HAJ | Hokkaido Arbeit Johosha (Japanese publishing company) |
HAJ | Hanover, Germany - Langenhagen (Airport Code) |
HAJ | Honor and Justice (MMORPG Utopia alliance) |
HAJ | Himalayan Association of Japan (mountaineering) |
HAJ | Housing Authority of Joliet (Joliet, IL) |
HAJ | Hobby Association of Japan |
OOC | Out of Character (online role-playing) |
OOC | Out of Class (various organizations) |
OOC | Out-Of-Character (gaming) |
OOC | Out Of Control |
OOC | Outfit of Choice (pageants) |
OOC | Order of Creation (theology) |
OOC | Out of Committee (various locations) |
OOC | Out of Camera (photography) |
OOC | Office of Citizenship (US CIS) |
OOC | Out of Curiosity |
OOC | Optical (WDM) Overhead Channel |
OOC | Out of Core |
OOC | Original or Copy |
OOC | Out of Character |
OOC | Office of Counsel (US Navy) |
OOC | Out of Context |
OOC | Out-Of-Conference |
OOC | Oman Oil Company |
OOC | Out of Course (Singapore Armed Forces) |
OOC | oil on canvas (type of painting) |
OOC | Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd. (Japan) |
OOC | Office of Compliance (various organizations) |
OOC | Out-Of-Commission |
OOC | Out of Country |
OOC | Office of the Chairman |
OOC | Out of Coffee |
OOC | Orlando Opera Company (est. 1958; Orlando, FL) |
OOC | Optical Orthogonal Code |
OOC | Out of Contract |
OOC | Out of Clan (gaming) |
OOC | Out of Calibration |
OOC | Out of Cycle |
OOC | Out of Concentration (Dark Age of Camelot online game) |
OOC | Oil on Cuttings |
OOC | Officer of Cadets (Australian Defence Forces) |
OOC | Operational Oceanography Center |
OOC | Object-Oriented COBOL |
OOC | Out of Code |
OOC | Other Operating Costs (financial management) |
OOC | Originating Office Control |
OOC | Olympics Organizing Committee |
OOC | Orders-on-Contract |
FFU | For Future Use |
FFU | Final Fantasy Unlimited (Anime) |
FFU | Fit for Use |
FFU | Filter Fan Unit (cleanliness) |
FFU | Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik (Environmental Policy Research Unit, Free University of Berlin) |
FFU | Fast File Undelete |
FFU | Fan Filter Unit (cleanrooms) |
FFU | Feriening Frysk Underwiis (German; Frisian education association; Netherlands) |
FFU | Final Follow-Up (medical treatment) |
FFU | Filthy Fingers United |
FFU | Femur-Fibula-Ulna Syndrome |
FFU | Fred Flintstone Units |
FFU | Fédération Française d'Ultrasons (French: French Federation of Ultrasound) |
FFU | Friendly Forward Unit (US Army) |
FFU | Fluorescent Focus-Forming Unit |
FFU | Fire Field Underwriter |
FFU | Final Fantasy Union (gaming website) |
FFU | Fight for United |
Acronym | Definition |
F | Full |
F | Fax |
F | Female |
F | Failure |
F | Fail |
F | Fighter (US military aircraft designation; as in F-16) |
F | Fahrenheit |
F | If |
F | Found |
F | First (class airfare) |
F | Fast (logic integrated circuits) |
F | Front |
F | Field |
F | Fine |
F | Ford Motor Company (stock symbol) |
F | Friend(s) |
F | Force |
F | Flash (Precedence Level) |
F | France (International Auto Identification) |
F | Registration (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
F | Forward |
F | Fine (numismatics; 10th best condition of coin) |
F | Fine (book condition) |
F | Function |
F | Frankfurt (German auto license plates) |
F | Fixed |
F | Filter |
F | Flag |
F | Fellow |
F | Flat (welding position) |
F | Fog (weather teports) |
F | Frequency |
F | Fuse |
F | Fault |
F | Forte (music) |
F | Focal length (photography) |
F | Failing Grade |
F | Fraction |
F | Float (C programming language) |
F | Foul (baseball) |
F | Fable (video game) |
F | Felony |
F | Folio |
F | Francs |
F | Fiduciary (IRB) |
F | Flight Inspection |
F | Fujita (tornado intensity scale, ranging from F1 to F5) |
F | Foxtrot |
F | Fluorine |
F | Fleer (baseball card manufacturer) |
F | Phenylalanine (amino acid) |
F | Bioavailability (fraction of drug reaching systemic circulation) |
F | Farad |
F | Fuze |
F | Flunked |
F | Flunk |
F | Fishing Mortality (fisheries population dynamics) |
F | Femto- (10^-15, SI Prefix) |
F | Functor (abstract algebra) |
F | Froude Number |
F | Faraday Constant |
F | Functional Distribution |
F | Filial Generation (genetics) |
F | Flare Patterns (US DoD) |
F | Fairchild Aircraft Limited (manufacturer's symbol; Canada) |
F | Fsmart (China) |
F | Frequency of Lifting |
F | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Georgia (designates original point of circulation of a dollar bill) |
F | Fisher's F Ratio (statistics; usually written in italics) |
F | F Sub-Shell (fourth outer subshell of an electron shell) |
F | Cleared to Fix |
F | Undenominated United States Stamp (29 cents, introduced 3 Feb 1991) |
F | At City Shop for Repairs (Alabama Public Safety Radio Code |
forward (it's last first) | |
JAH | Journal of Adolescent Health |
JAH | Journal of African History (Cambridge University Press) |
JAH | Jefferson Alumni Hall (Philadelphia, PA) |
JAH | Just A Hobby |
JAH | Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith (Pakistan political party) |
JAH | Just Another Hawaiian |
FUF | Föreninegn för Utvecklingsfrågor (Swedish development organization) |
FUF | Frank Und Freunde (web design company, Stuttgart, Germany) |
FUF | Friends of the Urban Forest |
FUF | Frederikshavn Ungdoms Fællesråd (Danish youth council) |
FUF | Files under Folders (algorithm) |
FUF | Forbundet Unge Forskere (Norwegian Association of Young Scientists) |
FUF | Frequently Used Function |
FUF | Friends of the Upland Farmer |
FUF | Fellow Up Front (military slang; polite form) |
FUF | Fat Ugly Friend |
COO | Chief Operating Officer (corporate title) |
COO | Country of Origin |
COO | Cost of Opperation |
COO | Change of Ownership (various organizations) |
COO | Cost of Ownership |
COO | Come on Over (Internet slang) |
COO | Communities of Opportunity (San Francisco, CA) |
COO | Continuity of Operations |
COO | Certificate Of Origin |
COO | Cell of Original |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
COO | Conception Orientée Objet (French: Object-Oriented Design; software development) |
COO | Centre for Overweight and Obesity (Australia) |
COO | Chief Ordnance Officer (UK) |
COO | Certificate of Occupancy (construction code compliance) |
COO | Caltech Optical Observatories |
COO | Cell of Origin (mobile telephony) |
COO | Cessna Owner Organization (aircraft) |
COO | Conduct of Operations |
COO | Countries of Operation |
COO | Chiefs of Ontario (Canada) |
COO | Conspiracy of One (Offspring song) |
COO | Consideration of Others |
COO | Concept of Operation |
COO | College of Opticians of Ontario (Ontario, Canada) |
COO | Cotonou, Benin - Cotonou (Airport Code) |
COO | Cave of Ordeal (video games) |
COO | Constraint and Object Oriented |
COO | Children of Opportunity |
COO | Combined Obstacles Overlay |
COO | confirmation of ownership |
HA | Hands (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al) |
backwards 2 letter breakdown | |
HA | High Availability |
HA | Highly Available |
HA | Home Agent |
HA | Heart Attack |
HA | Hospital Authority |
HA | Housing Authority |
HA | Home Address |
HA | Haiti |
HA | La Habana (postcode, Cuba) |
HA | Home Alone |
HA | Headache |
HA | Hawaii (old style) |
HA | Highways Agency (England) |
HA | Health Affairs |
HA | Hectares |
HA | Home Automation (residential housing controls) |
HA | Health Assessment |
HA | Hydrogen Alpha |
HA | Health Administration |
HA | High Altitude |
HA | Hells Angels |
HA | Harrow (postcode, United Kingdom) |
HA | Human Anatomy (college course) |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance (US DoD) |
HA | Historical Association (various organizations) |
HA | Hyaluronic Acid |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance |
HA | Half-Assed |
HA | High Authority |
HA | Heritage Area (various locations) |
HA | Hydroxyapatite |
HA | Hospital Acquired (Infection) |
HA | Hidden Ability (Pokémon) |
HA | Hazard Analysis |
HA | Hawaiian Airlines (IATA airline code) |
HA | Hippocampal Atrophy (neurology) |
HA | Hazard Assessment |
HA | Health Advisory |
HA | Hemolytic Anemia |
HA | Humic Acid |
HA | Holding Area |
HA | Hauptabteilung (German) |
HA | High Assurance |
HA | Heavy Armor |
HA | Hepatic Artery |
HA | Housing Allowance |
HA | Histocompatibility Antigen |
HA | Halmahera |
HA | Hour Angle |
HA | Heterocyclic Amine (food mutagen) |
HA | High Ambient (temperature limit) |
HA | Hospitality Association |
HA | High Achiever |
HA | Hemaglutinin (glycoprotein on influenza virus) |
HA | Highways Act 1980 (UK) |
HA | Hazardous Area |
HA | Height-For-Age |
HA | Honorary Alumnus |
HA | Hahnium |
HA | Healthy America |
HA | Hepatitis-Associated |
HA | Home Assignment |
HA | Half Adder |
HA | Hybrid Algorithm |
HA | Hemagglutination Assay |
HA | Haute Activité (French: High Activity; radioactivity) |
HA | Hostile Aircraft |
HA | Hydrocephalus Association |
HA | Hypnotherapy Association |
HA | High-Alarm |
HA | Household Activity |
HA | Haight-Asbury |
HA | Harmonic Approximation |
HA | Heidelberg Appeal |
HA | Hybrid Amplifier |
HA | Hub Architecture |
HA | Hexenyl Acetate |
HA | Hearing Assistant |
HA | Adopted in the House (approved business of the House of Representatives, North Carolina) |
HA | Hatch Act of 1887 |
HA | Hippocampal Asymmetry |
HA | Hardness Assurance (radiation) |
HA | Harmonic Analyzer |
HA | Hall Angle |
HA | Hospitalman Apprentice (US Navy rating) |
HA | Hyper-Androgenism |
HA | Halifax Academy (Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina) |
HA | Hack Addict (eZine) |
HA | Hit Avoidance |
HA | Hit Assessment |
HA | Hydraulic Association (UK) |
HA | Hull Array |
HA | Heavy Assist (nursing) |
HA | Homelan Alliance (gaming clan) |
HA | Hanford Operations Office (Department of Energy) |
HA | Howey Academy (Florida) |
HA | Hipuric Acid |
HA | Heyting Arithmetics |
HA | Hersteld Actief (Dutch) |
HA | Heterodyne Amplifier |
HA | Hard Copy Text or Drawing |
JO | Jordan |
JO | Job Order |
JO | Journalist (US Navy) |
JO | Junior Olympics |
JO | Jeux Olympiques (French: Olympic Games) |
JO | Junior Officer |
JO | Jermaine O'Neal (NBA player) |
JO | Jedi Outcast (Jedi Knight Lucas Arts game) |
JO | Journal Officiel de la République Française |
JO | Joint Operation |
JO | Judicial Officer |
JO | Joint Ops (video game) |
JO | Jamaica Observer |
JO | Juvenile Offender |
JO | Journal of Oceanography |
JO | Juvenile Orion (anime) |
JO | Just Oral |
JO | Justice Ombudsman (various locations) |
JO | Jointly Optimum |
JO | Jurisdictional Officer (International Order of DeMolay) |
JO | (USN Rating) Journalist |
OC | Optical Carrier |
OC | Orange County (California; New York) |
OC | Over Clock (computer CPU) |
OC | Of Course |
OC | Orange County (TV show) |
OC | Oklahoma Christian University |
OC | Ocean City, MD |
OC | Ocean City |
OC | Open Carry (firearm possession) |
OC | Own Character |
OC | Original Character (fanfiction new, made-up character) |
OC | OxyContin (prescription drug; aka Oxys) |
OC | Order Confirmation (purchases) |
OC | Out of Control |
OC | Odessa College (Odessa, Texas) |
OC | Orange Crush |
OC | Open Circuit (SCUBA and electronics) |
OC | On Center |
OC | Online Community |
OC | Offensive Coordinator (football) |
OC | Original Content |
OC | Owl City (band) |
OC | Organic Carbon |
OC | Organizing Committee (various organizations) |
OC | On Camera |
OC | Office Call |
OC | Obsessive-Compulsive |
OC | Oral Contraceptive |
OC | Off Camera (cinematography) |
OC | Organized Crime |
OC | Optical Center |
OC | Oleoresin Capsicum (active ingredient in pepper spray) |
OC | Oregon City (Oregon) |
OC | Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio) |
OC | Overcoat |
OC | Old Chicago (restaurant) |
OC | Orospu Cocugu (Turkish: Son of a Bitch) |
OC | Oregon Coast |
OC | On Course |
OC | Order of Canada |
OC | Oak Cliff (Dallas neighborhood) |
OC | Communications Division (US Coast Guard) |
OC | Oliver Cromwell |
OC | Oral Communication |
OC | Optional Component (Microsoft Windows) |
OC | Other Character |
OC | Officer Commanding |
OC | Office Coordinator (administrative position) |
OC | Office of Censorship |
OC | Operating Cost |
OC | Oil Cooled (welding) |
OC | Oversight Committee |
OC | Office of Communications |
OC | Overcurrent |
OC | Operating Company |
OC | Optical Communications |
OC | Orientation Course |
OC | Officer in Command |
OC | Old Chinese (language of pre 400BC) |
OC | OpenCup (online tournament) |
OC | Organochlorine |
OC | Object Class |
OC | Open Collector (electronics, transistors) |
OC | Office of Compliance (US FDA) |
OC | Owners Corporation (Australia) |
OC | Officer of the Order of Canada |
OC | Ottawa-Carleton |
OC | Old Chap (ham radio shorthand) |
OC | Optical Channel |
OC | Operational Control |
OC | Open Content |
OC | Operating Characteristic |
OC | Office of the Commissioner |
OC | Open Canvas (art program) |
OC | Office of the Comptroller |
OC | Oakland City (Indiana College) |
OC | Operational Capability |
OC | Operation Center |
OC | Officer Candidate |
OC | Operator Console |
OC | Old Covenant (biblical law) |
OC | Operant Conditioning (a training technique) |
OC | Opposing Counsel (legal notation) |
OC | Outside Corner (measuring in construction) |
OC | Operating Committee |
OC | Ondes Courtes (French: shortwave) |
OC | Orlando Cabrera (baseball player) |
OC | Obstetric Cholestasis |
OC | Oxnard College (Oxnard, CA) |
OC | Over Crowded |
OC | Operating Carrier |
OC | Output Compare |
OC | Observer Controller |
OC | Open Computing |
OC | Oceanic Crust |
OC | Operation Class |
OC | Output Coupler (optics, lasers) |
OC | Ocean Conservancy |
OC | Operations Coordinator |
OC | Offering Circular |
OC | Oracle Clinical |
OC | Oakwood College (Alabama) |
OC | Oglethorpe County (Georgia) |
OC | Optical Colonoscopy |
OC | On-scene Commander |
OC | Operations Controller |
OC | Overture Center (performing arts) |
OC | Output Check |
OC | Out Calls |
OC | Organisme Certificateur |
OC | Out Cast (gaming clan) |
OC | One Communications, Inc. |
OC | Occupancy Certificate (residential license) |
OC | Christian O'Connell (radio personality; UK) |
OC | Octopus Card (Hong Kong smart payment card) |
OC | Organisme Conventionné (French: Accredited Body) |
OC | Operating Curve |
OC | Operation Channel |
OC | Omnipotent Carnage (gaming clan) |
OC | OpenCalphad (computational thermodynamics) |
OC | Other's Cost |
OC | Outside Circumference |
OC | Outdoors Center (Texas A&M) |
OC | Over-Crossing |
OC | Ordinary Cadet |
OC | Orientation Counselor |
OC | Operation Context |
OC | Oxygen Cutting |
OC | Opere Citato (Latin: In the Work Cited) |
OC | Operator Centralization |
OC | Organizational Committee of ACC |
OC | Odin's Court (rock and metal band) |
OC | Ormiston College |
OC | Ordres Courants (French: current orders) |
OC | Oudste Categorie (Dutch) |
OC | Officer's Cook |
OC | Otaku Convention (Japanese film festival) |
OC | Organizadora de Comercio (Spanish; Guatemala) |
OC | Ordnance Controller |
OC | Office and Communication Module |
OC | Outside Contracting/Contractor |
OC | Order of the Carmelites (religious order) |
OC | Outage Continuing |
OC | Outer Chuck |
OC | Operational Concept/Operating Concept |
OC | Ochoa & Clary (chemistry team) |
OC | Open Within Memory Cell |
FF | Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser) |
FF | Fast Forward |
FF | Form Feed |
FF | And the Following Pages |
FF | Following |
FF | Final Fantasy (game) |
FF | Final Fantasy |
FF | Friends and Family |
FF | Fan Fiction |
FF | Fantasy Football |
FF | Surrender (Internet slang) |
FF | Fighting Fantasy (gamebook series) |
FF | Friends Forever |
FF | Fantastic Four |
FF | Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade) |
FF | Fetish Factory (retailer) |
FF | Fujifilm |
FF | Flip-Flop |
FF | Fast Food |
FF | Firefighter |
FF | Ford Fiesta (car) |
FF | Full Force (Jedi Knight game) |
FF | Fly Fishing |
FF | French Fries |
FF | Foo Fighters (band) |
FF | Fat Free |
FF | Family Finance (college course) |
FF | Free Fall |
FF | Folios |
FF | Forfeit |
FF | Franz Ferdinand (band) |
FF | First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA) |
FF | Flavor Flav (hip-hip) |
FF | Fortissimo (music) |
FF | Football Field |
FF | Federal Funds |
FF | Force Field |
FF | Friendly Fire |
FF | Form Factor |
FF | Food Fight |
FF | Frozen Fury (gaming clan) |
FF | Free Flight |
FF | Frequent Flyer |
FF | Fossil Fuel |
FF | Freedom Fighter (video game) |
FF | Free-Floating (Rifle Barrel) |
FF | Full Frame (photography) |
FF | First Friday |
FF | Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia) |
FF | Fresh Frozen |
FF | Fully Fashioned (nylon stockings) |
FF | Final Fight (video game) |
FF | Fontfont (typeface library) |
FF | Founding Father (educational slang) |
FF | Fundamental Frequency |
FF | Force Feedback (joysticks/wheels for games) |
FF | Fully Functional |
FF | Fleet Foxes (band) |
FF | Freight Forwarder |
FF | Fear Factory (band) |
FF | Fixed Frequency |
FF | False Flag |
FF | Freedom Force (game) |
FF | Ford Foundation |
FF | Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party) |
FF | Flat File |
FF | Foundation Fieldbus |
FF | Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA) |
FF | Frosted Flakes (cereal) |
FF | Free-Flyer |
FF | Flat Faced (pipe flange) |
FF | Fortress Forever (game mod) |
FF | French Franc |
FF | Food First (est. 1975) |
FF | Fixed Focus (optics, cameras) |
FF | Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game) |
FF | Firefinder |
FF | Fiat Forum (online car forum) |
FF | Frame Format |
FF | First Fit (IEEE) |
FF | Formula Fed (parenting) |
FF | Flagrant Foul (basketball) |
FF | Free Fluid (medicine) |
FF | Fright Fest |
FF | Filter Factory |
FF | Feeding Frenzy (gaming) |
FF | Forced Fumble (football) |
FF | Freedom Forum |
FF | Freak Factory |
FF | Ford Forums |
FF | Filefront (gaming website) |
FF | Firefly Festival (Dover, DE) |
FF | Flash and Flow |
FF | Fabric Filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants) |
FF | Fatal Frame (game) |
FF | Freedom Front (South Africa) |
FF | Fitness Friend |
FF | Frostfell (gaming, Asheron's Call) |
FF | Final Frontier (gaming) |
FF | Frontier Force |
FF | Fuel Flow |
FF | Frou Frou (band) |
FF | Fit Factor |
FF | Family Feud (TV game show) |
FF | Feed Forward |
FF | Fonky Family (French rap group) |
FF | Fear Factor (TV show) |
FF | Floor Flatness (concrete construction) |
FF | Findhorn Foundation |
FF | Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby) |
FF | Fully Furnished |
FF | First Flowering |
FF | Foot Fault (bowling) |
FF | Focus Fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft) |
FF | Fluid Fantasy (forum) |
FF | Fill Factor (solar cell parameter) |
FF | Und Folgende (German: and following) |
FF | Flippin Funny |
FF | Freight Forward |
FF | Front-Engine, Front-Wheel-Drive Layout (motor vehicles) |
FF | Flight Following |
FF | Fatal Fury (anime/game) |
FF | Fuel Fabrication |
FF | Friendship Force |
FF | Flame Failure |
FF | Far Field |
FF | Fixed Filter (RSVP) |
FF | Functional Food |
FF | Full Funding |
FF | Field Format |
FF | Fraud Forum (GSM Association) |
FF | Feeling Fine |
FF | Federal Facility |
FF | Fancy Feast (cat food) |
FF | Fatally Flawed |
FF | Feet Forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle) |
FF | Full Forward (Australian football position) |
FF | Franc Français (French Franc) |
FF | Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
FF | Front-Engine Front-Wheel Drive |
FF | Fat Finger |
FF | Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan) |
FF | Football's Future (online community) |
FF | Fashion Freak |
FF | Financial Friend |
FF | Full Faced (pipe gasket) |
FF | Family Fortunes |
FF | Navy Fast Frigate (US DoD) |
FF | Fast Flash |
FF | Fuzz Face (guitar effect pedal) |
FF | Frostfire (game) |
FF | Factory Finish |
FF | Fast Frigate |
FF | Fein-Fein (German: extra fine) |
FF | Finish-to-Finish (work-management relationship) |
FF | Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile) |
FF | Fellesforbundet |
FF | Follow Friday (twitter) |
FF | Flesh Field (band) |
FF | Finance Forward |
FF | Full Floater (truck axle) |
FF | Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons) |
FF | Full-Fed (animal science) |
FF | Farm Foundation |
FF | Fiamma Fumana (band) |
FF | Foot's Forecast (Baltimore, MD) |
FF | Finished Floor Elevation (architectural/civil drafting) |
FF | Femto-Farad |
FF | Fire & Forget |
FF | Facebook Fanatic (social media) |
FF | Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league) |
FF | Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game) |
FF | Finstere Flure (game) |
FF | Furious Force |
FF | Flight Ferry |
FF | Fuel Failure |
FF | Fallen Footwear (shoe company) |
FF | Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy) |
FF | Force Forfeit (online games) |
FF | Fast Fortress (Age of Empires 3 gaming) |
FF | Failure Factor |
FF | Fatal Forces (gaming clan) |
FF | Fatigue Correction Factor (US DoD) |
FF | Fuchs Friends (online community) |
FF | Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union) |
FF | Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken) |
FF | Funfonex (Finnish gaming site) |
FF | Freestyle Factory (Sweden; est. 2006) |
FF | Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina) |
FF | Fulton Factor |
FF | Fraction or Finish |
FF | Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy) |
FF | Forced Fluids (medical care) |
UF | User Friendly (comic strip) |
UF | University of Florida |
UF | University of Findlay |
UF | Used for |
UF | Unidade da Federação (Portuguese: Federation Unit; Brazil) |
UF | Urban Fantasy (fiction) |
UF | Ultrafiltration |
UF | Underground Feeder (electrical cable) |
UF | Unidad de Fomento (Chile) |
UF | Ultra Force (clothing) |
UF | Urea/Formaldehyde |
UF | United Front (Northern Alliance's official name; Afghanistan) |
UF | Microfarad |
UF | Uncertainty Factor |
UF | Ultimate Frisbee (game; like a cross between football and basketball played with a Frisbee) |
UF | Unframed (Hekimian) |
UF | United Future (New Zealand) |
UF | University of Freiburg |
UF | Utilization Factor |
UF | Unité Fonctionnelle (French: Functional Unit) |
UF | You Fool |
UF | Università di Firenze (Italian) |
UF | Utility/Utilization Flight |
UF | Uniform Frame |
UF | Unit of Fire |
forward two letter breakdown' | |
FU | Forget You (polite form) |
FU | Follow-Up |
FU | Fuse |
FU | Smoke (aviation meteorology) |
FU | Freie Universität (Berlin, Germany) |
FU | Fluorouracil |
FU | Florida University |
FU | File Upload |
FU | Future Use |
FU | Fordham University |
FU | Felician University (Franciscan University of New Jersey) |
FU | Functional Unit |
FU | First Union (US east coast bank) |
FU | Furman University (Greenville, SC) |
FU | Fairfield University |
FU | Fisk University |
FU | Foul Up (polite form) |
FU | Freaks United |
FU | Follicular Unit |
FU | Franklin University (Columbus, Ohio) |
FU | Forretningsudvalg (Danish) |
FU | Felix Unger (The Odd Couple) |
FU | Fine Used (philately) |
FU | Friends University (Kansas) |
FU | Finlandia University |
FU | Field Unit (US DoD) |
FU | Fire Unit |
FU | Fatih University (Istanbul, Turkey) |
FU | Forever United |
FU | Fire & Update |
FU | Flight Unit |
FU | Flasher Unit |
FU | Formula Unit (chemistry) |
FU | Fixture Unit (plumbing) |
FU | Functional User |
FU | Firing Unit |
FU | Freaking Ugly (polite form) |
FU | Forward User |
FU | Fun University (That 70's Show) |
FU | Forensic Unit |
FU | Freidman Unit (political slang/meme for six months) |
FU | Fuerza Unida (Spanish: Thread of Justice; San Antonio, TX) |
FU | Forever Unchained |
FU | Fiscal Unit |
FU | Flamingoz Unlimited (website) |
FU | Feati Universtiy |
FU | Farmacias Unidas (Guatemala) |
ff | ff already in the breakdown above |
CO | Company |
CO | Central Office (telecommunications/telephony) |
CO | Colorado (US postal abbreviation) |
CO | Commanding Officer |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO | Call-Out |
CO | Colombia |
CO | Change Order |
CO | Course |
CO | Cash Out (mortgage refinancing) |
CO | County |
CO | Conference |
CO | Current Operations |
CO | Chief Officer |
CO | Checkout |
CO | Command |
CO | Cabinet Office |
CO | Como (Lombardia, Italy) |
CO | Colton (blood group) |
CO | Certificate of Origin |
CO | Controlling |
CO | Community Organizer (Philippines) |
CO | Compliance |
CO | Chill Out |
CO | Connection Oriented |
CO | Combat (game, Natural Selection) |
CO | Community Outreach |
CO | Cellular One |
CO | Complain Of |
CO | crude oil |
CO | Charlotte Observer (newspaper) |
CO | Compliance Officer |
CO | Cardiac Output |
CO | Cobalt |
CO | Colchester (postcode, United Kingdom) |
CO | Certificate of Occupancy |
CO | Conan O'Brien |
CO | Correctional Officer |
CO | Communications Officer |
CO | Castor Oil |
CO | Colonial Office (UK) |
CO | Cargo Operations |
CO | Commissioned Officer |
CO | Compliance Order |
CO | Captain Obvious |
CO | Cutoff |
CO | Chinese Orchestra |
CO | Compañía (Spanish) |
CO | Cornish (linguistics) |
CO | Continental Airlines (airline code) |
CO | Correction Officer |
CO | Clinical Operations |
CO | Covert Operations (gaming) |
CO | Clean Out (sewers/drains) |
CO | Combinatorial Optimization (workshop) |
CO | Contracting Officer |
CO | Cash Order |
CO | Consent Order |
CO | Conscientious Objector |
CO | Corporación (Spanish) |
CO | Certifying Officer |
CO | Combined Operations (gaming) |
CO | Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO) |
CO | Collection Officer |
CO | Clothes Optional |
CO | Champions Online (game) |
CO | Constant Observation (medical care) |
CO | Command Output |
CO | Circle Officer (India) |
CO | Core Operation(s) |
CO | Clinical Officer (hospital) |
CO | Command Operations |
CO | Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration) |
CO | Chief Operator |
CO | Consoleone (Novell GUI) |
CO | Cargo Oil |
CO | Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics) |
CO | Contracting Official |
CO | Convert Out |
CO | Consumer Ombudsman (UK) |
CO | Conservation Operations |
CO | Conseiller d'Orientation (French) |
CO | Case Operations |
CO | Certified Orthotist (ABC) |
CO | Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD) |
CO | Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts) |
CO | Custodial Officer |
CO | Constraint Oriented |
CO | Chosen Overseer |
CO | Coastal Chart |
CO | Circuit Overseer (Jehovah's Witnesses) |
CO | Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed) |
CO | Command Outpost |
CO | Captive Office (Nortel) |
CO | Consolidated Obligation |
CO | Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
CO | Ciceronian Oration |
CO | Combat Aptitude Area |
CO | Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order) |
CO | Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala) |
OJ | Orange Juice |
OJ | Official Journal (European Communities) |
OJ | Object (assembly language ASM51 assembler control) |
OJ | Officejet (printer) |
OJ | Orange Julius (smoothie shop) |
OJ | Orenthal James (Simpson) |
OJ | Open Jaw (airfare construction) |
OJ | Orlando Jordan (wrestler) |
OJ | Orlando Jones (actor) |
OJ | Outdoor Japan (magazine) |
OJ | Only Joking |
OJ | Ontario Judgments |
OJ | Organisation Jeunesse (French: youth organization) |
OJ | Omar Jacobs (Bowling Green State University football quarterback) |
OJ | Optical Jamming |
OJ | Offensive Jammer |
OJ | Orpington Juniors (est. 1965) |
OJ | oral jejunum (medical) |
happy forgetters has HA, ah | |
AH | Ampere-Hour |
AH | Art History (various universities) |
AH | Ass Hole |
AH | After Hours |
AH | Auction House |
AH | Attack Helicopter |
AH | Adaptive Hypermedia |
AH | Achievement Hunter (gaming) |
AH | Adolf Hitler |
AH | Affordable Housing |
AH | Arterial Hypertension |
AH | Austria-Hungary |
AH | Alternate History (fiction genre) |
AH | Hospital Ship |
AH | Arts and Humanities |
AH | Aryl Hydrocarbon |
AH | American Health (journal) |
AH | Alien Hominid (game) |
AH | Alyson Hannigan (actress) |
AH | Albert Heijn |
AH | Army Hospital |
AH | Authentication Header |
AH | Animal House (movie) |
AH | Aldehyde |
AH | Antihistamines |
AH | Austin-Healy (British automobile brand) |
AH | Auditory Hallucination |
AH | Application Header (TMN) |
AH | Advanced Higher (education) |
AH | Available Hours |
AH | Arathi Highlands (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
AH | Australian Hard (Wheat) |
AH | Artificial Horizon |
AH | Abbie Hoffman (activist) |
AH | Aspen Hill (Maryland) |
AH | Alternative Hypothesis |
AH | Ad Honorem (Latin: in honor of, epigraphy) |
AH | Air Handler |
AH | Address Handling (3GPP function of the CSCF) |
AH | Armor Holdings, Inc. (now BAE Systems Mobility & Proection Systems) |
AH | Allan Houston (NBA Player) |
AH | Absolute Humidity |
AH | Anno Hegirae |
AH | Anchorhead (gaming, Star Wars Galaxies) |
AH | Angela Hewitt (classical pianist) |
AH | After the Hijrah |
AH | Anfernee Hardaway (basketball player) |
AH | Applicant's Handbook |
AH | Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia |
AH | Amphipathic Helix |
AH | American Honda Motor Co., Inc. |
AH | Amersham Health |
AH | ácido hialurónico |
AH | Automated Howitzer |
AH | Angell Hall (University of Michigan) |
AH | Akademiya Nauk (Russian Academy of Sciences) |
AH | Anaheim Hills, California |
AH | Agricultural Holding |
AH | Air Algerie - Algeria (IATA airline code) |
AH | AnimeHeaven (IRC) |
AH | Add Halfword (IBM) |
AH | Acronym Hell |
AH | Alternate Headquarters |
AH | Aqua Harvest Limited (startup aquaculture project) |
AH | AeroHydro (CAD vendor) |
AH | Apocalyptic Harbingers (gaming clan) |
AH | Airfield Heliport |
AH | Accent Height |
AH | Attention Horde (gaming clan) |
AH | Allowance Holder |
AH | Access Handoff |
AH | Associate Hermite (expansion) |
AH | Airedale Harriers (UK) |
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