x4) (Portuguese: All terrain)
TTTactical Tables
TTDCS/Technical Training (USAF)
TTTrailing Tire
TTTechnical Test/ing
TTTrusted Territories
TTTaxi Tran
ARArkansas (US postal abbreviation)
ARAssault Rifle
ARAccounts Receivable
ARAdministrative Record
ARArmy Regulation
ARAmateur Radio
ARAnnual Report
ARAccelerated Reader
ARAdventure Racing
ARAnimal Rights
ARArmy Reserve
ARAs Required
ARAnnual Reviews
ARAction Required
ARAmerican Revolution
ARAction Replay (game console cheat device)
ARActive Region (sunspot observation)
ARAmerican Racing (American Racing wheels)
ARAction Research
ARAir Rifle
ARAnnual Rate
ARAccess Router
ARAmazing Race (reality TV show)
ARAcrobat Reader (Adobe Systems)
ARAutomatic Rifle
ARAcid Reflux
ARAbuse Report (gaming, Second Life)
ARAugmented Reality
ARAspect Ratio
ARAcoustic Research (loudspeaker manufacturer)
ARAuthorized Representative
ARAnnual Return
ARAfter Rebate
ARAbbey Road (Beatles album/song)
ARAndrogen Receptor
ARArgent (Heraldic White or Silver)
ARAction Report
ARArizona Republic (newspaper)
ARActivity Reports
ARAntibiotic Resistance
ARAccount Representative (Sprint)
ARAdrenergic Receptor (protein)
ARRepair Ship
ARAishwarya Rai (Indian actress)
ARAbnormal Returns
ARAyn Rand (novelist and philosopher)
ARAuthorized Reseller
ARArmalite (rifle company)
ARAll Risks
ARAerolíneas Argentinas
ARAssociation Rules
ARAtlantic Records (record label)
ARAdministrative Regulation (various organizations)
ARAddress Register
ARAlternate Routing
ARAppenzell Außerrhoden (Swiss Half Canton)
ARArmaLite Rifle (engineering company; Genesco, IL)
ARAssistant Referee (sports)
ARAllergic Rhinitis
ARAkademia Rolnicza (Polish: University of Agriculture)
ARAs Removed (avionics)
ARAutomated Reasoning
ARAlan Rickman (British actor)
ARAutosomal Recessive (genetics; recessive gene on one of the 23 pairs of autosomes)
ARAlternative Radio (public affairs program)
ARAssembleia da República (Portuguese parliament)
ARArrêté Royal (French: Royal Decree; Belgium)
ARAdverse Reaction
ARAccusé de Réception (French: Acknowledgment of Receipt; mail)
ARArtificial Respiration (aka artificial resuscitation)
ARAnalyst Relations (various locations)
ARAntimicrobial Resistance
ARAtmospheric Research
ARAncien Regime (gaming)
ARAdrenaline Rush (gaming; also an IMAX film)
ARArea Record (sports)
ARAcknowledge Receipt
ARAir Route
ARAir Refueling
ARArmy Ranger
ARAortic Regurgitation (aortic insufficiency)
ARAnal Retentive
ARAir Resistance
ARArea Ratio
ARArista Records (record label)
ARAttributable Risk
ARAppenzell Ausser-Rhoden (postcode, Switzerland)
ARAldose Reductase
ARAcute Rejection
ARAmerican Robin
ARAerial Refueling
ARAngle Resolved
ARAll Rail
ARAttrition Rate
ARAccess Right
ARAbandon Rate
ARArm's Reach
ARArezzo, Toscana (Italian province)
ARAuthorization Request
ARAqua Regia
ARAerial Reconnaissance
ARAgency Resources
ARArrest Report (law enforcement)
ARAttack Rating (Diablo II)
ARAcquisition Reform
ARAutonomous Republic
ARAccess Rate
ARAssistant Registrar
ARAutomatic Response
ARArea Representative
ARAvis de Réception (Canada Post)
ARAge Regression
ARAfrican Rights
ARAtrophic Rhinitis (pig respiratory disease)
ARAxial Ratio
ARAncestral Roots (genealogy)
ARApproval Request
ARAir Reconnaissance
ARActive Radar
ARActivity Ratio
ARApproximate Reasoning
ARAttack Release
ARAnton Rubinstein (classical pianist)
ARAuto Redial
ARAnalytical Reagent
ARAirborne Reconnaissance
ARAftermath Records (record label)
ARAgent Report
ARAdd Register
ARAbstellraum (German: storage room)
ARAcceptance Review
ARAsistencia Respiratoria
ARAcquisition Risk
ARArt Remains (online art gallery)
ARAffiliate Relations
ARAccounts Register
ARAcquiescence Ruling
ARApplication Record
ARAutomation Resources
ARAutomatic Recall (Bellcore)
ARAcetal Resin
ARArrezo (postcode, Italy)
ARAdvanced Reactor
ARAcoustic Reflex
ARAssociate Referee (various organizations)
ARAlarm Reaction
ARAdministrative Requirement
ARAssessment Request
ARAmerican Rifleman Magazine
ARArmor Rating (gaming, Asheron's Call 2)
ARAuxiliary Relay
ARAcquisition Request
ARAlabama Railroad
ARAlarm Report
ARApproved Rejected
ARAir Revitalization
ARAsset Reconciliation
ARAnomaly Report
ARApplication Requester
ARArtificial Resuscitation
ARAuburn Reporter (community newspaper)
ARArise Records
ARAirworthiness Representative
ARActivity Resume (ITU-T)
ARAirborne Relay
ARAmerican Rivers, Inc.
ARAdvice of Receipt (Canada Post)
ARAbsorber Rod
ARAcoustique Renforcée (French: Enhanced Acoustics; window noise insulation)
ARAuxiliary Room
ARArchival Researcher
ARAffirmative Rebuttal (debate)
ARAttrition Reserve (aircraft)
ARPostal Fiscal (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
ARAtmospheric Revitalization
ARAutomatic Resupply
ARAuxiliary Receiver
ARAvance-Retard (French)
ARAuscultacion Respiratoria (Spanish: Respiratory Auscultation)
ARArrow Revolver (game, Mabinogi)
ARAllied Racing (Halo racing clan)
ARAttributive Risk
ARASR Status
ARArmor Rendering (gaming, Asheron's Call)
ARArgonne Area Office (US DOE)
ARAltesse Royal (French: Royal Highness)
ARAeronautical Requirement
ARAdaptive Reception Control
ARArchitecture and Requirements Office (NIMA)
ARAutomation Recall
ARAmusement Radio (online radio station)
ARAnno Resurrectionis (Year of the Resurrection, epigraphy)
ARAgonist Reversal (PNF technique)
AREnd of message / Out (logging abbreviation)
ARAllotment Reconciliation
ARAgent Requisitions

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