The Marvelous Underground Journey of Baron Trump and his wonderful dog Bulger was published by Ingersoll Lockwood (which I believe is a pen-name) and people say because of this book Trump is a time traveler. The truth is far more plausible. #plaintext #ciphertext #cryptic #messages
"Fires burning in the Atlas Mountains on the northern coast of Algeria turned deadly in late August 2007. Several people were killed by forest fires that were driven rapidly across the landscape by sirocco winds (hot dry winds that blow from Africa’s interior deserts toward the Mediterranean). According to news reports, thousands of soldiers were deployed to help battle the fires. Cooler weather and firefighting efforts brought many fires under control by August 31."
Several wildfires in northern Algeria have caused damage and killed at least two people as of Saturday, November 7. Fires have been reported in ten out of 58 provinces in the country, with the largest burning near the coastal city of Tipaza, where the two fatalities were reported. Authorities in Tipaza province had already announced 2020 to be the worst year for wildfires since 2010 in September, with nearly 900 hectares (2200 acres) of forest or farmland destroyed. Officials have stated that an additional 50 firefighters had been deployed from Algiers to fight the fire which has been burning for two days.
ALGIERS: Algeria’s president on Sunday ordered an “immediate” investigation into forest fires that have ravaged thousands of hectares across the country in recent days, his office said.
Bahrain According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Fires Deaths in Bahrain reached 8 or 0.32% of total deaths. The age-adjusted Death Rate is 0.72 per 100,000 of population ranks Bahrain #136 in the world.
This "high performance" "high profile" "hidden power" can be seen through various reports released on news and social media sites. I will try my best to use this with the plans "data set" to give a better understanding of what I've seen for the last two years.
There is a geographical aspect focused on earthquakes, explosions, and flooding.
Lake Oswego is noted by LO. The layout design is in the same cluster of line items. Prior is FORM STROKE (swimming); interesting a water line broke in this area!
New Article on Hawaii... excerpt
"The motion following the 2018 M6.9 earthquake and eruptive activity was caused by the magmatic intrusion in Kīlauea’s East Rift Zone exerting pressure on the south flank. The volcano adjusts after the combined effects of both the intrusion along the East Rift Zone and the large earthquake.
Following the M6.9 and 2018 eruption, Kīlauea’s East Rift Zone had been showing inflation consistent with magma supply to the volcano’s shallow magma storage system. However, at the start of Kīlauea’s ongoing summit eruption in December 2020, the upper portion of the East Rift Zone started to show signs of contraction. GPS stations along the upper and middle parts of the rift zone started to move northward, which is a rare occurrence on such a short timescale. This was occurring while Kīlauea’s summit was deflating at the onset of the eruption."
SHOWS FORWARD AND BACKWARD 911 (their signature mark)
This system of systems is monitored by aerial networks controlled by N A S A, S K Y N E T, and A i r b u s. These systems are used to keep information from hitting the airwaves so you the people don't understand the full scope of it, and since journalists work for a paycheck, they're stuck doing their jobs by keeping secrets in the office.
These people have managed to help a system turn against themselves
The functions of every system have been tweaked to fit a Utopia like life where everyone is tied to the same system; People are merged with Artificial Intelligence and those who won't do it are beheaded. This ouroboros system is about your soul and the war is within you. Everyone has something to do with this in one way or another like it or not.
CT is C H E M I C A L T E R R O R I S M
In golubtchika and mazuntchick is the acronym CT. This means various things such as stated and ciphertext. That's what I'd been doing. Ciphering this text. And what I found was really disturbing. Since the inception of this work, many aspects have already played out. Such as C h e m i c a l T e r r o r i s m looks like C O V I D 19. If you look through the character names you will see different locations and various diseases. These diseases are also different in every location. It looks to me like they're basically labeling everything C O V I D 19 even when it isn't. Whatever the situation this has a 99% mortality rate and it's still be labeled a p a n d e m i c? Why? And why are the American people not standing in unison with one another? I can bet it has something to do with the social conditioning and hypnotic trance they put the public in with the international social programming operations they have in place.
They're sending us into a mini-ice age using geothermal systems, physics models, radars systems, and financial systems that have long been in place to blow the San Andreas fault lines along with the New Madrid and possibly Japans volcanic isle (that will cause a tsunami); splitting America in half. The same evening there will be a t e r r o r i s t a t t a c k on our soil by China and Russia.
Argentina and Hong Kong are leading in the educational sector to train up the perfect people to continue this system of systems into the New World Order after all this is DONE.
The Queen was telegraphing Boom Go die in a fire when Obama was in office as reported a few times in the past.
Telegraphs and earthquakes would be coming out of these areas on the map that I've screenshot. Caves in Switzerland flood and trap men age from 25-55. READ THE ARTICLE> It's saying hide in a cave for a week it will be hell up here for a week.
Christmas storm in North California is showing the beginning of this Ice Age they're creating. This name I've listed is inflicted with devastating issues. These are negative impact areas.
Strained global supply chains are tightening further as the Suez Canal — one of the world’s busiest waterways — remained blocked Friday by the 224,000-ton cargo ship Ever Given.
EAST RIDGE, Tenn (WDEF) – Over the last several weeks Chattanooga has been hit with several damaging rain showers which caused a landslide on March 19th to one of the East Ridge tunnels.
"To understand the questions raised over creating a separate Malibu Unified School District and disbanding from Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District — it's important to follow the money — and know the costs of this potential split"
"NORTH EAST — Investigators are blaming a malfunctioning heater for causing an underground biodiesel storage tank at a North East travel center to explode, resulting in an estimated $300,000 damage, according to the Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal."
Perfect love casts out all fear: “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22
There's zero doubt in my mind about me knowing what the elite are up too. What they're hiding, who they're working through, and how they're working it are encoded into the pages of this book. I've got their entire plan in cryptic format. The Catholic Church, secret societies, international gangs, local community networks, and more are coded into the pages of this book. And I know it without a doubt. Anyone who wants to learn would need time to study to. I'd like to jump you over the learning part and show you what I learned.
Once you see the scenario -we're covering in this post- as many times as I. You end up knowing everything done in the world today is coded into the pages of this book. From assassinations to weather modifications. If you don't know all the connections I've made. Please, search these posts to find out.
Keep in mind.
I will be transferring all of my work to a central location to combat those that keep interfering with it.
(update: May 2, 2021 I've went out on a limb and purchased me a website with security protection so that I can get this message out while sharing my testimony)
My work herein is from a book entitled the Marvelous Underground Journey of Baron Trump and his wonderful Dog Bulger. It came to me as a revelation from the Lord of Hosts thru the Holy Spirit. And he has since asked me to call to repentence anyone remotely close to the contents of this book's actions.
That pretty much is the whole world.
By paying careful attention to detail to the contents of this book it becomes clear the cryptic plan for EVERYTHING --including the stock exchange (as it is full of "insider" information)-- is what the author was referring to when he said "Don Fum's mysterious directions."
What's even more mind-bending than that. All of my testimony was wrapped up in its pages. To explain that as briefly as possible. I've always had a mustard seed of faith starting the day I asked Christ into my life. But, I look back now and can say that it was only a mustard seed cause I didn't believe much of anything written in the word (although I knew in my spirit the bible was perfect I couldn't prove it yet). So I searched and the Lord put the Prophet, Jonathan Kleck, before my face and his prophecy of New York and the Hoover Dam is exactly what is encoded into the pages of this text.
People are always trying to convince me he is a "false prophet" not realizing I had trouble watching Kleck for a short time when Abba Father showed me who Kleck is (read Acts 3:21-23).
In the encrypted message this book displays -in the data sets I've worked on- it shows what's printed on the money as being the main objective of the plan for North America or what the cipher refers to as the "Nation of the Damned." The event the Prophet Kleck has been warning about is set to happen at any moment in the very near future and the "signals" I talk about are regarding these very things. I've never been good at explaining this. I will try my hardest to be real concise as to what I'm referring to.
I think everyone should know. We could see it happen any second really. Although I know this much,
There are a few things I've yet to learn about this plan.
I'd like to use this post to talk about things I know, things I speculate on, and possibilities by case scenario. Let's use a relative topic here. Telegraphing, cipher contents, and news of these events.
Enoch 1 68:1-9 teaches us the watchers came down and taught men in various ways. The teaching of these watchers is still very relevant today.
The name of the 4th angel / watcher is Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness;"And pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom.
He taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and paper.
Therefore numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day. For men were not born for this, thus with pen and with ink to confirm their faith;
Since they were not created, except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure.
Nor would death, which destroys everything, have effected them;
But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also its power consumes them.
This work is all about telegraphing, signals, and hidden knowledge of things. I can assure you there's an elite group of people who are coding everything they do into news outlets night and day. They also use games and the entertainment industry to convey secret messages too.
Just cause I'm pointing out a sector of a market and revealing negative aspects of that system doesn't mean I'm accusing any or everyone in the entire market. It's not my intention to single out any one person. Although job titles are also in the cipher it's rather clear many are unaware of the exploitation factor attributed to every field of interest in the world today. Any market or sector included in the pages of this cipher is affected by the systems exploitation attribute -found in "cipher line items of mikkamenkies & sodomises"- and there will be people carrying out the objectives specified right along-side the one's who aren't. If you're in one of these markets and looked into ways that system could be exploited -trying to find evidence of such - you will find this truth.
Essentially this cryptic plan shows us every system is exploited and it's everyday people carrying out these activities of telegraphing.
Something to think about;
Try to picture this a moment. For every segment of the market, there is a CEO or President running the show. The man at the top (President / CEO) knows everything about the system, his Vice President would know just as much if not a little less, and as the industry (or corporation) branches out people know less.
Let's talk about how this would look and apply to the media.
Someone in that sector of the market would be involved, in this plan, to code and transmitting messages to obtain, give orders to, or answer a specific job task. The job tasks can be related, multi-tasking, and even singular, specific, to only one part of the market, and so on. ((All job tasks are compartmentalized for this reason)) As mentioned at the top there's an "owner-operator" functioning with full understanding as to what is being done, why it's being done, by who it's being done, and when.
Don Fum tells us the main objectives that currently would be telegraphed these days:
Seismic earthquakes
Hail Storms
Severe Winters (referred to as Icelandic Hawk)
Intense hurricanes
El Nino or El nina's
child trafficking and drug trafficking BUSTS
Also trafficking operations that currently are ongoing.
Chemical terrorism
and assassinations
There are other objectives such as "normalizing deviance" and aerosol injections being telegraphed daily too. Each of these operations would be telegraphed in separate outlets. You'd get a piece of information pertaining to the job task in one article and it may take ten articles to transmit the entire message. The cipher also tells me some of the job task information is encoded into the Macros of a photo. These main objectives are found in Don Fums mysterious directions cipher text database and so are the instructions.
Everything relating to those basic instructions obtained in the ciphertext would be in publications listed within the cipher. Like Lloyds list is posted in bullibrain and chillychops. Because of this we know then that Lloyds list London has a place they transmit these messages pertaining to this system's outlined plan.
If I were to picture someone -just to visualize how probable this would be / how it would function- this person would possibly be a multi-tasker / probably be a "secret" cryptographer / and most definitely would be an author (or the head boss of authors) who know how to code and is publishing their work daily in this publication. **Or they author for someone who does.** It's these specifics I lack understanding in. Also, this said person could be an author who is somehow business related to the author of TOMATO NATION's post (found in ant people, transparent folk, and Don's full name and was connected to S A R S) or they could have zero knowledge of the author. It's these relational aspects I will never know, and they're really not that important either, just knowing the relationship of these is needed in understanding the basics of this cipher.
Last year, just prior to Sars, I posted the linked articles about the Tomato nation's connection on ciphertext and did a video about it. In a video a month or so later I talked about the post and even went over it but didn't notice that it mentioned sars at that time. I only knew it was wishing Don a happy Birthday (which is really profound, to say the least). Months later, going back over my research, that's when I realized how profound the connection was, seeing as it said; Thank you SARS in one of the comments.
I looked up the publication because that's what Don Fum instructed me to do in the cipher. You can see this for yourself by going to the link provided. Months later I saw the thank you SARS and I was floored! This is no coincidence! Tomato nation is part of the telegraph no question about it. Do you realize how big that connection is? Everyone knows about SARs. Countries were shut down! Israelites are being forced to take the jab right now. Every news station in the world is talking about a mutation of Sars.
And I never would've visited that site if it weren't for this cipher having it in its contents.
Found on Tomato Nation, in the same comment section that's dedicated to lines of Happy Birthday Don. With 146 comments altogether there's a comment saying they never knew don. But, they came to thank him every year on 9.1.1 and say Happy Birthday!!? 911 is a huge day in America wouldn't you agree? And here we have this book- that in its cipher it says September 11th- as if it's aiming to repeat another event?
Tomato Nation is no small connection
If you've been following this work you should know this already. But, if you're just coming into this please find out who he is.
As stated in the video, this post is directly related to Don Fum from the book! That's how elaborate this plan is. YOU SEE WHY THEY MESS WITH MY MATERIAL SO MUCH NOW? To make the situation that more profound. There are two of these books with the same name and the first one is mentioned in the second one. Plus, it's about muslims. So as to be pointing to the muslim wars in Iraq and Afganistan? I turned a name or two around in the first book, and yes, that's exactly what I surmized; this book is another plan to create a 9 1 1 event on American soil AGAIN. The first book was the cryptic plan for the first event and this book is a cryptic plan for the second plan (they're currently carrying out). The people involved with this post KNOW SOMETHING
Seriously, this can only mean one thing. They know Don FUM as MUF nod (about this cipher) and I can only speculate that 9 1 1 is his birthday cause it's their anniversary...
It's more than likely there is an entire team of intelligent people working together at the top of this intelligent design that would never guess a little peon like me would see these connections. Oh, the glory of knowing the Messiah. Yeah, that's what they're talking about on the Tomato Nation website! Don Fum! So, this makes it clear, there are those who know about this plan. Whoever wrote that post is skilled, knowledgeable of this plan, and I'd bet everything they also knew about 9 1 1 before it happened too because it really does appear as if they did the same thing with that plan to carry the attacks out by encoding each operation into the contents of the first book and then media outlets helped.
This is the plan to the SECOND 911 that will take down the hoover dam and wipe out the coastal cities as well as split this nation in half by a seismic earthquake along the American Craton.
Let me be more specific / explain this in another way cause I realize not a lot of people understand what this work is about.
TN, an acronym formed from the ciphers decoding stage, is tomato nation and it's found in a few of the names like ant people, transparent folk, and so on. it mingles itself with other names by the acronym. So ant people and transparent folk would have intel that complimented/completed one another. For instance, Tomato nation is listed in the telegraph where it says chemical terrorism (in golubtchika and mazuntchick) which is in the same name as CIPHER TEXTS and CHEMICAL TERRORISM (mazuntchick).
That means Chemical Terrorism and Tomato nation have a special connection. Since it's a publication one can only speculate it would have viable information coded into it. In essence, this is where intelligence about Chemical terrorism could/would be transmitted according to the ciphertext! Now, what are the odds that upon going to the page of tomato nation we are looking at a THANK YOU SARS and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DON comment section?
There are no odds for this!
This scenario and revelation give us a little more detail about how the telegraph system is working (the line item "telegraph system" is found in Don Constantino, and Strepholofidgeuarnerismfum, as well as a couple other names). Hopefully, you get the point of this web of connecting factors enough that anytime you're reading about this you can visualize what's being said.
To sum this post up. It is my strong conviction to point out these attributes and continue to call people in these professions to repentance. Whover you are wherever you are makes no difference. What does matter is whether or not you accept the free gift of salvation through repentance and follow up with obedience. Jesus Christ died for YOU. He died so YOU may have life. People are dying daily from these covert operations and while you may not have your hands dipped directly in the blood. You indirectly are guilty of the bloodshed by association. Guilty by association I believe is worse than guilt by own actions. Least you had a choice to agree to do the thing. Many working in these respective fields are guilty of their senseless actions without knowing what they're even participating in.
As I mentioned earlier every system in operations today has been exploited. While many good men/woman work in these alphabet agencies help people daily there are those who stalk, monitor, harass, and sabotage. Who knows who is who?
You do. It's written "our conscience testifiy's for us to us". This means you will know whether or not you are guilty of anything because of your own conscience. I must also throw out here. Are you aware that the biblical message tells us living in the flesh was the original sin; idol worship? This means we all are born separated from our Creator the moment we come out of the womb and whoever don't repent and seek Jesus we will be sentenced to eternal hellfire. Those who do are granted to escape the second death. So you may be a "good" person but I'm sure there are tens of millions of "good" people in hell cause it's only one way back to the Father and that's thru the Son... Jesus Christ.
Repent and seek the Lord Jesus while you can. Judgement is upon us and your time is really up.
John 3:16
For he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.
The air quality in the USA is steadily decreasing what is causing this?
According to D.F. it's the air. I've also watched this unfold over the last year and a half. It has to do with air pollution. Which ya know, when you think about it, it would take a long time to find out what they were putting in the air and all the other specifics if you were searching with no information. If I were a scientist. I'd test myself and everyone I could with the chemicals listed in this cipher. There are chemicals in every name. I used the Universities and matched the Universities to the aerosol injections per the cipher's instructions. My mind is blown when it matched up. I'm no scientist tho. Can't wish I could would my way through this cipher. But, I can, however, match the areas of bad air quality to the areas of volcanic activity.
See for yourselves
I would seriously love to get my hands on the "outlook survival kit" talked about in the cipher from the Marvelous Underground Journey of Baron Trump and his wonderful Dog Bulger
Earthquakes are happening in the areas of volcanoes. This steady flow of jolts is prophecy unfolding. Plus, it aids in putting mouse units of toxicity into the air?
This is mentioned various ways through-out the text and our news reports are proving everyday we are inching close to the RELEASE THE NUKES stage embedded into the cipher of this book. There's plenty of information to cover regarding Don Fum, and it's impossible to share it all in one video/post, be sure to navigate through-out this blogs many posts. We're talking about WAR and TRIBULATION. A time spoken of since the beginning of time and expounded on from the very breath of our Creator through his one and only living son.
There are that many events embedded into the pages of this book that I've not had enough available time to pinpoint every detail. ((I'm only human ya'll)). But we've got more than enough to make ya think really hard about what this world really is about. As it is written: Jesus didn't come for the righteous ones but the sinners, and through this work, I hope to touch one of those sinners with all that's been revealed to me. Anyhow: It's my belief we should be ready to meet our maker every single moment of every single day. But it's imperative now. I believe if you haven't done it already. Your too late. This attack is sitting on our shores. Cipher tells me this is a 5 year plan. We are now in year three and I'm mighty shocked this hasn't already happened.
Didn't Obama in recent past state: "The end of the Republic never looked better" ? Yes. He did. And Recall Trump talking about the "calm before the storm"? When I first started this I knew I could be wrong about it being their plans. But to be honest, I knew I wasn't from the moment I turned around DON FUM to get MUF NOD. It was plain to see that it was a military code-never thought I'd learn as much as I did- just thought it be easy to tell my testimony with. However, there is a lot to be discovered throughout this publication that's a book made to rule, run, and control the world. I've never been great at anything. But I do know my experiences, and I'm great at telling them, oddly they collided with this piece of work. What brought me to understand this? My experience out here in the world coupled with endless hours of research. And to be honest, 10 years ago (maybe even 5) I'd have said all this is crazy. I realize I could've just been reaching here. But, with every acronym, I recorded the meaning of, there was this picture being painted that verified everything I learned through life experiences. Many questions that lingered after the reveal that occurred back in 2018- when I realized this aeronautics engineer associated with N A S A is confirmed to be at the center of my targeting (that's resulted in many attempts on my life) and I tell that story on, questions lingering from this were answered out of this cipher. I know I can say this is as the scriptures say, there is nothing done in the darkness that won't come out in the light. All things came to light as I was promised. HOW AMAZING? I found answers to questions such as:
What happened to make me targeted in the first place? Whose funded the insurmountable amounts of money spent following me, stealing from me, lying on me, and lots of nefarious activities they had to pay people to do like changing doctor records to keep from healthcare for years? How did they pull off some unbelievably crazy covert deeds? And why was the police presence in my life like I was a criminal? How do all life's lies I've learned fit in with all of this? These are questions people don't normally find answers to. I found them in a book by turning the names around and breaking them down into acronyms! That's just bizarre if you ask me! But I'm telling you the truth when I say: it gave me all the answers I needed and then some. This is how I know what I'm looking at (special teaching of my Father through the Holy Spirit). It also answered many other questions like whose behind weather manufacturing, what chemicals and the process they use, how the ancient disease(s) would rapidly rise, how earthquakes are manufactured, what technology is implemented, and what the final result would be. The day or the hour I do not know. But, the telegraphs are telling me we are close. In fact, so close, I write this with urgency (to those who don't believe the word of God); a plea that you get all the facts of what I'm saying through a deep look at every aspect of the cipher (by looking at the character names in code listed here on the blog) if you don't already know what's going to happen (as well as having accepted it as being the truth) it would be absurd to make an assessment because there's no way to make a logical one without "digging deep".
Area's of the globe such as West Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri are to in effect experience massive devastation. Even though this is a 5-year plan. The last year is set to be an environmental clean-up. That means by year 4 a seismic earthquake splitting America in two, opening an "ancient river" that runs from Lake Michigan all way down into Arkansas known as the New Madrid Fault line --that sits on tectonic plates-- followed up with war among Russia and USA, Taiwan and Peoples Republic of China, UK, Germany could possibly be well underway. Don Fum's mysterious directions aren't a silly game or hoax either. I'm not perfect, writing with an editor, and aiming for an award either.
Are you aware of the language Trump used in the State of the Union? Did you notice he was speaking about America as if it were in the past tense? What about the times up movement. Do you know what that is? Or the speech Obama did talking about "ordinary men and woman can't govern themselves, and will have to give up their sovereign rights", he also spoke of an "international order they worked generations to achieve". There are also these other weird facts. He applied for the 66th seat in the UN. It's been proven he is the biblical antichrist. And what leader of a country refers to a "red wedding". Red wedding is in reference to betrayal. Those betrayed get slaughtered at dinner (in-game of thrones) What man in his position laughs and makes jokes about slaughtering the people? There are many who believe that it was just a "joke". Nothing to be taken seriously. And I'm here to tell you there is more evidence than there is no evidence of this. Trump with his "we have the best military" in a photo op one afternoon. Who says that after just saying "this must be the calm before the storm"? The prophesies Jonathan Kleck has made the look more and more accurate daily even to those who are naturally blinded by the spirit in him. IF you readjust the highlighted words. It's easy to tell this is a cryptic grid. Look up the places yourselves (if you don't trust the information already documented) see what type of damage the area has sustained, or what transformer was blown, and how many fires have ravished the place. You will see exactly what I'm talking about. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put a puzzle together.
The first strike was a fire starting related to fire science. So long as you "follow the fires" you could see what word they were in and what things would be going on at that time. The locations are listed by the country for international operations, by the university for aviation, and the encrypted grid repeats itself yearly. Same basics just different people and setting. For instance, the universities when matched up to the worldview have aligned themselves with the day it says ionospheres, stratospheric, and aerosol injections would be applied. It said 2 days a week for one given area such as Sunday and Thursday. When you compared the locations of universities on one map. To the worldview, you can see clouds have been manufactured in the exact area of the locations. The mention of the railways is to denote the area of focus, and the telegraphs give nuggets of information you can gather to paint an even more clear picture. Telegraphs also originally went up and down the railway to transmit messages. The current transformer appears to be connected to staged events as well as the manufactured storms. These storms are happening all across the world. Not just here in America. But what are the odds of my testimony lining right up with this, I see clearly the picture this paints, the insurmountable proof Jonathan has, his prophecies, this text, Obama's talks, news that makes no sense, and crap like Trump's rhetoric? Why would he speak as if we are in the past tense? Countless other anomalies that are FAR TOO MANY TO IGNORE!
I've heard probably every conspiracy theory in the book, and for the most part, all of them have been proven to be true. William Cooper had been warning about 9.1.1 just before he was assassinated. I'm not sure if it was him, but many of these conspiracy theories talked about an alien invasion, and here this text eludes to an alien invasion. Meanwhile, in the press, we see sightings have gone up tremendously in the last few years. Because this is supposed to be a "fictional" book no-one would ever see these connections, nor would they even attempt to look. And without much investigation. You may find this hard to believe. The book says in its opening statements. "unbelievers jump up all jump in the box-like". I'm saying don't be one of those.
Don Fum comes from Barons mentors full name Don Constantino Bartolomeo Strepholofidgeguaneriusfum Further investigation of this name in the Roman Catholic Church with the title of Archbishop Bartholomew I of Constantinople
The connection to Roman Catholic Church is for the existing ministerial understanding that will bridge all religions that we can currently see clearly happening. This gentleman with a very familiar name is he part of the church with an acting position of "inter-faith". His deeds have earned him the title "Green Patriarch". He is known to be a bridge to all the different faiths. His name is derived from the greek "Christos". There is also a connection to "black arts" and satanic rituals performed by this very same institution. Many unknowns did exist however watching news bits I've seen the church was under scrutiny for child molestations in a high number. Since the beginning of this plan, there have been a few high-level members indicted and found guilty of child rape allegations. I strongly believe this is more of their "false smut".
In my previous posts, I did an entire breakdown of the name spelled backward. This is where I found a pattern that I knew needed to be applied to the cipher. It's an IT language using 2 strings. It just so happens I took some IT classes ages ago and recognized its properties.
Initially, I thought there were only two separate strings to use, but there are more, and I can identify at least 4 of them. There's also more than one way to decode the words. I did a 4,3,2 sequence in the larger sequence I came up with cities, connections to the entertainment industry, stocks, and other industries currently in the news for war, protests, and more. These coded words, when you used combined nomenclature, were similar to stories currently in the news. We know now the plan is a 5-year plan, has "off-limits" zones, and looks much like this in its cryptic form:
1. OLOT a city in Spain2. Lord of the Rings 3. Abon Pharmaceuticals (involved in Nano technologies)4.CNOD (which is a weapon magnifier) (dont know news on this yet)5. OEM told me there is a special relationship to IT6. OEM is also an old economy model (could this be WW2 model? there is further reason later down the cipher to make me say so)7. Tells us the office of the leader of opposition is in play OLO8. Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church is definitely a factor9. TRA is Investigation The 3 letter sequence is INVESTIGATION10. TRA 3 letter sequence leads us to The centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) which develops and implements infrastructure known as the CMS Technical Reference Architecture (TRA) they provide "authoritative technical architecture approach and technical reference standards to assure the secure and high-quality delivery of healthcare services to beneficiaries, providers, and business partners. Might I say I deal personally with the healthcare Industry and it is failing the people? Quite a good way to do business ey when it's operation depopulation?11. in the 3 letter sequence the Texas board of Nursing, a programming language, music, and ITN is a UK-based television production company made up of two divisions. Based in Jerusalem, Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Sydney, and Washington DC.
12. ATS is a few things. one is an open one which is a web-based enterprise system that is built for todays electric, water, propane, and environmental utility companies. ATS is also a worldwide leader in entertainment and production services that works with every major network and studio (does this scream controlled news or what?) ATS is also another programming language 13. NOC is a network operation center , and a guns dealer (NOC) It is about this time I realize a person can follow the stocks. I almost bet that the stocks that are included here in this report can be followed and they will be the primary stocks that you could switch between to raise your income 14. Nod is a reference to NIGHT OF DARKNESS15. NAVY ORDINANCE DEPOT16. NOTICE OF DISPOSITION When I used the 2 sequence I found some more strange correlations. 17. MO is in reference to MODUS OPERANDI which is used in the abbreviated forms MO or simply method. This is meant to mean "method of operating" This English term is used to describe someones habits or manner of working, the method of operating or functioning. It is often used in a criminal sense to profile the methods employed by individuals during the execution of a crime, and may be used for offender profiling. It also can be used to find clues to the perpetrators psychology. Largely consisting of the methods used to execute the crime, prevent detection, and facilitate escape. Coincidence? I think NOT18. LO which is (worry) used to call attention to!!19. TR was a string utility which is comprised of string 1 and string 2 (the IT LANGUAGE I previously noted)20. AB is an IT dashboard that contains budgetary data for FEDERAL IT investments cost savings associated with data center (could this be the company that's in on the Stock KNOW?) AB is also a global asset management firm providing investment management and research services worldwide to institutional high-net-worth and retail investors. Based in NYC has approx. 546 BILLION in assets as of Aug. 201821. RAB us a radio advertising bureau (looks like all media is covered so far! Could this be where they telegrah doings?) This string also gives us these additional clues to associations.1. office of naval intelligence2. NAT= Network address translation (NAT) is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing device.(this is how they are able to keep a persons "post" out of a timeline like Facebook) 3. North America (is the subject)4. top secret5. Times Square6. Transfer station7. New Order8. Night operation9. Peoples Republic of China10. combined nomenclature which is the devising or choosing of names for things especially in science or other discipline, the body or system of names in a particular field11. operational down-link12. oil distribution has a play too 3. ONIT is a business intelligence company
We can see this is a night operation that is considered "top secret" that will happen in Times Square, which so happens to be in North America, there's an operational down-link. Navy operations and the ONI are centered here along with Russia and the People's Republic of China. Now, what are the odds of this military code being in a book that tells us it's a cryptic vault? Do you honestly believe you can turn names around in any book and find these strange connections? It's obvious these connections aren't a coincidence. They are purposely done for sinister and selfish reasons. But do these people know? Keep in mind, this same format repeats itself over and over to clearly paint the picture I'm always trying to convey in almost everything I describe these days. This can mean only one thing; EVERYTHING IS STAGED.
Here are the top 4 stocks I pulled directly from this first name of the master of masters: These corporations have many deals going down these days. Lots of weapons of war being manufactured daily, chemicals being used in our waterways, foods, and air.
AB Alliance Berstein Global Assets Management firm
NAT Nordic American Tanker Ltd
someone has to manufacture chemicals for the aerosol injections right? Someone has to make weapons of war. Someone has to manage these assets. And someone has to put this altogether too. That's what this text is about. And there are no odds for such a thing. I don't care what no one says. There simply are no odds for any of this. And it's truly worth looking into.