Wednesday, February 3, 2021

phrostyphiz---cryptic format

ZIHPZambia Integrated Health Programme
ZIHPZambia Integrated Health Project (USAID)
YouTube Symphony Orchestra
YTSOYeni§ehlr Ticaret Ve Sanayi Odasi
ORHPoffice of rural Health policy
ORHPOld Republic Home Protection (San Ramon, California)
ORHPOpen Right Half Plane
ORHPOxfordshire Rural Housing Partnership (UK)
Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (German: Center for Information Services andHigh Performance Computing; various universities)
ZIHIxtapa/Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico - International (Airport Code)
PYTPretty Young Thing
PYTProfessional Yoga Therapist
PYTPull Yourself Together
PYTPresbyterian Youth Triennium (religious organization)
PYTPerth Youth Theatre (UK)
PYTPreliminary Yield Trial
PYTPound Your Truck (PYT Offroaders Association Inc.)
PYTPeople You Trust (party promotion)
PYTProve Yourself True (band)
PYTPennsylvania Youth Theater
PYTPaid, Young, and Taking on the World from the Drivers Seat
SORschedule of order various locations
SORSons of the Revolution
SORSociety of Radiographers (trade associaton; various locations)
SORStatement Of Reasons
SORSex Offender Registry
SORSystem of Reference
SORShare of Revenue (finance)
SORSubscript Out of Range (computing)
SORSorcerer (Dungeons and Dragons class)
SORSexual Orientation Regulations (anti-discrimination)
SORSchedule of Requirements
SORSphere of Replication
SORStochastic Operations Research (Netherlands)
SORStatement of Remuneration (pensions; Canada)
SORShire of Roebourne (Australia)
SORSchool of Rock (album)
SORSource Of Revenue
SORSystem of Records
SORSupport of Optimal Routing
SORSyriac Orthodox Resources (Christianity)
SORStrength of Recommendation
SORStreets of Rage (game)
SORStudy of Religion
SORSchedule of Rates (contracts)
SORSound of Rails (band)
SORSud Ouest Radiateurs (French: Southwest Tire)
SORSuccessive Overrelaxation
SORSystem of Record
SORSociety of Rheology
SORSquadron Operations Room (various countries)
SORStarfire Optical Range (USAF)
SORSmart Order Router (Smart Trade)
SORStatement Of Requirement(s)
SORSouth of the River
SORSale or Return
SORSome Odd Reason (band)
SORSafety Observation Report
SORService Order Request (various companies)
SORState Of Readiness
SORSite Observation Report
SORSchool Organisation Review (UK)
SORSold Out Rate
SORSteam-Oil Ratio (oil production measurement)
SORResidual Oil Saturation
SORSeal of Righteousness (gaming, world of warcraft)
SORSatisfait ou Remboursé (French: Satisfied or Reimbursed)
SORStatic O-Ring (Lenexa, KS)
SORStatutory Orders and Regulations (Canada)
SORSource Of Repair
SORSynchrotron Orbital RadiatIon
SORSouthern Ontario Railway
SORStatement of Responsibility (various organizations)
SORSpecific Operational Requirement(s)
SORSociety of Robots (robot-building community)
SORShare of Responsibility
SORStrategic Oil Reserve
SORStatement of Operational Requirements
SORSurface Overflow Rate
SORStart Of Record
SORSpecification of Requirement (UK)
SORStade Olympique Romorantinais (French soccer team; est. 1930)
SORShadows of Reality (game)
SORSouthern Oil Refineries (Wagga Wagga, Australia)
SORSources of Reference
SORShare of Requirement (marketing)
SORSouth Orient (Railroad)
SORStand-Off Radar
SORStand Off Range
SORStable Orbit Rendezvous
SORSouth of Range (installations and locations south of the Alaskan range; US Army)
SORSource of Receipt (finance)
SORStock-Out Risk
SORSpecial Occurrence Report
SORShipping Order Request
SORStudent Owed Repayment
SORStandard Oxygen Required
SORsevere off-road (vehicles/conditions)
SORSpecific Orders and Requirements
SORStatement of Release (various organizations)
SORSystem for Optimized Recruitment
SORStaff of Recovery (gaming, MMORPG Ragnarok Online)
SORService Object Request
RPHRandolph (Amtrak station code; Randolph, VT)
RPHRoyal Park Hotel (various locations)
RPHRoyal Preston Hospital (Lancashire; UK)
RPHRegistered Pharmacist
RPHRoyal Perth Hospital (Western Australia)
RPHResource Priority Header
RPHRegional Public Health (various locations)
RPHRange per Hour (electric vehicles)
RPHRadio for the Print Handicapped (Australia)
RPHRevolutions Per Hour (printing speed)
RPHRobert Packer Hospital (Sayre, PA)
RPHRéseau pour la Psychanalyse à l'Hôpital (French: Hospital Psychoanalysis Network)
RPHReference Place Holder (index code)
RPHRadio Pays d'Hérault (French radio station)
RPHRate Per Hour
RPHRemember Pearl Harbor
RPHRocket Propelled Harpoon
RPHReference Process House
RPHRevenue Per Hour
RPHRiver Park Hospital (Huntington, WV and McMinnville, TN)
RPHRéseau Potentiel Humain (French: Human Potential Network; EU)
RPHRegistered Professional Hygienists
ZIZone Industrielle (French business park)
ZIZug Island (band)
ZIZoom In
ZIAigle Azur (France, IATA airline code)
ZIZone of Interior
ZIZero Intercept
ZIZurich Insurance
ZIZonal Index
ZIZinc Institute (New York, New York)
ZIZelda Infinite (gaming)
HPHome Page
HPHigh Performance
HPHigh Power(ed)
HPHigh Point (geographical)
HPHealth Plan
HPHidden Power (Pokemon)
HPHigh Pressure
HPHigh Pass (Filter)
HPHarry Potter
HPHigher Power
HPHigh Production
HPHead Phones
HPHealth Promotion
HPHire Purchase
HPHospital (UK)
HPHigh Priority
HPHand Phone (cellular phone)
HPHuman Performance
HPHighway Patrol
HPHealth Points (video games)
HPHonda Prelude
HPHealth Physics
HPHigh Purity
HPHeat Pipe
HPHigh Priced
HPHyde Park
HPHouse Party (Sims expansion pack)
HPHistoric Preservation (various locations)
HPHole Punch(er)
HPHand Picked (groundnuts)
HPHemel Hempstead (postcode, United Kingdom)
HPHalbpension (German: halfboard)
HPHimachal Pradesh (state in India)
HPHydrogen Peroxide
HPHit by Pitch (baseball)
HPHelicobacter Pylori (bacteria)
HPHôpitaux de Paris (French: Paris Hospitals; Paris, France)
HPHonors Program (various schools)
HPHard Palate (mouth)
HPHemiparesis (medical disorder)
HPHandicapped Parking (transportation)
HPHigh Priest
HPHouses of Parliament (UK)
HPAmerica West Airlines (airline code)
HPHunter Pence (baseball player)
HPHigh Pitch (musical instruments)
HPHelmerich & Payne (oil company)
HPHuntington Park (California)
HPHot Process (soap making)
HPHip Pain
HPHolding Pattern
HPHollowpoint (bullet)
HPHorizontal Pitch (electronic equipment)
HPHello! Project
HPHome Port (of a vessel)
HPHistory and Physical (medical)
HPHotplugging (ability to plug in new devices and use immediately)
HPPerigee Altitude (US NASA)
HPHypersensitivity Pneumonitis
HPHealth Practitioner
HPHunter's Point (San Francisco district)
HPHoliday Pay
HPHoney Pie (Beatles song)
HPHoi Polloi
HPHodrick-Prescott (Filter)
HPHersheypark (amusement park Hershey, Pennsylvania)
HPHole Plug
Hydraulic Platform (self-propelled, fire brigade road vehicle for aerial rescue/firefighting used in UK)
HPHealth Post
HPHit Probability
HPHealth Physicist
HPHuman Pituitary Gonadotropin
HPHiroshima Prefecture
HPHenry Paul (musician)
HPHurricane Program (US FEMA)
HPHorizontal Polarization
HPHerald Press
HPHeart Points (gaming)
HPHydrogen Purge
HPHot Pipe
HPHeritage Party (Zambia)
HPHindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
HPHladno Pivo (band)
HPHope Page
HPHead Prefect
HPHarmonic Power
HPHorse Piss (Horse Piss Beer)
HPHintapyyntö (Finnish)
HPHyper Police (anime series)
HPHale Pohaku (Dormitory at Mauna Kea Observatories)
HPHalf Position (music)
HPHit Point(s) (gaming)
HPHigher Order Path
HPHemi-Pelvectomy (amputation)
HPHide Position
HPHajtás Pajtás (Bike Messenger Company; Hungary)
HPHazi Palinka (Hungarian plum brandy)
HPHuman Particulate
HPHead Pixie (cartoon character)
HPHousehold Profile
HPHealth Point(s) (gaming)
HPHiper Pool
HPHora Prima (Latin: First Hour, epigraphy)
HPHic Positus (Latin: Buried Here, epigraphy)
HPHonesta Puella (Latin: Virtuous Girl, epigraphy)
HPHereditatis Possessio (Latin: Ownership by Heritage, epigraphy)
HPHorizontal Plotter
HPHydrographic Procedure
HPHonestus Puer (Latin: Virtuous Boy, epigraphy)
YTYouTube website
YTMayotte (ISO country code, top level domain)
YTYours Truly
YTWhitey (white person)
YTYukon Territory (Canadian province; amusement park)
YTYorkshire Terrier
YTYoga Teacher
YTYou There?
YTYou Too
YTYellowtail (sportfish)
YTYouth Theatre
YTHarbor Tug (US Navy)
YTYung Tune
YTYour Turn
YTYouth Together
YTAir Togo (IATA airline code)
YTYukon Time
YTYoung Telegraph (former children's supplement of UK newspaper)
YTYoung Threat (hip hop artist)
YTYard Tugboat
YTYes Trump (bridge)
SOSignificant Other
SOSistema Operativo (Italian: Operating System)
SOSpecial Order
SOSign Off
SOSecond Order
SOSales Order
SOServer Options
SOService Order
SOStandard Oil
SOSold Out
SOStudent Organization
SOSafety Office
SOStrike Out
SOStanding Order
SOSpecial Operations
SOSouthern Company (stock symbol)
SOSecurity Officer
SOSenior Officer
SOSafety Officer
SOSystem Operator
SOStar Ocean (video game)
SOSims Online (game)
SOSymphony Orchestra
SOStaff Officer
SOSpecial Olympics
SOShout Out (Internet slang)
SOSheriff's Office
SOStuck Open
SOStack Overflow
SOSecond Officer
SOShared Object (UNIX)
SOSouthampton (UK postal code)
SOStrategic Objective
SOService Object
SOSystems Operations
SOSystem Owner (US NIST)
SOSistema Operacional (Brazil: Operating System)
SOSerial Output
SOShaquille O'neal (NBA Player)
SOSolothurn (Soleure; Suisse Canton)
SOSharePoint Online (Microsoft Office)
SOSystem Overload
SOStrung Out (band)
SOSchool's Out
SOSud-Ouest (French: south west)
SOSiehe Oben (German: see above)
SOScience Olympiad
SOStation Officer
SOSend Only
SOStaff Officer (commissioned Police Officer attached to Inspector-General of Police)
SOSpatial Orientation
SOSouthern Oscillation
SOSocket Outlet (British, electrical)
SOStrategic Outsourcing (IBM)
SOSales Out
SOScottish Office
SOSupply Officer
SOSud-Ovest (Italian: Southwest)
SOStyrene Oxide
SOStation Operator
SOShipment Order
SOSupervisor's Office (USDA)
SOSuccessful Offeror
SOSystem Outage
SOSuperior Oblique (eye muscle)
SOSeller's Option
SOSea Organization (Scientology)
SOSwitching Office
SOSteward Observatory (University of Arizona)
SOSpecialist Operations
SOSensor Operator
SOSouthern Airways (airline)
SOSpecial Orthogonal (mathematics; group theory)
SOSafety Observer
SOSolid Optical
SOSlow Oxidative
SOSondrio, Lombardia (Italian province)
SOSans Opinion (French : No Preference)
SOSystem Overheat
SOStewardship Ontario (Canada)
SOSemantic Object
SOSector Outperform (investing)
SOService Observe
SODivision Staff Officer
SOShow of Oil (drilling reports)
SOSurface Operator (MFD)
SOStockage Objective(s)
SOSource of Orgasm
SOSynchronous Oscillator
SOSupporting Organization of ICANN
SOService Overseer (Jehovah's Witnesses)
SOSchriftelijke Overhoring
SOSolicitation Officer
SOSaneringsonderzoek (Dutch: soil remediation research)
SOStep Off Ministry
SOShipment/Shipping Order
SOSeige Onager (Age of Kings game)
SOSüdost/Südosten (German: South-East)
RhRhesus factor
RhRelative Humidity
RhRight Hand
RhRessources Humaines (French: Human Resources)
RhReproductive Health
RhRobin Hood (KIVA algorithm)
RhRecursos Humanos (Portuguese)
RhRed Hot
RhResearch Highlights
RhRural Health (various locations)
RhRadiation Hybrid
RhRight Heart (cardiology)
RhRedhat Linux
RhRedhill (postcode, United Kingdom)
RhRadiohead (band)
RhRush Hour
RhRepublika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia)
RhRestaurant Hospitality
RhRed Herring (magazine)
RhRenkus-Heinz (audio equipment; Foothill Ranch, CA)
RhRechnungshof (Austrian auditing authority)
RhRose-Hulman (College)
RhRohm and Haas
RhRelative Hazard (statistics)
RhRunning Hour
RhRochester Hills
RhRed High
RhSouthern Rhodesia
RhRemote Handled
RhRobert Hooke (discovered the cell by zooming in on a slice of cork)
RhRadiation Hardened
RhRow Hit (computer engineering)
RhReal Heroes (band)
RhRadiation Hazard
RhRear Heater
RhRegional Head
RhRoad Head
RhRoad Hog
RhRegistered Herbalist
RhReceding Horizon (optimization technique)
RhRessources Halieutiques (French: Fisheries resources)
RhRubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter)
RhRadar Homing
RhReentry Home (US DoD)
RhRobert Huth
RhROM Hacking
RhRaffles Hall
RhReaction History
RhRiza Hawkeye (Lieutenant in anime Fullmetal Alchemist)
RhRice Hispa
RhRegistered Healer (International Natural Healers Association)
RhRadar Head
RhRolf Holstensson (chair retailer; Bodaford, Sweden; est. 1977)
RhRefined Hydrocarbon
RhReported in the House of Representatives (bill status)
RhResnik House (Carnegie Mellon University)
RhUS Revenue Cigarette Tubes (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
HP is repeatedHP is repeated
PPM (Post Meridian)
PPark (automatic transmissions)
PPower Set (mathematics, set of all subsets)
PMomentum (physics)
PPassed (that a bill was approved; US House)
PPhiladelphia, PA (mint mark)
PNorthern Ontario (postal code designation, Canada)
PPara (benzene)
PPolish (rabbit breed)
PPiano (music)
PParent Corporation (IRB)
PProvider (IETF RFC 2547)
PProgressive Scan
PPortugal (ISO Country Identifier)
PPriority (precedence level)
PPriority (logging abbreviation)
PProof (coin and stamp collecting)
PPentium (Intel processor)
PPatrol (US military aircraft designation; as in P-2D)
PPlug (electrical connector)
PParagraph (HTML)
PPedigree (breeding and genetics)
PProbability (Statistics, Probability theory)
PProbable (player's likelihood of participating)
PPursuit (US military aircraft designation, 1925-1947; as in P-51)
PPitcher (baseball)
PPhillips Petroleum (stock symbol)
PPegasus (as in PMail)
PPoints scored (hockey)
PPawn (Chess)
PPersonal issue (Stores 100 code)
PPartition function (mathematics; number theory)
PPico- (10^-12, SI Prefix)
PProgeny (breeding and genetics)
PPeta- (10^15)
PProline (amino acid)
PPropeller (aircraft type)
PPouce (French: inch)
PPolynomial (Complexity Theory)
PPermutation (probability)
PPhon (unit of apparent loudness)
PPunter (football)
PPhosphore (French)
PPhosphoprotein (virus protein)
PProbability of detection
PCompressional (wave)
PParental Generation (genetics)
PNewspaper Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
PPermeability Constant
PP Sub-Shell (second subshell of an electron shell)
POnde Prime (Italian: second wave; seismography)
PPhyomycetes (microbiology)
PPrimary Body Waves
PProcedure-Required Tuned NAVAID (aviation)
P(before officer title acronym) Past Officer
PFirst Heartbeat Wave
PUS DoT tire speed rating (93 mph)


ZGMT / UTC (logging abbreviation)
ZEffort (US DoD)
ZSpeed Rating (department of transportation maximum tire speed rating of 149+ MPH)
ZZoloft (anti-depressant)
ZAll Stop (bell log on a US Navy ship)
ZAtomic Number (number of protons in nucleus)
ZFlash (logging abbreviation)
ZFlash (Priority)
ZCorporation (IRB)
ZFootlocker (stock symbol)
ZZentner (German 50kg)
ZSet of Integers (math)
ZZulu Time
ZZetta- (prefix, 10^21 or sextillion)
ZCertain Amino Acids (glutamic acid, glutamine or a substance that yields glutamic acid on hydrolysis)
ZZygorhynchus (bacterium)
ZProton Number (physics)
ZSales in Full (newspaper stock table abbreviation)
ZLighter-Than-Air Vehicle (US Military aircraft type designation)
ZAdministrative Aircraft (US Navy)
ZRedshift Factor (determines how fast a cosmic object is moving away from Earth)
ZUltra Heavy Nuclei
ZUnit of Sleep
ZZylog, Incorporated
ZBenzyloxycarbonyl Compound
ZZuckung - Contraction
ZAnimalian Sex Chromosome (such as chickens and moths)
ZJet Terminal Area
ZAircraft Symbol Prefix – Planning
ZCenter of an algebraic group (mathematics)
ZDepth axis in Cartesian coordinate system
ZDiscrete-time complex variable (analogous to S in continuous-time; electrical engineering)
PHPhilippines (Internet top level domain)
PHPublic House
Potential of Hydrogen - negative 10-base log (power) of the positive hydrogen ion concentration; measure of acidity
PHPublic Health
PHHuman Performance
PHPhysical (layer, ISDN)
PHPopulation Health
PHPlease Help
PHParis Hilton
PHPearl Harbor
PHPerth (postcode, United Kingdom)
PHPersonal Hygiene
PHPulmonary Hypertension
PHPublic Holiday
PHPerpetual Help (Catholic schools)
PHPhiladelphia Chromosome (molecular biology)
PHPurple Heart
PHPeople Here (chat)
PHParliament House (various locations)
PHPizza Hut
PHPennsylvania Hospital
PHPhot (unit of illumination)
PHPort Harcourt
PHPranic Healing
PHPandora Hearts (anime)
PHPädagogische Hochschule (German: University on Education)
PHPhysically Handicapped
PHPin Hole
PHParathyroid Hormone
PHpubic hair
PHPulmonary Hemorrhage
PHProvidence Hospital
PHPleckstrin Homology
PHPrecipitation Hardening (steel)
PHPlace Holder (gaming)
PHProfessional Hunter
PHPhantom Hourglass (Zelda game)
PHPolicyholder (insurance)
PHParker Hannifin Corporation
PHPast Medical History
PHPotato Head (toy)
PHPotencial Hidrógeno (Spanish: Potential Hydrogen)
PHPeak Hour
PHProportional Hazard(s)
PHPurpura Hemorrhagica (horses)
PHPartial Hepatectomy
PHPhillips Head (screwdriver)
PHPeace Health
PHPartido Humanista (Portugese: Humanist Party)
PHphenylalanine hydroxylase
PHPaid Holiday
PHPilot House
PHPortola Hills (California)
PHPacket Header
PHPorter Hall
PHPlayer's Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons)
PHPharmacie Hospitalière (French: Hospital Pharmacy)
PHPablo Honey (Radiohead album)
PHPyramid Head (Silent Hill video game/movie)
PHPersonal Holiday
PHPackage Handler
PHPondus Hydrogenii (Latin: Hydrogen Weight)
PHPersonal Historian
PHPhase Type Distribution (probability concept)
PHProtocol Handlers
PHPacket Handler
PHPath History
PHPaul Heyman (former WWE Smackdown GM)
PHPotentia Hydrogenii (Latin: hydrogen power)
PHPoo Head
PHProduct Hierarchy
PHProbability of Hit
PHPrahova County (Romania)
PHPinch Harmonic (Guitar sound made by pinching the strings with the pick)
PHPizza Haven (Seattle, WA; est. 1958)
PHPillowhead (gaming clan)
PHParity High
PHPremium History (insurance)
PHPresentation Header (TMN)
PHPlataforma Humanista
PHPhysical Header
PHPrimal Heuristic (algorithm)
PHPorphyric Hemophilia (disease) (website)
PHPuissance de Hydrogen (French: power of hydrogen)
PHProtection and Handset
PHPoké Hunters (webcomic)
PH(USN Rating) Photographer's Mate
RORemoval of (medical)
RORun on (proofreading)
ROReverse Osmosis
RORight On
RORide-On (Montgomery County, Maryland transit provider)
RORagnarok Online (computer game)
RORoyal Oak (Michigan City, MI, USA)
RORead Only
RORegional Office
RORule Out
RORollover (financial)
RORovigo (Italy)
ROReorder (proofreading)
RORondônia (Brazilian state)
RORestraining Order
ROReliability of Operations
ROReverse Order
RORemains Open
RORadio Operator
RORed Orchestra (computer game)
RORegistered Owner
ROReserve Officer
RORecord Only
RORevenue Officer
ROResponsible Officer
ROResearch Only
ROResearch Objective
RORough Opening (construction)
RORoom Only (hotel)
RORock Opera
RORenewables Obligation (UK)
RORepair Order
RORuimtelijke Ordening (Dutch: spatial development)
RORisk Officer
RORussian Orthodox
RORadiation Oncologist
RORobust Optimization
RORequired One-Time
RORanking Officer
ROReceptor Occupancy (pharmacology)
RORoutine Order (Canadian Military)
ROReporting Officer
RORetired Officer (UK)
RORemote Operations
RORescue Officer
RORemote Office
ROTarom Romanian Air Transport (IATA airline code)
RORecherche Opérationnelle (French: Operations Research)
RORadar Operator
RORecognized Organization (various countries)
RORegistration Officer
ROReceive Only
RORequest Order
ROReactor Operator
RORequested Off (work schedule)
RORoyal Observatory
RORegnum Online (video game)
RORevenue Outturn (UK)
RORestriction Orifice (device used to drop pressure in a pipe)
ROResident Office
ROReviewing Official
RORequirements Officer
ROResidence Order
RORaphe Obscurus
RORange Only (sonobuoy, AN/SSQ-47)
RORoute Order
RORégime Obligatoire (French: Required Plan; health care)
RORelay Operator
RORate Offset
RORight Outboard
RORequirements Objective
RORequisitioning Objective
RORadiological Officer
RORegional Operation (various organizations)
RORotate Out (Hyper Logo Turtle Graphics command)
RORedistribution Order
RORutas Orientales (Spanish: Eastern Routes)
RORouting Office (US Navy)
RORegrets Only (invitation response)
RORéponse Objective (French)
RORegistered Optician
ROReportable Occurrence
ROResistive Open
RORouting Organisation
ROReport Orderly
ROUS Revenue Private Die Proprietary (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
STStar Trek
STStatement (Spender Audio Systems, Ltd.)
STSpring Training (baseball)
STSubject to (math)
STSpecial Training
STScience And Technology
STStandard Time
STSunday Times (newspaper; various locations)
STStores (on-line ordering and catalog system)
STSystems Technology
STStone (British weight;14 pounds)
STSpace Technology
STStore (IBM)
STSound Track
STSelf Test
STService Tax (India)
STSingapore Technologies (technology-based multinational conglomerate)
STSales Tax
STSoftware Test
STSeattle Times (newspaper)
STStream (Experimental Protocol - Rfc1190)
STStraight Time
STSplit (Split and Dalmatia county, Croatia)
STSaint Lucia
STSao Tome and Principe (top level domain)
STShort Tour
STSpecial Tools
STSource Text
STService Test
STStereo (sound)
STStraight Talk (Uganda newspaper)
STSystem Test
STStar Tours
STSemi Trailer
STShirley Temple (cocktail)
STShare Time (broadcasting operating schedule)
STSport Touring (motorcycle and riding style)
STSurface Temperature
STStoke On Trent (postcode, United Kingdom)
STScottish Terrier
STStratus (cloud formation)
STStory Teller (Larp and White Wolf Games)
STStokes (kinematic viscosity)
STSamantha Thavasa (store; New York)
STShania Twain (country music artist)
STSexual Tension
STSpinal Tap (band)
STStrike Team
STStraits Times (Singapore newspaper)
STSuch That (mathematics)
STSpace Telescope
STScar Tissue (Red Hot Chili Peppers song)
STScheduled Tribes (India)
STSeal Team
STSpecial Test
STSkip Tracing
STSecurity Target (IT security, informatics)
STSkin Temperature
STSuper Turbo (Street Fighter: Super Turbo game)
STSpirit Tracks (gaming)
STSuicidal Tendencies (band)
STStarship Troopers
STSports Technologies (Collinsville, CT)
STState Transport (India)
STSteam Turbine
STSelf-Titled (also seen as S/T)
STSingle Throw
STSupertramp (band)
STSound Transit (Seattle, WA)
STSarjana Teknik (Indonesian: Bachelor of Engineering)
STShark Tale (movie)
STSeagate Technology LLC
STSmokeless Tobacco
STSenior Technician
STSigning Time (tutorials)
STStreets and Trips (Microsoft)
STSymbol Time (algorithm)
STStar Tracker
STSex Therapist
STSpecial Tactics
STSundsvalls Tidning (Swedish newspaper)
STShort Ton
STSupertones (band)
STSpherical Trigonometry
STSlow Twitch (muscle fiber type)
STSuperTux (game)
STStandby Time
STSebastian Telfair (NBA Player)
STSpecial Text
STSpasmodic Torticollis
STSaving Tackle (soccer; a stopping of an unopposed opponent with the ball)
STSatellite Transmission
STSinus Tachycardia
STSindh Today (internet newspaper)
STSonic Team (game developers)
STSakura Taisen
STStraight Tip (AT&T fiber optic connector)
STSequential Timer (electronics)
STStructured Text
STSacrotuberous (ligaments)
STSecondary Target
STSenior Trooper
STSlovenske Telekomunikacie (Slovak: Slovak Telecom)
STSTMicroelectronics, Inc.
STSpecial Tooling
STSegment Type
STSimulation Testing
STSpherical Torus
STSunken Temple (World of Warcraft game)
STSagittal Translation
STShort Transverse
STSexy Thang
STSelf Timed
STSaint Tail (anime)
STStrangetown (Neighborhood in the Sims 2 computer game)
STSend Timing
STSpherical Tokamak
STStart Transmission
STSonar Technician
STStable Toxin
STSoul Theory (Buddhism)
STSubscriber Terminal
STSurveillance Test
STSine Tempore (Latin: date will start on time)
STSunni Tehreek (religious movement in Pakistan)
STSensitech, Inc
STStatistical Tolerance
STSuper Tunnel (a burrowing protocol)
STSixteen Thirty-Two (Atari computers)
STStudent Text Book
STStop Tone
STStrukturierter Text (German: Structured Text)
STShowturtle (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command)
STSynthesis Telescope
STStrategic Testing
STSignaling Tone
STStick and Turn (fiber optic cable connector)
STSteam Traced
STStanding Tank (gaming, Battleclash tank configuration)
STSpringfield Terminal Railway Company
STStatic Topology
STSleeve Target
STShort-range Transmitter
STSkull Tag (gaming)
STSignaling Terminal
STSector Tandem
STSnap and Twist (fiber optics cable connector)
STSubacute Sclerosing Pan-Encephalitis
STMissionary Servants of Most Holy Trinity (religious order)
STSpeech Therapy/Therapist
STSpiral to Tangent
STSinustachycardia (cardiology)
STSystems and Technology Directorate (NIMA)
STSurgicTube (website)
STStripper Thresher
ST(USN Rating) Sonar Technician
STSupply Tech/Technician
STShip/Scan Type
YPYellow Pages
YPYoung Professional
YPYour Problem (John Cleese)
YPYoung Person
YPYorkshire Post
YPYorke Peninsula (South Australia)
YPYield Point (PSI)
YPYard Patrol
YPYucatan Peninsula
YPPatrol Craft (Self-Propelled)
YPDistrict Patrol Vessel (US Navy)
YPAero Lloyd Flugreisen (Germany, IATA airline code)
YPYukon Party (Canada)
YPYears Purchase
YPYuri-Prime (Westwood Studios)
HIHawaii (US postal abbreviation)
HIHoliday Inn
HIHealth Insurance
HIHindi (linguistics)
HIHome Improvement
HIHandicap International
HIHead Injury
HIHigh Intensity (carbon)
HIHealth International
HIHydraulic Institute
HIHelpAge International
HIHostelling International
HIHarris Interactive
HIHospital Insurance
HIHumanitarian Intervention
HIHealth Informatics (various organizations)
HIHigh Impedance
HIHeart Institute
HIHuman Impact (index)
HIHearing Impairment
HIHaemophilus Influenzae (bacteria)
HIHarvest Index
HIHeifer International
HIHardware Item
HIHuman Interactions
HIHemagglutination Inhibition
HIHostile Intent (gaming, Half-Life Modification)
HIHeartland Institute (Chicago, IL)
HIHudson Institute
HIHydrogen Index
HIHeat Insulated
HIHead Guard (lifeguarding)
HIHasbro Interactive
HIHazard Index
HIHurley International (clothing company)
HIHorizontal Integration
HIHistoriographical Institute (University of Tokyo; Japan)
HIHeritage India (festival)
HIHumorous Interpretation
HIHydriodic Acid
HIHousehold International, Inc. (stock symbol)
HIHeliospheric Imager
HIHigh Inquisitor (Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time)
HIHomicidal Ideation
HIHeight Indicator
HIHearing International
HIHospital Income (health insurance)
HIHeight of Instrument (surveying)
HIHochspannungsinstitut (German: High Voltage Institute)
HIHarmony Incorporated (International Organization of Women's Barbershop Singers)
HIHorizontal Indicator (aviation)
HIHandover Initiation
HIHeavy Inspection
HIHerramientas Industriales (Spanish: hardware industry)
HIHeadington Institute (Pasadena, CA)
HIHertzian Indentation
HIHazelwood Initiative, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA)
HIHollingshead International
HIHovedstadens Jernbane-Idræt
HIHorizontal Inverval
HIHochschulverband für Informationswissenschaft eV
HIHigh Nuc in Backhaul Check (airfare construction)

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