NIAR National Institute for Aviation Research (Wichita, KS)
NIAR National Institute of Amateur Radio (Hyderabad, India)
NIAR National Institute of Agrobiological Research (Japan)
NIAR Network Initial Assessment Report (Sprint)
BILL Billet
BILL Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol (Welsh: Local Health Board)
BILL Beer Industry League of Louisiana
BILL Bainbridge Island Little League (Washington)
BILL Bofors Infantry Light and Lethal Anti-Tank Missile (Sweden)
LLUB Local Loop Unbundling
DROL Diritto Romano on Line (Italian: Roman Law Online)
NIA National Institute on Aging (US NIH; also seen as NIOA)
NIA National Investigation Agency (India)
NIA Not in Attendance (school)
NIA National Indoor Arena (UK)
NIA National Insulation Association
NIA Non-Impact Aerobics (exercise)
NIA Nevis Island Administration
NIA National Intelligence Agency (South Africa and Thailand)
NIA Neural Impulse Actuator (brain-computer interface)
NIA National Insurance Act (various locations)
NIA National Institute of Accountants
NIA Number of Inherited Attributes
NIA Neural Impulse Actuator
NIA Next Instruction Address
NIA National Irrigation Administration (Philippines)
NIA National Imaging Associates (radiology)
NIA Neuromuscular Integrative Action (mind-body-spirit fitness technique)
NIA National Institute of Aerospace
NIA Nature Improvement Area (Natural England; UK)
NIA National Insulator Association
NIA Nuclear Industry Association (UK)
NIA Nagasaki International Association (est. 1990; Japan)
NIA Net Internal Area (internal building space)
NIA Notice of Intended Action (various locations)
NIA Non-Inflammatory Acne (dermatology)
NIA Niigata International Association (Japan)
NIA No Information Available
NIA National Intelligence Application (police incident code; New Zealand)
NIA Net Income Attributable
NIA New Iraqi Army
NIA Nigerian Institute of Architects (est. 1960)
NIA Network Interface Adapter
NIA Noobs in Action (gaming)
NIA Newcastle International Airport (England; also see NCL)
NIA New Indo-Aryan (linguistics)
NIA National Infantry Association
NIA Northern and Isolation Allowance (Canadian physician incentive)
NIA Nature in Art (UK museum)
NIA Network Infrastructure Administration
NIA Nursing Informatics Australia (Health Informatics Society of Australia)
NIA Nearest International Airport
NIA Network Indicate Address
NIA Non-Instructed Advocacy
NIA Nails Industry Association
NIA Number Of Imposter Attempts (biometrics)
NIA Navy Industrial Association
NIA National Information Accounts Clearinghouse
NIA Neoplasia Intra-Epitelial Anal (Portugese)
NIA National Information Account
NIA Nerd Intelligence Agency
NIA Naval Intelligence Assessment
NIA National Information Association
RBI Runs Batted In (baseball)
RBI Reserve Bank of India (central bank of India)
RBI Risk-Based Inspection
RBI Russell Bedford International (est. 1983; accounting network)
RBI River Bible Institute (Tampa, FL)
RBI Remote Bus Interface
RBI Repair Body Intersections
RBI Rollback Indicator
RBI Reutilization Business Integration (US DoD)
RBI Radio Berlin International
RBI Right Bronchus Intermedius
RBI Radio Bluegrass International (Owensboro, KY)
RBI Romain Brette Investissement (French: Romain Brette Investment)
RBI Reuters Business Insight (joint venture)
RBI Relative Bearing Indicator
RBI Ripple Blanking Input (digital electronics)
RBI Rigid Board Insulation (stucco)
RBI Rebirthing Breathwork International
RBI Rezé Basket International (French: Rezé International Basketball; Rezé, France)
RBI Remote Bus Isolator
RBI Revitalizing Baseball in the Inner Cities
RBI Results Based Incentive
RBI Re-Based Impact
RBI Repetitive Brain Injury
RBI Really Big Ice-Cream (Walgreens commercial)
RBI Reply By Indorsement
RBI Retail Business Information
RBI Redeemer Broadcasting Inc. (radio and internet ministry; Olivebridge, NY)
RBI Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc (Fort Worth, TX)
RBI Richard Barbett International (France)
RBI Resource Based Investment
RBI Real Biblical Inspiration
RBI Rotor-Body Interaction
RBI Rech Brûleurs Industriels (French: Rech Industrial Burners)
LLU Loma Linda University
LLU Local Loop Unbundling
LLU Local Logic Unit
LLU Latino Liaison Unit (Washington, DC)
LLU Low-Level Utility (computer graphics)
LLU Lending Library Unit
LLU Layered Language Understander
B Big
B Bit
B Billion
B Byte
B Above Average grade
B Reverse Side, Record
B Back (chat)
B Black
B Business
B Book
B Blue
B Butt (welded joint type)
B Bad (worst CD condition)
B Base (transistor; electronics)
B Bottom
B Brown
B British
B Bank
B Block
B Born
B Be
B Bag
B Blank
B Bass
B Boat (Stores 100 code)
B Bomber (US military aircraft designation; as in B-52)
B Bridge
B Bible
B Beta (2nd brightest star in a constellation)
B Before
B Bold Text (HTML)
B Britain
B Both
B Bat
B Bureau
B Bishop
B Bravo
B Biological
B Bachelor
B Barn
B Brick
B Individual (IRB)
B Binary
B Bandwidth
B Bombardier
B Bore (French: Boron)
B Bulb
B Birmingham (postcode, United Kingdom)
B Berlin (auto license plate)
B Brightness
B Boeing
B Birthday (Beatles song)
B Belgium (International Auto Identification)
B Bolivar (unit of currency)
B Bilateral
B Basso
B Bucharest (Romanian state capital)
B Balboa (currency of Panama)
B Biography (library code)
B Y-Intercept (from the equation y = mx + b)
B Bale
B Boron
B Blade (comic; movie)
B Beam (naval architecture; width of hull)
B Baht (currency of Thailand)
B Nova Scotia (Canada Post designation)
B Baume (relating to the propriety of hydrometer measurements)
B Bacillus
B Baroness
B Bowled
B Brazing
B Tical (another name for baht, Thai currency)
B Billable
B Bezier (spline curve)
B Bearer Channel (ISDN)
B At or Below (constrained altitude)
B Biocide
B Betaxolol (blood pressure drug)
B Blink Reflex (neurology)
B Panamanian Balboa (national currency)
B Semipostal (philatelic catalog prefix for non-standard stamps)
B Butut (1/100 division of the dalasi, the Gambian currency)
B Barnabites (religious order)
B Magnetic Field Density (physics)
B Betopic (same as Betaxolol)
B Banknote Corporation of America (philatelic mark for company stamps)
B B computer language (Ken Thompson; predecessor to C)
B Bone Marrow-Derived Lymphocyte
B Federal Reserve Bank of New York City (designates original spot of circulation of a bill)
B Bordetella Bacterium
B Switzerland Postmark (for letters going to Sardinia)
B US Domestic Stamp Rate (18 cents, issued 15 May 1981)
B Cross-Over Barrier Pattern (US DoD)
NI No Information
NI National Instruments
NI Northern Ireland
NI No Idea
NI National Insurance
NI Norfolk Island
NI Nigeria
NI Nickel
NI Not Important
NI Nicaragua (ISO country code, top level domain)
NI Not Interested
NI Net Income
NI North Island (New Zealand)
NI Network Interface
NI Needs Improvement
NI Negative Impact
NI Nueva Izquierda (Spanish: New Left)
NI Natural Ingredients
NI National Income
NI National Identification (number; US DoD)
NI Nosocomial Infection
NI Net Investment
NI Naval Intelligence
NI Neurological Institute
NI Portugalia Airlines (IATA airline code)
NI National ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
NI Noted Item (US DoD)
NI Navistar International (trucks and tractors)
NI Network Implementation
NI Nutrition Institute
NI Nickel Institute
NI Not Insulated
NI Network Industry (frequent in company description of the new economy)
NI New Institutionalism (EU)
NI Nuclear Instrumentation
NI Nex Imperio (gaming alliance)
NI Network Indicator
NI Networld + Interop
NI Named Insured (insurance)
NI Nanotechnology Institute (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
NI Noise Intensity
NI Nationella Insatsstyrkan (Swedish equivalent of SWAT police force)
NI Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (hemolytic disease of foals)
NI Navigation and Interaction (software engineering)
NI Number of Invocations
NI Natural Interference
NI Northwood Institute (Midland, Michigan)
NI Natione Itala (Latin: Italic Nation, epigraphy)
NI Neoist International (governing body of Art/Agitprop conferees)
AR Argentina
AR Arkansas (US postal abbreviation)
AR Assault Rifle
AR Argon
AR Accounts Receivable
AR Arabic
AR Administrative Record
AR Army Regulation
AR Amateur Radio
AR Annual Report
AR Accelerated Reader
AR Adventure Racing
AR Animal Rights
AR Army Reserve
AR As Required
AR Annual Reviews
AR Action Required
AR American Revolution
AR Action Replay (game console cheat device)
AR Active Region (sunspot observation)
AR American Racing (American Racing wheels)
AR Action Research
AR Air Rifle
AR Annual Rate
AR Access Router
AR Amazing Race (reality TV show)
AR Acrobat Reader (Adobe Systems)
AR Armor
AR Anti-Reflection
AR Automatic Rifle
AR Acid Reflux
AR Abuse Report (gaming, Second Life)
AR Augmented Reality
AR Anti-Reflective
AR Aspect Ratio
AR Acoustic Research (loudspeaker manufacturer)
AR Authorized Representative
AR Annual Return
AR After Rebate
AR Abbey Road (Beatles album/song)
AR Aromatic
AR Androgen Receptor
AR Argent (Heraldic White or Silver)
AR Action Report
AR Arizona Republic (newspaper)
AR Activity Reports
AR Antibiotic Resistance
AR Account Representative (Sprint)
AR Adrenergic Receptor (protein)
AR Repair Ship
AR Aishwarya Rai (Indian actress)
AR Abnormal Returns
AR Ayn Rand (novelist and philosopher)
AR Authorized Reseller
AR Armalite (rifle company)
AR All Risks
AR Aerolíneas Argentinas
AR Association Rules
AR Atlantic Records (record label)
AR Administrative Regulation (various organizations)
AR Address Register
AR Autoregressive
AR Alternate Routing
AR Appenzell Außerrhoden (Swiss Half Canton)
AR ArmaLite Rifle (engineering company; Genesco, IL)
AR Assistant Referee (sports)
AR Allergic Rhinitis
AR Akademia Rolnicza (Polish: University of Agriculture)
AR As Removed (avionics)
AR Automated Reasoning
AR Alan Rickman (British actor)
AR Autosomal Recessive (genetics; recessive gene on one of the 23 pairs of autosomes)
AR Alternative Radio (public affairs program)
AR Assembleia da República (Portuguese parliament)
AR Arrêté Royal (French: Royal Decree; Belgium)
AR Adverse Reaction
AR Accusé de Réception (French: Acknowledgment of Receipt; mail)
AR Artificial Respiration (aka artificial resuscitation)
AR Analyst Relations (various locations)
AR Antimicrobial Resistance
AR Atmospheric Research
AR Ancien Regime (gaming)
AR Adrenaline Rush (gaming; also an IMAX film)
AR Arsenide
AR Acknowledge Receipt
AR Air Route
AR Area Record (sports)
AR Air Refueling
AR Army Ranger
AR Aortic Regurgitation (aortic insufficiency)
AR Anal Retentive
AR Air Resistance
AR Area Ratio
AR Arista Records (record label)
AR Attributable Risk
AR Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden (postcode, Switzerland)
AR Aldose Reductase
AR Acute Rejection
AR American Robin
AR Aerial Refueling
AR Angle Resolved
AR All Rail
AR Attrition Rate
AR Access Right
AR Abandon Rate
AR Arm's Reach
AR Arezzo, Toscana (Italian province)
AR Authorization Request
AR Anti-Radiation
AR Aqua Regia
AR Aerial Reconnaissance
AR Agency Resources
AR Arrest Report (law enforcement)
AR Attack Rating (Diablo II)
AR Acquisition Reform
AR Autonomous Republic
AR Access Rate
AR Assistant Registrar
AR Automatic Response
AR Area Representative
AR Avis de Réception (Canada Post)
AR Age Regression
AR African Rights
AR Anti-Radar
AR Atrophic Rhinitis (pig respiratory disease)
AR Axial Ratio
AR Ancestral Roots (genealogy)
AR Approval Request
AR Air Reconnaissance
AR Active Radar
AR Activity Ratio
AR Approximate Reasoning
AR Attack Release
AR Anton Rubinstein (classical pianist)
AR Auto Redial
AR Analytical Reagent
AR Airborne Reconnaissance
AR Aftermath Records (record label)
AR Agent Report
AR Add Register
AR Abstellraum (German: storage room)
AR Acceptance Review
AR Asistencia Respiratoria
AR Acquisition Risk
AR Art Remains (online art gallery)
AR Affiliate Relations
AR Accounts Register
AR Acquiescence Ruling
AR Application Record
AR Automation Resources
AR Automatic Recall (Bellcore)
AR Acetal Resin
AR Arrezo (postcode, Italy)
AR Advanced Reactor
AR Acoustic Reflex
AR Associate Referee (various organizations)
AR Alarm Reaction
AR Administrative Requirement
AR Assessment Request
AR American Rifleman Magazine
AR Armor Rating (gaming, Asheron's Call 2)
AR Auxiliary Relay
AR Acquisition Request
AR Alabama Railroad
AR Alarm Report
AR Approved Rejected
AR Air Revitalization
AR Asset Reconciliation
AR Anomaly Report
AR Application Requester
AR Artificial Resuscitation
AR Auburn Reporter (community newspaper)
AR Anti-Reflectance
AR Arise Records
AR Airworthiness Representative
AR Activity Resume (ITU-T)
AR Airborne Relay
AR American Rivers, Inc.
AR Advice of Receipt (Canada Post)
AR Absorber Rod
AR Acoustique Renforcée (French: Enhanced Acoustics; window noise insulation)
AR Auxiliary Room
AR Archival Researcher
AR Affirmative Rebuttal (debate)
AR Attrition Reserve (aircraft)
AR Postal Fiscal (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
AR Atmospheric Revitalization
AR Automatic Resupply
AR Auxiliary Receiver
AR Avance-Retard (French)
AR Auscultacion Respiratoria (Spanish: Respiratory Auscultation)
AR Arrow Revolver (game, Mabinogi)
AR Allied Racing (Halo racing clan)
AR Attributive Risk
AR ASR Status
AR Armor Rendering (gaming, Asheron's Call)
AR Argonne Area Office (US DOE)
AR Altesse Royal (French: Royal Highness)
AR Aeronautical Requirement
AR Adaptive Reception Control
AR Architecture and Requirements Office (NIMA)
AR Automation Recall
AR Amusement Radio (online radio station)
AR Anno Resurrectionis (Year of the Resurrection, epigraphy)
AR Agonist Reversal (PNF technique)
AR End of message / Out (logging abbreviation)
AR Allotment Reconciliation
AR Agent Requisitions
BI Bisexual
BI Burundi (ISO country code)
BI Business Intelligence
BI Bank Indonesia
BI Brain Injury
BI Bohemia Interactive (game development company)
BI Block Island (Rhode Island)
BI Background Information
BI Black Ice (Star Wars novel)
BI Bielefeld (Germany)
BI Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany)
BI Bacterial Infection
BI Bismuth
BI British India
BI Bidirectional
BI Buddy Icon
BI Business Income
BI Business Improvement
BI Brookings Institution
BI Business Interruption (insurance)
BI Bodily Injury
BI Black Iron
BI Biological Indicator
BI Business Integration
BI Burn-In
BI Bainbridge Island (Washington state)
BI Background Investigation
BI Bad Influence (band)
BI Burning Issues
BI Banca d'Italia (Italian central bank)
BI Business Instruction
BI Brain Informatics
BI Billing Instructions
BI Behavioral Interventions
BI Beyond Imagination
BI Barthel Index
BI Royal Brunei Airlines (IATA airline code)
BI Bus Interconnect
BI British Israelism
BI Binary Input
BI Bubble Interface
BI Bumrungrad International (Thailand)
BI Breidbart Index (USENET spam metric)
BI Bibliographisches Institut (German book publisher)
BI Body Inflation (artificial physical transformation)
BI Biella, Piemonte (Italian province)
BI Bribie Island (Australia)
BI Briefing to Industry
BI Birth Index
BI Bavarian Inn (Lake Ronkonkoma)
BI Bloody Idiot
BI Baccalauréat International (French: International Baccalaureate)
BI Book Inventory
BI Beer Institute
BI Biographical Inventory (US Navy)
BI Biot Number (heat transfer)
BI Broadcast Intelligence
BI Battlefield Information
BI Before Internet
BI Braniff International (defunct US airline)
BI Backplane Interconnect
BI Buffer Index
BI Business Impact Test
BI Bibliotheca Islamica (Islamic Library - German Oriental Society)
BI battle injury (US DoD)
BI Basis of Issue
BI Blanking Input
BI (Run) Batted In (Baseball)
BI Battlespace Infosphere
BI Backward Indicator
BI Base-In Prism (ophthalmology)
BI Behavior Inhibition (psychology)
BI Branch Immaterial
BI Battlefield Illumination
BI Bebco Industries (La Marque, TX)
BI Batch Interactive (IBM)
BI Battlefield Interdiction
BI Basketball Ireland
BI Beni Immobiliari (Italian)
BI Brand Institute, Inc (Miami, FL)
BI Branch Insertion
BI Bell Intrigna
BI Biotehnologii Industriale (Romania)
BI Bayer Industrieprodukte (Cologne, Germany)
BI Build Increment
BI Bannockburn Institute
BI Bilhete de Identificação
BI Bedriftsokonomisk Institutt (Norwegian: Business Institute)
BI Brigade Internationaliste
BI Signaling Identification Assigned By Exchange B
BI Brinch Import
LL Love Life
LL Low Level
LL Long Lines
LL Lines
LL Land Line (telephone)
LL Lower Left
LL Lower Level (elevator)
LL Living Large
LL Lessons Learned
LL Lowest Level
LL Last Log
LL Landlord (real estate)
LL Little Link
LL Linked List (programming)
LL Loose Lips
LL Limited Liability
LL Linden Lab (Second Life gaming company; San Francisco, Californa)
LL Late Latin
LL Lincoln Laboratory
LL Lower Limit
LL Low Limit
LL Lesbian Lover
LL Labour Law
LL Light Line
LL Lian Li (computer brand)
LL Long Lead
LL Live Load
LL Lindsay Lohan (actress)
LL Lord Lieutenant (UK)
LL Llandudno (UK postal code)
LL Less Lethal
LL Lex Luthor (Superman character)
LL Lana Lang (Superman character)
LL Lucky Ladies (gambling)
LL Lactobacillus
LL Local Loop
LL Leased Line
LL Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series)
LL Lever Lock (various companies)
LL Low Load
LL Lucky Loser (gaming clan)
LL Local Loopback (RS-449)
LL Low Lead (aviation gas)
LL Load line (line on the hull of a ship indicating that the ship has reached its maximum permissible cargo load)
LL Landau Level (quantum mechanics)
LL Load List
LL Lloyd's List (daily, London)
LL Licensed Lender
LL Lasse Lindh (musician)
LL Limit Load
LL Laterolog (petrophysics)
LL Load Link (computer programming)
LL Loco Locass (band)
LL Liquid Limit
LL Life Leech (gaming, Diablo 2)
LL LanguageLine (interpreting service)
LL Lenticular Lens
LL Loudness Level
LL Left Limit
LL Lebanese Lira (currency)
LL Luelinks
LL Lykes Lines
LL Launch and Leave
LL Lost Load
LL Liberty Lines
LL Left Linear (grammar parsing)
LL Liquid Learning
LL Libres Y Locos (Monterrey, Mexico)
LL Low Temperature Limit
LL Lighting Laboratory
LL Legislative Liaison Office (US Army)
LL Lymphoid Leukosis (Avian Leukosis)
LL LockLegion (website)
LL Lemmy's Land (Mario fansite)
LL Lue Links
LL Latent Lethality
LL Linen Lift
LL Loralai/Luke (fanfiction)
LL Liberty Lines Express, Inc
LL Ladle to Ladle Degasing
LL Linguistic Landscaping
LL L-Size X 2 (Double Large)
UB Upward Bound (federally funded high school program)
UB Universitat de Barcelona
UB University of Baltimore
UB University at Buffalo
UB Universitätsbibliothek (German: university library)
UB University of Buffalo
UB University of Belize
UB University of Birmingham (UK)
UB University of Bridgeport
UB University of Botswana
UB Ultimate Bias (Korean pop)
UB United Breweries (India)
UB Universidad de Belgrano
UB Southall (postcode, United Kingdom)
UB Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesian university)
UB Université de Bourgogne (French: University of Burgundy)
UB Upper Bound
UB Ulaanbaatar
UB Ubiquitin
UB Urinary Bladder
UB Universal Binaries
UB Urantia Book
UB Union Bay (clothing company)
UB Unacceptable Behavior
UB Uncle Ben's (rice)
UB Unterbezirk (part of Social Democratic Party of Germany)
UB Uncle Bob
UB Ulster Bank
UB Universitaetsbibliothek Basel
UB Universiteits Bibliotheek
UB University of Bremen (Germany)
UB Unaccompanied Baggage
UB Université de Bordeaux (French: University of Bordeaux)
UB Undefined Behavior
UB Unexpected Behavior
UB Ureteric Bud
UB Universal Beam
UB Myanmar Airways (IATA airline code)
UB Universal Banking
UB Underbog (gaming, World of Warcraft)
UB University of Baguio
UB Unlimited Budget
UB Undistributed Budget
UB Universal Bus
UB Unique Browser (internet)
UB Ungerman Bass
UB Unknown Beyond (anime site)
UB Unlicensed Band
UB Urner Barry Publications, Inc.
UB Uncle Bonsai (Seattle rock band)
UB University Bursaries (New Zealand)
UB Unison Bend (guitar playing technique)
UB Unified Build (NTCS-A)
UB Underwater Battery
UB Ultimate Battlestations (canceled D20 Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook)
UB United Brewaries Ltd. (India)
DR Doctor
DR Dear
DR Dining Room (real estate)
DR Digital Research
DR Democratic Republic
DR Dram
DR Drive
DR Doctor Robert (Beatles song)
DR Delivery Room
DR Digital River (e-commerce solutions)
DR Door
DR Development Report
DR Down (Stage) Right
DR Drop
DR Data Request
DR Design Review
DR Discount Rate
DR Deep Red (movie)
DR Death Row (Quake 3 Clan)
DR Drum
DR Demand Response (energy)
DR Data Research
DR Data Recovery (business continuity planning)
DR Data Rate
DR Dynamic Range
DR Dominican Republic
DR Designated Router (networking)
DR Donor (IRB)
DR Dispute Resolution (various organizations)
DR Disaster Recovery
DR Data Received
DR Data Reduction
DR Dose Rate
DR Disaster Relief (US DoD)
DR Direct Route
DR Delivery Report
DR Disaster Response (US DoD)
DR Daniel Radcliffe (actor)
DR Drifting (METAR descriptor)
DR Dropper (virus scanners)
DR Doppler Radar
DR Danmarks Radio
DR Deputy Registrar
DR Delayed Release (medicine)
DR Digital Radiography
DR Drudge Report
DR Distributed Resources
DR Digital Receiver (US DoD)
DR Diabetic Retinopathy
DR Data Repository
DR Defect Report (regression testing documentation)
DR Damage Reduction (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
DR Director of Recruiting
DR Dopamine Receptor (protein-coupled receptors)
DR Data Recorder
DR Demande de Remboursement (French: Request for Reimbursement)
DR Diary Room (Big Brother TV show)
DR Designated Representative (various organizations)
DR Diameter Router
DR Devil Rays (baseball team)
DR Drag Reduction
DR Das Reich (WWII 2nd SS-Panzer division)
DR Delivery Rate
DR Direct Report (chain of command)
DR Divine Retribution (gaming)
DR Dead Reckoning (navigation)
DR Drachma (Greek currency)
DR Downrange
DR Dynamic Reconfiguration
DR Douay-Rheims Bible
DR Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways; Weimar Republic and Third Reich, 1920-1949)
DR Deutsche Reichsbahn (East German / DDR State Railways, 1949-1994)
DR Data Redundancy (business continuity planning)
DR Development Region (Nepal)
DR District Ranger (National Park Service)
DR Dragon Runner (US Marine Corps unmanned ground vehicle)
DR Dispatch Reliability (aircraft)
DR Driver Release (UPS, leaving a pkg without a signature)
DR Direction de la Recherche (French: Directorate of Research)
DR Developmental Review
DR Data Requirement
DR Despatch Rider
DR Diseños Románticos (Spanish: Romantic Designs; Guatemala)
DR Dispersion Relation
DR Dighton-Rehoboth (Massachusetts)
DR Decision Review
DR dielectronic recombination
DR Disconnect Request
DR Depth Required
DR Dielectric Resonator
DR Developer Release (Linux)
DR Deployment Readiness
DR District Registry
DR Derde Rijk (Dutch: Third Reich)
DR Deficiency Report
DR Dartmouth Review (Dartmouth College)
DR Discrepancy Report
DR Double Replacement (chemical reaction)
DR Data Receive (signal)
DR Dynamic Representation (software engineering)
DR Dragon Realms (online role-playing game by Simutronics Incorporated)
DR Detection Radar
DR Dead Round (online gaming)
DR The Dragon Riders (gaming)
DR Differential Reporting
DR Display Request
DR Displacement Ratio
DR Drilling Reservist
DR Digital Rack
DR Direct Recycling (soft-decision decoding technique)
DR Designated Receiver
DR Discharge Resistor
DR Desktop Requisition (purchases)
DR Dubinin/Radushkevich (equation)
DR Deflection Ratio
DR Debit Record
DR Department Requisition
DR Double Rub (fabric testing)
DR Directed Retry
DR Divide Register (IBM)
DR Dynamic Replenishment
DR Deep Reflux
DR Delayed Reservation
DR Doppler Rate
DR Diferencia de Riesgos (Spanish: risk difference)
DR Delay Reducer (gaming)
DR Development Requisition
DR Decoy Research
DR Digital Resolver
DR Decision Redundancy
DR Deficiency/Discrepancy Report
DR Document Request System
DR Dice Roll(er) (gaming)
DR Diazo Reproducible Full Size Drawing
OL Ordered List (HTML)
OL Overlap
OL Office Lady (English term used in everyday Japanese for working unmarried young lady)
OL On-Line
OL Official Language
OL Olympique Lyonnais (French football team)
OL Overload
OL Offensive Lineman (football)
OL Oldham (postcode, United Kingdom)
OL Off Limits
OL Olympiske Leker (Norwegian: Olympic Games)
OL Outside Linebacker (football)
OL Online Learning (also seen as OLL)
OL Objective Lens
OL Outland (gaming, World of Warcraft)
OL Operation Lifesaver
OL Open Learning
OL Offer Letter (human resources)
OL Open Loop
OL Ozone Layer
OL Off List (subject line of offlist posts to mailing lists)
OL Old Latin
OL Overtime Loss (hockey; soccer)
OL Orientation Leader (education)
OL Outer Loop (Beltway)
OL Local Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
OL Organizational Level
OL Operating License
OL Optimum Level
OL Operating Level
OL Over Limit (electronics)
OL Operating Location
OL Overhead Line
OL Operating Limit
OL Oberleitung (German catenary)
OL Office Leader
OL Order of the Laurel (Society for Creative Anachronism)
OL Operational Logistics
OL Ordinary Leave
OL Offensive Linebacker (football)
OL Oulu railway station, Finland (standard station code)
OL Orienting Line
OL Oc'ulus Lae'vus (Left Eye)
OL Orange Logic LLC
OL Organic Silts of Low Plasticity (soil type)
OL Österreichicher Lloyd
OL O'Fallon Library (O'Fallon, IL)
OL Outline and Load (drawings)
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